1.This article dissertates the profound influence of the cultural environment in the heyday of Tang Dynasty on the poet s open and all-embracing character, and his pursuing of freedom of Individuality and self-worth from three aspects of the culture policies in the heyday of Tang Dynasty as compatibility, tolerance and the employment of men of sight.本文从唐代盛世文化政策的兼容性、宽容性、对有识之士的重用等三方面,论述盛世文化氛围对诗人开放性、包容性以及追求个性自由、自我价值的思想性格的深刻影响。
2.The employment of quantities of loan words in Japanese character system reflects its tolerance.这表明多样化的日语文字体系在借用外来语方面具有极大的宽容性

1.The Tolerance of Japanese Character System and Japan s Internationalization;日语文字体系的宽容性与日本的国际化
2.The Dissidence to the Technology of Clone and the Character of Toleration from the Traditional Ethic;对克隆技术的异议及传统伦理应有的宽容性
3.Reasonableness and Toleration;合乎理性与宽容——罗尔斯《政治自由主义》中的宽容观
4.lacking tolerance or flexibility or breadth of view.缺少对观点的宽容、灵活性或者大度。
5.a permissive society(对性道德等限制) 宽容的社会
6.He is a charitable judge of character.他对于个性的判断很宽容。
7.Katherine : clean, forgiving, cranky, impatient, shy.爱干净,宽容,任性,缺乏耐心,害羞.
8.On the Negative Determining Constitutes of the Probability of Anticipation;宽容的底限:期待可能性的消极构成
9.The condition or quality of being catholic;breadth or inclusiveness.广泛性统括一切的条件或品质;宽广或包容性
10.To arr is human,to forgive is divine.犯错误乃一种人性,而宽容则是一种神性。
11.Political Tolerant: On the Rational Processive Development of the State and Citizen Society;政治宽容:国家与公民社会良性演进的理性诉求
12."Forgave me for a lot of things.“他处处宽容我。”
13.be shy, tolerant, etc to a rare degree极为⑤腆、 宽容等
14.High-capacitance enables reduction of noise over a wide frequency range.高电容的特性所以适用于宽範围的杂讯消除.
15.a kindly forgiving nature; a forgiving embrace to the naughty child.温和、宽大的性格;仁慈的包容淘气的小孩。
16.but of the weaknesses of human beings which make people,而是宽容人性中的不成熟,正是这种不成熟使人,
17.Not compatible or sympathetic, as in character.志趣不同的指性格上不宽容,无同情心的
18.The Research about Eletromagnetic Compatibility and Co-Existence of UWB System;超宽带通信系统电磁兼容与系统共存性研究

rational toleration理性宽容
3)Tolerance of Human Nature人性宽容
4)the tolerance of the criminal law刑法宽容性
5)tenancy by sufferance宽容性租赁
6)Institutional tolerance制度性宽容

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-