
1.unqualified confirmation of terms of transaction交易条件的无条件确认
2.You can restore an AP DS0 conditionally or unconditionally.可以有条件地或无条件地恢复 AP DS0。
3.Discharge may be conditional or unconditional.解除责任可以是有条件或无条件的。
4.Discussion on the Conditional Extremum of Three Variable Function Through Unconditional Extremum;用无条件极值判定多元函数条件极值
5.unconditional control transfer instructio无条件转移控制指令
6.customer's free credit balance顾客的无条件信贷余额
7.unconditional expected payoff criterion无条件支付期望值准则
8.rule of unconditional most-favoured-nation treatment无条件最惠国待遇原则
9.he accepted the offer unconditionally.他无条件地接受了提议。
10.owns the property outright.无条件地拥有这些财产
11.[UCL] A = the RCS number, and UCL = unconditional.[UCL]A=RCS号,和UCL=无条件的。
12.with unconditional and enthusiastic devotion.无条件的热情的投入。
13.The enemy were forced to make an unconditional surrender.敌军被迫无条件投降。
14.an unconditioned reflex【生理.心理】无条件反射
15.No terms except unconditional and immediate surrender can Be accepted除去无条件立即投降,其它条件一概无法接受
16.There are two forms of most-favored-nation treatment: conditional and unconditional.最惠国待遇有两种形式:有条件的和无条件的。
17.Admission may be offered with or without conditions.准许入学可能是有条件的,也可能是无条件的。
18.anunconditional surrender, refusal, offer无条件投降、 毫无商量余地的拒绝、 无保留的提供.

anoxic stress无氧条件
1.The variations of free amino acids of excised tea leaves under anoxic stress were studied.本文对高γ-氨基丁酸(Gabaron)茶加工过程中离体茶鲜叶在无氧条件下游离氨基酸的变化进行了研究,结果表明:常规条件下的离体茶鲜叶游离氨基酸总量为2。
3)anhydrous conditions无水条件
1.Research on biocatalysis in anhydrous conditions;无水条件下的生物催化剂
4)unbiased condition无偏条件
1.By the introduction of the unbiased condition,the the proposed approach overcomes the stability limitation in the estimation of the time dealy system,and it can be applied in the estimation of unobservable states of either critical stable and unstable time delay systems.由于无偏条件的引入,克服了原有方法对待估计时滞系统是稳定的限制,可对临界稳定或不稳定时滞系统的不可测量状态进行估计,并且设计滤波器的计算量也减小。
5)unconditional basis无条件基
1.Utilizing the theories of BK spaces and multiplier spaces, this paper discuss the necessary and sufficient condition which fundamental and total biorthogonal system in Banach spaces which don t contain copy of is unconditional basis.本文利用BK空间和乘子空间的性质 ,讨论了在不含C0 的C0py的Banach空间上基本完全的双正交系成为无条件基的充要条件。
2.A Banach space X with a unconditional basis {xn} is said to have the property P if, every bounded block basis sequence of {xn} spans a complemented subspace of X.称一个带无条件基{xn}的Banach空间有性质P,如果{xn}的每一有界块基序列都张成X的可补子空间。
6)nonexhaustion conditions无损条件
