1.The Improvement of Bacterium Flagellum Staining Way;细菌鞭毛染色方法的改进
2.The Preliminary Studies on Flagellum of Bacillus anthracis;炭疽杆菌鞭毛的初步研究
3.In this study,Mu transposition recombination technique was used to study a cluster of genes required for swimming motility mediated by flagellum of P.通过表型筛选,得到三株鞭毛运动能力缺陷的突变子,Sourn thern杂交证实转座子为单点插入。

1.having or resembling a flagellum or flagella.有鞭毛、鞭节的,或类似于鞭毛、鞭节的。
2.Resembling or having the form of a flagellum;whiplike.象鞭毛的、有鞭毛形状的或象鞭子的
3.Having a flagellum or flagella.有鞭毛的或有鞭节的
4.The flagellar arrangement on an organism.鞭毛形成,鞭毛排列鞭毛在生物体上的排列
5.Relating to or caused by a flagellate organism.鞭毛虫的或由鞭毛虫引起的
6.Of or belonging to the class Mastigophora.鞭毛虫纲的鞭毛虫纲的或属于此的
7.An organism, such as a euglena, that is equipped with a flagellum.一种生物,例如鞭毛虫,有鞭毛
8.Any of various protozoans of the class Mastigophora, all of which possess one or more flagella.鞭毛鞭毛虫纲的几种原生动物,全部有一个或更多的鞭毛
9.marine and freshwater dinoflagellates.海洋或淡水腰鞭毛虫。
10.cellulose-producing flagellates.能生产纤维素的鞭毛虫。
11.Flagellum (pl. flagella) A whiplike extension of prokaryote cells, with a basal body at its base, whose beat causes locomotion of the cell.鞭毛:原核细胞的鞭状延长部分,基部有基体,当鞭毛进行挥鞭式运动时可以促使细胞移动。
12.Having one flagellum at only one pole or end, as certain bacteria.单鞭毛的只在一极或一端有一个鞭毛的,如某种细菌
13.The length of the flagella is about1.5 times as the cell diameter.两条鞭毛稍不等长,着生于细胞前端,鞭毛长约为细胞直径的1.倍。
14.A flagellate protozoan, such as a trypanosome, that is parasitic in the blood.血鞭毛虫一种鞭毛原生动物,如锥体虫,寄生于血液之中
15.Comparative Proteomic Analysis of the Promastigotes and Amastigotes of Leishmania donovani杜氏利什曼原虫前鞭毛体和无鞭毛体的比较蛋白质组学分析
16.flagellates parasitic in intestines of vertebrates.动鞭毛虫寄生于脊椎动物内部。
17.a genus of flagellate protoctista.鞭毛虫原生生物的一个属。
18.free-swimming flagellate algae.能自由游动的有鞭毛的藻类。

1.Analysis of the flagella protein associated genes in Leptospira interrogens;问号钩体鞭毛蛋白相关基因分析
2.The Research Advances on the Bacterial Flagella;细菌鞭毛研究概况及进展
1.Separation and Primary Antigenicity Identification of Flagellin from Salmonella Anatum;鸭沙门氏菌鞭毛抗原的提取与抗原性鉴定初报
2.In this study, the extraction of flagellin from Listeria monocytogenes was studied.本实验对单增李斯特菌鞭毛蛋白提取方法进行研究,分别在23℃和37℃的条件下对单增李斯特菌(血清型IVb)进行扩增培养,发现23℃下单增李斯特菌产鞭毛的能力更强。
1.Expression changes in flagellin and monocyte TLR5 mRNA in the peripheral blood of patients with sepsis;脓毒症患者外周血鞭毛蛋白含量和单个核细胞TLR5 mRNA表达的测定及其意义
2.Correlation between flagellin and TNF-α in acute lung injuries induced by sepsis in rats;脓毒症肺损伤大鼠鞭毛蛋白含量与TNF-α相关性研究
3.The expression of Toll-like receptor 5 in the lung tissues of rats with acute lung injury induced by flagellin;Toll样受体5在鞭毛蛋白致大鼠急性肺损伤中的表达研究
1.Comparative Proteomic Analysis of the Promastigotes and Amastigotes of Leishmania donovani杜氏利什曼原虫前鞭毛体和无鞭毛体的比较蛋白质组学分析
2.Detection of P-4 and GP-46 Expression in Leishmania amazonensis Amastigotes and Promastigotes by RT-PCR;目的证明亚马孙利什曼原虫前鞭毛体和无鞭毛体的基因表达水平。
