象征界,the symbolic
1)the symbolic象征界
1.Li s poems are full of the negating and opposing consciousness against the hypocritic ethic morality through a series of forms of contradictions between the imaginary of the internal consciousness and the symbolic.本文运用拉康关于镜子阶段的理论分析了李箱诗的镜像 ,李箱诗的一系列镜像通过内在于主体意识的想像和象征界的对立矛盾体现了对社会虚伪的伦理道德的否定和反抗意识。
2)symbolic order象征界
1.From the angle of Lacan s psychoanalytic theory,this paper analyses the tragic lot of Willy Loman,the hero of Arthur Miller s drama Death of a Salesman and holds that the root of Willy s tragedy lies in the special ideal ego he formed during his mirage stage,which leads to his mental alienation and split and his hesitation between the imaginary order and the symbolic order.洛曼走向迷失直至毁灭的根源在于他"镜像阶段"形成的理想自我,这种特殊的理想自我造成了其人格的自我异化和分裂,使欲望主体始终徘徊在想象界和象征界之间,无法过正常人的生活,最终以结束生命的方式逃避内心世界与外部世界的无息征战。
2.Based on Lacanian psychoanalysis of Eustacia ,the heroine in Thomas Hardy s wellknown novel The Return of the Native, this paper holds that Eustacia s ideal ego, her Narcissistic complex, and her dangling between the imaginary order and the symbolic order, are the underlying determinants of her tragedy.运用拉康的后精神分析理论对小说《还乡》中的女主人公游苔莎的悲剧进行了剖析,认为她在"镜像阶段"形成的理想自我和被动的自恋欲望造成了其人格的自我异化和分裂,使欲望主体始终徘徊在想像界和象征界之间,无法与他人建立正常的人际关系,无法过正常人的生活。
3)Pearl River Delta边界层气象特征
1.Analysis on the Boundary Layer Meteorological Features of the Pearl River Delta;珠江三角洲地区边界层气象特征研究
1.Symbolism in Muslim Dietary Culture——A Case Study of Kazak Nomads in Xinjiang;穆斯林饮食文化中的象征意义——以中国新疆哈萨克游牧民为例
2.Sincerity,kind and Beauty under the oppression——the symbolism in The Scarlet Letter;压迫下的真、善、美——《红字》中象征手法的应用

1.Of, relating to, or serving as an emblem; symbolic.象征象征的、与象征有关的或作为象征的;象征性的
2.scales, the symBol of justice;天平,公平的象征;
3.The "Lion Dance"stands for auspiciousness;"狮舞"象征吉祥;
4.An object or a representation that functions as a symbol.象征物作为象征的物体或代表
5.being or serving as an illustration of a type.象征的或作为一种类型的象征
6.An advance token or warning.预示,迹象事前的象征或征兆
7.Literary Symbolist Archetypes--Analyzing Symbolism in the Bible文学象征的原型——阐释《圣经》的象征手法
8.A person, an animal, or an object that symbolizes something.象征象征某事物的人、动物或事物
9.Symbol: Sign and Metaphor --Discussion of the poetic origin of symbol of ontology;象征:符号与隐喻——象征本体论诗学探源
10.Both the consciousness and the imagery symbols are the most essential type of literay symbols.意识性象征和具象性象征是最基本的文学象征类型。
11.Represented by a figure or resemblance;symbolic or emblematic.象征的用形象或相似物代表的;象征的或典型的
12.To represent by an image, a form, or a model; symbolize or prefigure.象征用形象、形式或模型来表示;象征或预示
13.On the Symbolic significance of The Sound and the Fury;死亡与象征——解析《喧哗与骚动》中的象征意象
14.Of or relating to symbolic logic.象征派逻辑的象征派逻辑的或与象征派逻辑有关的
15.Dove is the symbol of peace.鸽子是和平的象征
16.A crown is emblem of the king.王冠是国王的象征
17.the crown as a symbol of a monarchy.作为王国象征的王冠。
18.The turkey is a symbol of Thanksgiving.火鸡是感恩节的象征

symbolic order象征界
1.From the angle of Lacan s psychoanalytic theory,this paper analyses the tragic lot of Willy Loman,the hero of Arthur Miller s drama Death of a Salesman and holds that the root of Willy s tragedy lies in the special ideal ego he formed during his mirage stage,which leads to his mental alienation and split and his hesitation between the imaginary order and the symbolic order.洛曼走向迷失直至毁灭的根源在于他"镜像阶段"形成的理想自我,这种特殊的理想自我造成了其人格的自我异化和分裂,使欲望主体始终徘徊在想象界和象征界之间,无法过正常人的生活,最终以结束生命的方式逃避内心世界与外部世界的无息征战。
2.Based on Lacanian psychoanalysis of Eustacia ,the heroine in Thomas Hardy s wellknown novel The Return of the Native, this paper holds that Eustacia s ideal ego, her Narcissistic complex, and her dangling between the imaginary order and the symbolic order, are the underlying determinants of her tragedy.运用拉康的后精神分析理论对小说《还乡》中的女主人公游苔莎的悲剧进行了剖析,认为她在"镜像阶段"形成的理想自我和被动的自恋欲望造成了其人格的自我异化和分裂,使欲望主体始终徘徊在想像界和象征界之间,无法与他人建立正常的人际关系,无法过正常人的生活。
3)Pearl River Delta边界层气象特征
1.Analysis on the Boundary Layer Meteorological Features of the Pearl River Delta;珠江三角洲地区边界层气象特征研究
1.Symbolism in Muslim Dietary Culture——A Case Study of Kazak Nomads in Xinjiang;穆斯林饮食文化中的象征意义——以中国新疆哈萨克游牧民为例
2.Sincerity,kind and Beauty under the oppression——the symbolism in The Scarlet Letter;压迫下的真、善、美——《红字》中象征手法的应用
1.On symbolic performance in architectural design;浅议建筑设计中的象征表现
2.Convention,symbol and status:cultural connotation revealed in changes of the Jingsheng residential decoration;习俗·象征与地位:静升住宅装饰的文化内涵
3.The Symbolized Expression of the Artistic Ambience in Landscape Architecture——Landscape Design in Twin Moons Garden Community of Linyi City;园林意境的象征表达——临沂市双月园社区园林景点设计
1.This paper shows us an analysis of the causes of scapula wound,its mecharism,symptom and ways of treatments as well.分析了肩袖损伤的原因、机理和征象 ,并提出了治愈方法。
2.The paper sorts out a series of "abnormal" image symptoms featuring western tragedy tradition,i.戏剧与真实的关系是西方悲剧绕不开的命题,本文在西方悲剧传统中梳理出一支极富戏剧表演性特征的“非常态”人物征象:小丑、疯癫、假面。

发光地寄色界无色界天乘【发光地寄色界无色界天乘】  谓三地菩萨,明修八禅定行,同于色界四禅,无色界四空处,故云发光地寄色无色界天乘。(八禅定者,色界、无色界各四禅定也。四禅者,初禅、二禅、三禅、四禅也。四空者,即空处、识处、无所有处、非非想处也。)