1.On Punishment and Petition System upon Students Violating Discipline;高校学生违纪处理与申述

1.We doubt his facts.我们怀疑他所申述的事。
2.an implausible statement令人难以相信的申述
3.The case was presented very plausibly.案情的申述似很可信.
4.To present or introduce officially.申述正式地引见或介绍
5.When both sides have presented their case, the judge will sum it up.诉讼双方申述后, 法官将向陪审团概述其要点。
6.That is the second time you have made that observation.那是你第二次作那样的申述了。
7.It's a good idea, so try to get a hearing for it.这是个好主意,要想办法加以申述
8.Write to the papers. Go to the city government.给报纸写封信,去市议会申述
9.President Lincoln reiterated his constitutional doctrine.林肯总统重新申述他对宪法的看法。
10.substantiate a claim证实一项申诉 [陈述,主张]
11.form of statement [in support of application for an adoption order]陈述书〔支持申请领养令〕
12.The applicant and the interested parties have the right to state their views and argue.申请人、利害关系人有权进行陈述和申辩。
13.Furthermore I certify that I am the person listed above and the address and identification I have listed is mine.本人申明:本人就是上述申请人,上述地址是本人的地址。
14.Please sign the letter of statement and averment.请在陈述申辩书上签字(盖章)。
15.State sth as a protest or appeal陈述某事物(作为抗议或申诉)
16.The opening applicants need to speak fluent English.所述职位申请者须能讲流利英语。
17.(criminal law) a pleading describing some wrong or offense.(刑法)描述一些违法犯罪的申诉。
18.The personal statement is an important part of your application package.个人陈述是申请资料中重要的一部分。

memory statement记忆申述
4)written representation书面申述
6)oral representation口头申述
