1.By random sampling,a survey is conducted amongst 786 Han and Tibetan middle students from Sichuan and Qinghai provinces,to investigate the characteristics of Han and Tibetan students\' coping strategies in the face of mockery and lonliness and the predictive effect of such strategies via the study of the returned questionnaires of the students.采用整体随机抽查法,选取四川、青海地区6所中学的786名汉藏中学生进行问卷调查,考察汉藏中学生应对方式的特点及其应对方式在受嘲笑汉、藏中学生孤独情绪上的预测作用。

1.A taunting, scoffing, or derisive look or gibe.嘲笑奚落的、嘲笑的或嘲弄的表情或笑
2.bring a person into ridicule =cast ridicule upon a person= hold a person up to ridicule嘲笑某人,嘲弄某人
3.expose oneself to criticism, ridicule, mockery, etc遭受批评、 嘲笑、 嘲弄等.
4.To smirk or laugh in contempt or derision.嘲笑轻蔑或嘲弄地假笑或笑
5.A specific act of ridicule or derision.嘲笑取笑或嘲笑的具体行动
6.derisive laughter; a jeering crowd; her mocking smile; taunting shouts of `coward' and `sissy'.嘲笑;发出嘲笑的人群;她嘲弄的笑;嘲笑他是‘胆小鬼’、‘娘娘腔’。
7.telegraphed her derision with a smirk.假笑流露出她的嘲笑
8.Jeeres must be content to taste of their own broth.(谚语)嘲笑人者必被人笑。
9.Jeerers must be content to taste of their own broth.〔谚语〕嘲笑人者必被人笑。
10.someone who mocks or treats something with derision.嘲弄或以嘲笑的态度来对待某事的人。
11.Causing or deserving laughter or derision.可笑的引起或值得发笑或嘲笑
12.She mocked him as a country boy.她嘲笑他是乡巴佬。
13.have/get the laugh on sb.1. 反过来嘲笑某人
14.Green Frog laughs at Blue Frog.绿青蛙嘲笑蓝青蛙。
15.ignoring the taunts of the opposition不理睬对方的嘲笑.
16.She was laughed at for being so foolish.她那么傻,以致被人嘲笑
17.This ostrich policy was brought into derision.这种鸵鸟政策受到嘲笑
18.He can't stand being laughed at.他忍受不了别人的嘲笑

make a mockery of...嘲笑…
3)To mock;ridicule.嘲笑;嘲讽
4)a sardonic laugh [smile]冷笑,嘲笑
5)contempt for by means of a derisive smile讥笑;嘲笑
6)To make fun of; tease.取笑;嘲笑
