2)cultural common divisor文化通约
3)literary commensurability文学通约性
4)cultural paradigm and stipulation文化规约性
5)the basic culture topic贯通性文化主题
1.This study refers to the circular teaching theory proposed by a Russian linguist,whose theory applies the mathematics concept of concentric circle to language teaching,through which teaching process is made step by step,focusing on the basic culture topics.自从20世纪80年代以来,大学英语文化教学一直备受重视,本研究借鉴俄罗斯语言学家沃罗比约夫提出的圆周制教学为基础,它借用同心圆的概念使教学层层深入,圆心是贯通性文化主题。

1.On The Trajectory of Kuhn s Concept of Incommensurability;库恩不可通约性论点的发展及其评价
2.Incommensurability of Technology Paradigm;基于技术创新视角的技术范式不可通约性理论
3.A Restudy of the Inconvertibility between the Literacy Criticism of Ancient China and the Poetics of the West;再谈中国古代文论与西方诗学的不可通约性
4.Interpretation and Incommensurability;解释与不可通约性——库恩与罗蒂之间的几点异同
5.Incommensurability and Scientific Rationality: An Interpretation of Kuhn;不可通约性与科学合理性——库恩科学合理性理论研究
6.Lexicon,Truth and Incommensurability--Kuhn s Road Since Structure;词汇系统、真理和不可通约性——库恩的“结构之后的路”
7.On the cultural incommensurability in the light of the phenomena of English and Chinese cultural difference;从英汉语言的文化差异现象看文化的不可通约性
8.Judging the Irreducibility of Matrices by Use of the Strong Connexity of Directed Graphs;利用有向图的强连通性判断方阵的不可约性
9.commensurable root可公度根,可通约根
10.Discusses the necessity and fecibility to design embedded power communication protocol adapter.论述了嵌入式电力通信规约适配器设计的必要性与可行性。
11.Any Contracting Party may denounce this Treaty by notification addressed to the Director General.]任何缔约方均可退出本条约,退约应通知总干事。
12.Heretical Thought on Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine:interaction of the "Incommensurabilities"中西医结合的另类思考——论通约于“不可通约”
13.expresses conditionality or possibility.表达制约性或者可能性。
14.Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concer国际性通航水道制度公约和规约
15.Consultations can be arranged at other times by appointment.磋商可以通过预约安排在其它时间。
16.His name is John, but he is commonly known as Jack.他叫约翰,可是人们通常叫他杰克。
17.hours and minutes are commensurable.小时和分钟是可以通约的。
18.that it is often made the essence of a contract.因此它通常是合约上不可或缺的条件。

cultural common divisor文化通约
3)literary commensurability文学通约性
4)cultural paradigm and stipulation文化规约性
5)the basic culture topic贯通性文化主题
1.This study refers to the circular teaching theory proposed by a Russian linguist,whose theory applies the mathematics concept of concentric circle to language teaching,through which teaching process is made step by step,focusing on the basic culture topics.自从20世纪80年代以来,大学英语文化教学一直备受重视,本研究借鉴俄罗斯语言学家沃罗比约夫提出的圆周制教学为基础,它借用同心圆的概念使教学层层深入,圆心是贯通性文化主题。

卡约文化陶器卡约文化陶器  卡约文化首先在青海湟中县云固川卡约村发现,故名。以湟水中下游为中心。出土陶器多手制,素面为主。以夹砂红陶为多。器形多附有双耳,以颈耳较为普遍,少数也有四耳的。器物底部一般较小,或呈圈足形,是它的特点之一。纹饰有绳纹,附加堆纹。彩绘多为三角纹、方格纹和折线纹等。卡约文化的时代可能与辛店文化相当,但其延续时间较长,下限较晚。