2)motor amusia运动性失歌症
3)sensory amusia感觉性失歌症
4)aphasia and amusia失语症和失乐症
1.Making a brief review for aphasia and amusia, combing with the research of ERP and functional neuroimaging for language and music’s contrast process and synchronous process, it is found that, to a large extent, both of them exist coincidence of process mechanism; it means that they have ‘the common neural process resource’.对失语症和失乐症的研究进行了简要回顾,并结合ERP和功能神经影像对语言和音乐的对比加工及同步加工分别进行研究,发现两者很大程度上存在加工机制的重合,即具有共同的神经加工源。
1.Clinical Observations on the Treatment of Insomnia by Acupuncture as Main Therapy;针刺为主治疗失眠症的临床研究
2.Clinical Effect of Negative Potential/High Frequency Therapeutic Equipment in Patients with Insomnia;负电位/高周波治疗失眠症临床疗效观察
3.Clinical Observations on Treatment of Insomnia by Acupuncture Method of Harmonizing Nutrient and Defense;调和营卫法针刺治疗失眠症临床观察

1.Evaluation of the Therapeutic Effect of Spoon Needle Electroacupuncture on Insomnia by Polysomnographic Monitoring多导睡眠监测评价电鍉针治疗失眠症
2.Features of Epidemiology and TCM Pathogenesis in Insomnia with Anxiety Symptom;失眠症伴焦虑症状的发病和病机特点
3.Analysis of personality patterns and subjective estimation of sleep in patients with insomnia失眠症患者人格特征和睡眠的主观评估分析
4.Experimental Study on the Effect of Modified Buxindan Decoction on Behavior and Monoamine Neurotransmitters of Rats with Insomnia减味补心丹催眠作用及治疗失眠症的实验研究
5.The Study of Yin-yang Sleep Theory and Insomnia Four Diagnosis Methods' Information阴阳睡眠说理论及失眠症的四诊信息研究
6.Correlation Between State-trait Anxiety and Sleep Structure in Patients with Insomnia失眠症患者状态-特质焦虑与睡眠结构的关系
7.Try this medicine. It will cure your insomnia.试试这种药。它可以治好你的失眠症
8.Insomnia can be cured by massage and the cure rate is very high.按摩可治失眠症,且治愈率很高。
9.as I had insomnia and had just fallen asleep,因为我患有失眠症,并且刚刚才睡着。
10.I'm bothered about my daughter's health, she is suffering from insomnia我为女儿的健康担心,她正患有失眠症
11.Try these pills. They 'll cure your insomnia .试试这些药片。 它们会治好你的失眠症
12.Try these pills. They will cure your insomnia.试试这些药片。它们会治好你的失眠症
13.She' s an insomniac ; she only sleeps for two or three hours a night.她患失眠症,每晚只睡两三个小时。
14.Towards the end of his life he suffered from sleeplessness and ill health.他在临终的前几年患失眠症,健康很差。
15.If insomnia is persistent, visit your doctor.如果失眠症状持续不断,你应去求医。
16.The TCM Clinical Characteristics of Primary Insomnia;原发性失眠症的中西医临床特征初探
17.Effects of Electro-Puncture Sishencong Points on PSG and PSQI in the Insomnia;电针四神聪穴对失眠症PSG及PSQI的影响
18.Acupuncture Treatment of Insomnia by the Eight Method of Intelligent Turtle;灵龟八法开穴治疗失眠症的临床观察

motor amusia运动性失歌症
3)sensory amusia感觉性失歌症
4)aphasia and amusia失语症和失乐症
1.Making a brief review for aphasia and amusia, combing with the research of ERP and functional neuroimaging for language and music’s contrast process and synchronous process, it is found that, to a large extent, both of them exist coincidence of process mechanism; it means that they have ‘the common neural process resource’.对失语症和失乐症的研究进行了简要回顾,并结合ERP和功能神经影像对语言和音乐的对比加工及同步加工分别进行研究,发现两者很大程度上存在加工机制的重合,即具有共同的神经加工源。
1.Clinical Observations on the Treatment of Insomnia by Acupuncture as Main Therapy;针刺为主治疗失眠症的临床研究
2.Clinical Effect of Negative Potential/High Frequency Therapeutic Equipment in Patients with Insomnia;负电位/高周波治疗失眠症临床疗效观察
3.Clinical Observations on Treatment of Insomnia by Acupuncture Method of Harmonizing Nutrient and Defense;调和营卫法针刺治疗失眠症临床观察
1.Analysis the Effect of Hyperbaric oxygen Therapy In 80 Cases Aphasia after the Brain injuries in Early Day;早期高压氧治疗脑损伤后失语症80例疗效分析
2.A preliminary discussion of the effect of electroacupuncture at acupoints HT5 and GB39 on lingual function and fMRI changes in a case of subcortical aphasia;电针通里、悬钟穴对1例皮质下失语症患者语言功能和fMRI改变的作用
3.Design and Implementation of Aphasia Rehabilitation Software Based on Speech Recognition;基于语音识别的失语症康复治疗仪软件设计与实现

错构症和虚构症  记忆障碍的一种特殊表现形式,主要为回忆的错乱。    错构症是指患者在回忆往事时,常混淆事情发生的时间、地点和情节,张冠李戴,如把过去可能在生活过程中确曾经历过、然而在他所指的那段时间里却从未发生过的事情,错误地当作该时发生的真实事件来诉说,并且不自觉地固执地加以歪曲和渲染。酒精中毒性精神病、智力落后、脑器质性精神病和外伤性痴呆等患者常有这种记忆障碍。    虚构症是指要求患者回忆往事时,他总以虚构的内容来填补记忆中的空白,或掩盖自己记忆的缺陷。患者在谈论这些"亲身经历"时,似乎真有其事。虚构症是一种严重的记忆障碍,患者往往立即忘记其生活中确曾有过的经历,就连自己虚构的情节,也不能在记忆中有所保持,当要他重述时,内容也会有所改变。这种记忆障碍多见于酒精中毒性精神病、外伤性和中毒性精神病以及麻痹性痴呆,也可见于精神分裂症。