通气功能,Ventilatory function
1)Ventilatory function通气功能
1.Effects of laparoscopic surgical procedures on ventilatory function in patient with abdominal trauma or acute abdomen;急腹症病人采用腹腔镜手术对通气功能影响的初步探讨
2.Relationship between ventilatory function and body composition in overweight and obese adolescents;肥胖、超重青少年通气功能与体成分关系
3.Objective To explore the application of ventilatory function examination of auditory tube in the physical examination for pilot recruitment.目的 探讨咽鼓管通气功能检查法在招飞体检中的应用。

1.The Effect of the Taiji on Pulmonary Function of Old Men;太极气功对老年人肺通气功能的影响
2.The Changes of Pulmonary Ventilation Function and Diffusing Function in Patients with Essential Hypertension;高血压病患者肺通气功能和弥散功能的变化
3.The lung function damage is limitation ventilation dysfunction and diffusion dysfunction.肺功能损害表现为限制性通气功能障碍及弥散功能障碍。
4.Effect of decomposition products of SF6 by high voltage on pulmonary ventilation function of workers六氟化硫电气设备弧后气体对作业人员肺通气功能的影响
5.Normal Value of Pulmonary Ventritative Function of Children Aged 7-12 Years in Chongqing重庆市7~12岁儿童肺通气功能正常值的探讨
7.Association between Body Composition and Pulmonary Ventilation Function in Children and Adolescents: A Cross-sectional Study;儿童青少年体成分与肺通气功能相关性研究
8.Effects of Swimming on Lung Ventilation Function of Middle-Aged People and Old People;游泳运动对中老年人肺通气功能的影响
9.Effect of smoking and dust exposure on pulmonary ventilation function;煤矿工人吸烟与粉尘暴露对肺通气功能的影响
10.The changes in pulmonary ventilation function during Taijiquan exercise in college students;大学生太极拳练习中肺通气功能的变化
11.Characteristics of lung ventilation function and constitutional analysis of university students in high latitude areas;高海拔地区大学生肺通气功能特征与体质分析
12.Influences of Wushu Set Exercises on Female Undergraduates Respiratory Function;武术套路运动对女大学生肺通气功能的影响
13.Investigation and Analysis of Respiratory Function of the Chinese Ex-swimming Male Athletes;我国退役男子游泳运动员肺通气功能的分析
14.A Study of the Pulmonary Ventilation Function of Boxers Before and After a Competition Simulation;对拳击运动员实战练习前后肺通气功能的研究
15.Research on the relationship between the ventilation resistance and the function of the Eustachian tube咽鼓管通气阻力与功能的相关性分析
16.Effects of end-inspiratory pause on respiratory function during one-lung ventilation for thoracic surgery;单肺通气期间吸气末停顿对呼吸功能的影响
17.Clinical analysis on treatment of patients requiring postoperative mechanical ventilation in general surgery ICU普通外科术后呼吸功能障碍机械通气治疗分析
18.Effect of ventilation with high levels of PEEP and lower-tidal volume on the hemodynamics in patients with normal respiratory function高呼气末正压小潮气量通气对肺功能正常患者血流动力学的影响

Pulmonary ventilation function通气功能
1.Methods:Airway reactivity to methacholine in 31 children with cough variant asthma (CVA) and 32 cases with typical asthma was measured by APSpro,meanwhile pulmonary ventilation function test was measured by Master Screen PFT pulmonary function instrument.方法 :对 31例咳嗽变异型哮喘和 32例典型支气管哮喘患儿用 APSpro进行乙酰甲胆碱气道反应性测定 ,同时用 Master Screen PFT系列肺功能仪进行通气功能测定。
1.Objective: To evaluate the effect of dead space (VD) loading on ventilation and respiratory muscle function, test a novel measurement of oxygen consumption of respiratory muscle, and analyze the effect of oxygen consumption of respiratory muscle on exercise performance.目的评价死腔负荷对通气功能和呼吸肌的影响,测试呼吸肌氧耗的检测方法,探讨呼吸肌氧耗在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)运动耐力下降中的作用。
4)Ventilation function通气功能
1.Objective:To study the effect of propofol ketamine on ventilation function and respiratory mechanics during cervical plexus block for cervical vertebra surgery Methods:32 patiants having undergone elective cervical vertebra surgery were randomly divided into two groups (n=16) after cervical plexus block : Group Ⅰ received propofol ketamine and Group Ⅱ received propofol .目的 :探讨氯胺酮复合异丙酚辅助颈丛阻滞用于前入路颈椎手术 ,对通气功能及呼吸动力学的影响。
5)Pulmonary ventilation function肺通气功能
1.Comparison of the pulmonary ventilation function results measured at different time on the patient at stable stage of COPD;稳定期COPD病人不同时间的肺通气功能测定结果比较
2.The design and realization of portable pulmonary ventilation function meter based on PDA;基于PDA的便携式肺通气功能仪的设计与实现
3.Results Pulmonary ventilation function in the overweight group was not decreased significantly while the pulmonary ventilation function in the .目的探讨肥胖对成人肺通气功能的影响。
6)lung ventilation function肺通气功能
1.Characteristics of lung ventilation function and constitutional analysis of university students in high latitude areas;高海拔地区大学生肺通气功能特征与体质分析
2.Shenyang swimming amateur were token as the objects to study the influence of swimming on lung ventilation function of middle-aged people and old people.以沈阳市游泳爱好者为研究对象,研究游泳运动对中老年人肺通气功能的影响。
3.Objective To observe the curative effect that use small dose of metoprolol treat the cardiac arrhythmia with chronic pulmonary heart disease, and obverse the effect of lung ventilation function, evaluate the curative effect and security that use the high -select-β-acceptor blocker to the patient with chronic pulmonary heart disease.目的观察小剂量美托洛尔对慢性肺心病心律失常的疗效,及其对肺通气功能的影响,评估慢性肺心病(COPD)患者对高选择性β-受体阻滞剂的用药有效性与安全性。

通气功能通气功能 肺泡与外界进行气体交换的过程。正常人在安静状况下,肺的每分钟通气量约为6~8升,当运动或疾病使呼吸负荷加重时,可明显增加。通气功能与胸廓和肺的活动(呼吸频率和潮气量),气道阻力,肺顺应性等有关。通气功能发生严重障碍时,可引起呼吸衰竭。