1.Cultivating and training college students setback-resistance should be an important part in quality education.当代高校学生素质教育的过程中,耐挫力的培养和训练应是其中重要的组成部分。

1.Research on Physical Activities Participation and Frustration Ability of College Students;大学生体育活动与耐挫力的关系研究
2.Patient have holding capacity to pressure setback.有耐心,对压力和挫折有承受力。
3.Study on Sport Activity and Tolerance for Frustration of Middle School Students;中学生体育活动与其耐挫能力的研究
4.The Factors Affecting College Students "Capability of Tolerating Setback" and the Countermeasure;影响大学生“挫折容耐力”提高的因素及对策探讨
5.Investigation and analysis:influence of the endurance of setbacks on college students English learning;耐挫折力对高职高专学生英语学习影响的调查分析与思考
6.Owing to the great pressure of study, a lack of contact with people, and poor ability to bear frustration, many youngesters have mental problems.由于学习压力大,人际交往空间逼仄,存在着严重的心理问题,耐挫能力差。
7.Without patience, life is extremely frustrating.没有耐心。生活会让你饱受挫折之苦。
8.We must face down the forces of reaction.我们必须挫败反动势力。
9.Probe on Setback-resistant Education and Training Approaches of Polytechnic Students;职业院校学生耐挫折教育和培养方法之探讨
10.His efforts were defeated by the forces of reaction.他的努力被反动势力挫败。
11.Suffer a humiliating and undignified setback, esp after attempting sth that is too ambitious遭到丢脸的挫折(尤指不自量力者)
12.Their well-laid plans came unstuck under pressure他们周详的计划在压力下受挫。
13.Superior forces laid the invaders by the heels.优势兵力使入侵者遭受挫折。
14.Diplomatic efforts to end the fighting in Lebanon have hit another snag.结束黎巴嫩之战的外交努力再次受挫。
15.What reason can supply will only blunt their points.理性提供的最有力武器只能挫其锋芒。
16.All their efforts at reform have been set back.他们所有的改革努力都遭受到挫折。
17.Frustration Tolerance of University Students and Countermeasures for Its Enhancement;当代大学新生挫折承受力及应对研究
18.Study on College Students Ability to Resist Setback before Graduation;毕业前夕大学生的抗挫折能力之研究

the ability of setback resistance耐挫能力
1.Meanwhile we will put forward four strategies to reinforce setback oriented education and strengthen the ability of setback resistance: firstly, to educate on the correct attitude or facing setbacks is a prerequisite; secondly, to build better social surrounding and put all measures.本文对目前大学生应对挫折的现状进行了扫描和分析,强调挫折教育应成为素质教育的重要内容之一,并提出了加强挫折教育,增强大学生耐挫能力的四点策略:进行正确的挫折观教育,是增强大学生耐挫能力的前提条件;营造社会环境,落实各项措施,是增强大学生耐挫能力的基本保证;重视坚强意志品质的培养,是增强大学生耐挫能力的关键因素;教授应对挫折的方法,是增强大学生耐挫能力的基本途径。
3)endurance of setbacks耐挫折力
1.Investigation and analysis:influence of the endurance of setbacks on college students English learning;耐挫折力对高职高专学生英语学习影响的调查分析与思考
4)frustration tolerance挫折耐力
5)quality of enduring setbacks耐挫折能力
6)frustration tolerant ability耐受挫折能力
