精神分析运动,psychoanalysis movement
1)psychoanalysis movement精神分析运动
1.A century history of psychoanalysis movement is also the history of division and integration.精神分析运动的百年发展历程是一种不断分裂与整合的过程。
2.The paper adumbrates the development of Psychoanalysis movement based on the two developmental routes.自从弗洛伊德创立精神分析理论以来,精神分析运动已经经历了百年的发展历程,其发展循着内部和外部两条路径。

1.Integration Logic of Psychoanalysis Movement;百年历程:精神分析运动的整合逻辑
2.Psychoanalysis Movement: Internal Integration and External Integration精神分析运动的百年流变:内部整合与外部整合
3.Growth and psychomotor development of children conceived by IVF or ICSI试管婴儿在婴幼儿期体格和精神运动发育状况分析
4.Meta-analysis of early dietary supply of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on mental and psychomotor development in term infants长链多不饱和脂肪酸与足月儿智能和精神运动发育关系的Meta分析
5.psychoanalytic psychiatry精神分析的精神医学
6.The Psycho-analysis of Split Personality in the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde运用精神分析理论分析《化身博士》中的人格分裂
7.New Way in Psychoanalysis《精神分析新途径》
8.The analysis of 1024 cases of psychoses and indantificaton of labour ability精神残疾和劳动力鉴定1024例分析
9.psychomotor epilepsy精神运动性癫痫发作
10.dirty players无运动家精神的球员
11.psychoanalytic therapy精神分析治疗法 精神分析治疗法
12.school of psychoanalysis精神分析学派 精神分析学派
13.Study on Percoll gradient centrifugation and motive tracks of spermPercoll梯度离心与精子运动轨迹图像分析
15.Exact Analysis of Single Pendulum by Jacobi Ellipse Function;利用Jacobi椭圆函数精确分析单摆的运动
16.Analysis and Study on the Race Strategies of Elite and Non-Elite Orienteers;精英与非精英定向运动员竞赛战术的分析研究
17.A Divergent Review on the Behavior Dynamics by Traditional Psychoanalysis;古典精神分析对行为动力的认识分歧述评
18.Sural Nerve Morphometrics of Motor Neuron Disease运动神经元病的腓肠神经病理形态和定量分析

Sperm motion analysis精子运动分析
1.Investigation of intelligence quotient,psychomotor development,and subclinical impairment in schoolchildren from areas with various degrees of iodine deficiency;碘缺乏病区学龄儿童智商、精神运动及亚临床损伤的调查
2.Exploratory factor analysis on Jinyi Psychomotor Battery of test (JPB);津医精神运动成套测验(JPB)的探索性因素分析
3.Investigation of Intelligence Quotient, Psychomotor Development, and Subclinical Impairment in Schoolchildren in Iodine Deficiency Areas;碘缺乏病区学龄儿童智商、精神运动及亚临床损伤的调查
4)Athletics spirit运动精神
1.Umpty Problems of the Advances of the Psychoanalysis;精神分析发展的若干问题
2.The Function of Psychoanalysis on the University Student s Psychological Consultation;论精神分析在大学生心理咨询中的作用
3.Psychoanalysis Past and Present;精神分析理论发展概况述评
1.On the Impact of the Theory of Psycho-analysis and Doctrine of Space-time on Stream of Consciousness Novels;论精神分析学理论与心理时间学说对意识流小说的影响
2.In psycho-analysis,the mother-in-law s special attachment to the son is the hidden cause behind the plot in the story.但是从该诗文本的情理关系出发,重新考察刘兰芝与焦仲卿悲剧命运,从精神分析学的角度讲,她对儿子那种特殊的感情是本故事最隐蔽而又最真实的动因。
3.The theme is just the core of the psycho-analysis theory derived from the end of the 19 century.这一主题直指19世纪末20世纪初在西方兴起的弗洛伊德精神分析学说的核心。

癫痫精神运动性发作癫痫精神运动性发作psychomotor attack of epilepsy  是局灶性癫痫常见的发作形式,占癫痫总数的20%~30%。病变多位于颞叶的内侧部,故又称为“颞叶癫痫”。由于颞叶的生理功能十分复杂,所以产痫灶在颞叶的部位不同,表现亦不一,如有精神运动性发作、幻觉性发作、自主神经性发作、情感障碍性发作等。