
1.General Lishunxin's character is fortitude.李顺信将军的性格坚毅.
2.Jordan's Queen of Hearts坚毅勇敢的约旦王后
3.Threats merely stiffened his spine.威胁只能使他更加坚毅
4.He had a firm and indomitable spirit.他有坚毅顽强的精神。
5.To encounter or advance against resolutely;confront boldly.坚毅地面对,与…搏斗坚毅地与…对抗或对决;勇敢地面对
6.demanded a resolute-looking man in authority, who was summoned out by the guard.卫兵叫来的一个神色坚毅的负责人间。
7.A person of courageous determination or energy.勇士坚毅的人,有勇气或活力的人
8.He has a splendid strong face and I would very much like to paint him.他有一张极其坚毅的脸,我很想画他。
9.Her (married) Something New costar Simon Baker. "Simon's a man.他具备男人的坚毅,也懂得浪漫和甜蜜。”
10.I am a freely, romantic,fortitude man~!我是一个直率、浪漫、坚毅的男人~!
11.Cubes, squares or dice - Constancy, wisdom, verity probity, and equity.立方体、方形、骰子-坚毅、学问、耿直和公正。
12.There is a little lightning in his eyes. Iron at the mouth.两眼透出一道闪电,唇边凝着一丝坚毅
13.I honour endurance, perseverance, industry, talent.我尊敬忍耐、坚毅,勤劳、才干。
14.There is a lesson in perseverance.这种坚毅的精神是值得学习的。
15.Black Determination--An Analysis of the Personalities of the Main Character in Gone with the Wind;黑色的坚毅——小说《飘》主人公的性格分析
16.but the face, the spirit behind it, calm, unmoved.但是那张脸,和脸后面的精神,却平静而坚毅
17.With great perseverance and untiring industry, he prospered.他靠自己的坚毅顽强和不懈努力发达起来了。
18.One that conspicuously embodies strength, firmness, or another virtue.伟人很显著地拥有力量、坚毅或其它美德的人

firm determination and straight坚毅挺拔
1.The Changbai Mountain literature contains broadness and selflessness kindheartedness,bold and unconstrained human spirit,firm determination and straight character as well as noble integrity,which motivated the person who living in the Changbai Mountain area to compose new chapter of harmonious society.长白山文学承载着长白山人博大无私的仁爱情怀、雄豪放旷的粗旷气质、坚毅挺拔的大山品格和保卫家乡、捍卫领土的民族气节,这种昂扬奋发的人文精神激励着我们长白山人奋发进取、勇往直前,谱写全面建设和谐社会新篇章。
3)Firmness and Persistence坚毅刚健
4)a man with plenty of sand in him坚毅的人
5)black determination黑色的坚毅
6)a fortitudinous character坚毅的个性
