2)ruin one's reputation玷污自己的名誉
3)market panic with self-reinforcing characteristics自我正名的恐慌
1.The Concept Development of Stigma and the Construction of Multiple Levels Conceptual Framework;污名的概念发展与多维度模型建构
2.The Third Sector: to Construct the Social Support Network of the Discriminated and the Stigmatized in a New Angle of View;第三部门与社会支持网络的构建——以受歧视和污名人群为例
3.Implicit Effect of the AIDS’Stigmatization: Conception or Symptom;艾滋病污名化的内隐效应:概念抑或病状

1.The stigma of Watts was too heavy to bear.瓦茨的污名令人难忍受。
2.To bring moral disgrace to.玷污,污名使人蒙受道德上的耻辱
3.sully sb's name, honour, etc玷污某人的名声、 荣誉等.
4.He disgraced his family name.他玷污了家族的名声。
5.anonymous corruption inquiry有关贪污的匿名查询
6.political enemies who smeared his name.污蔑他名声的政敌们
7.Ruined the family's good name.沾污了家族的好名声
8.He compromised his reputation.他污损了自己的名誉。
9.The fair name of the city would be smirched.本城的名誉要遭受玷污。
10.anonymous non-corruption report非贪污性质的匿名举报
11.pursuable traceable corruption report可追查的具名贪污举报
12.traceable non-corruption report非贪污性质的具名举报
13.pursuable anonymous corruption report可追查的匿名贪污举报
14.This famous household cleaner works wonderfully in removing stains.这种名牌去污剂,去除污渍,效果显著。
15.the senator's seriously damaged reputation; a flyblown reputation; a tarnished reputation; inherited a spotted name.这位参议员严重受损的名誉;被玷污的名声;被玷污的名声;继承了一个受了玷污的名字。
16.A stain on one's character or reputation; a disgrace.污点,缺陷名誉上的污点,性格上的缺陷;羞耻
17.The condition of disgrace suffered as a result of abuse or vilification;ill repute.恶名,耻辱同诽毁或污蔑引起的耻辱;恶名声
18.The scandal left a mark on his reputation.那件丑事玷污了他的名声。

ruin one's reputation玷污自己的名誉
3)market panic with self-reinforcing characteristics自我正名的恐慌
1.The Concept Development of Stigma and the Construction of Multiple Levels Conceptual Framework;污名的概念发展与多维度模型建构
2.The Third Sector: to Construct the Social Support Network of the Discriminated and the Stigmatized in a New Angle of View;第三部门与社会支持网络的构建——以受歧视和污名人群为例
3.Implicit Effect of the AIDS’Stigmatization: Conception or Symptom;艾滋病污名化的内隐效应:概念抑或病状
1.The stigmatization of Subei people was a social phenomenon which had special historic background and circumstance.对近代上海苏北人的"污名化"是特定历史背景和社会条件下的一种社会现象。
2.First,the knowledge of the disabled always goes with stigmatization,which displays that they have the feature of dishonour.这种建构的过程与机制体现在:首先,对身体缺陷者的认识总是伴随着污名化过程,该过程显示了他们如何具有不名誉的特征;其次,身体的差异会与社会分类联系起来,并纳入到秩序的建构与维护实践中;再次,语言的知识性和逻辑性使得社会的分类图式和不平等结构得以正当化,客观的社会结构将会内化为行动者的心智图式,于是角色知识逐渐变成身体缺陷者内在的性情倾向。
