心理观,psychological point of view
1)psychological point of view心理观

2.Psychological Notion of Mathematics:A New Ideology and A New Conception of Mental Science;数学心理观:心理科学的新思维新观念
3.Folk Physics and Folk Psychology: A Evolutinary Psychological View;朴素物理观和朴素心理观——进化心理学视角
4."Module Psychology": A Challenge to "Perspective on Culture Mind";“模块心理学”的挑战:反“文化心理观
5.The Research on Misunderstanding to Consultation and Referral of Counseling Psychologist.心理咨询师对会商与转介的心理观念误区研究
6.objective psychotherapy客观心理治疗 客观心理治疗
7.objectivity and detachment.客观超脱的心理特性。
8.Inspiration of humanisitic psychologysy s thoughts on personality and education to school education;论人本主义心理学的人格观及教育观
9.From Psychological Theory to Theoretical Psychology -The Theoretical View of Psychological Development;从心理学理论到理论心理学──心理学发展的理论观
10.Effect of Comprehensive Nursing Intervention on Patients with Angina of Coronary Heart Disease冠心病心绞痛病人综合护理效果观察
11.On the Concept of Physical and Mental Integration of Huang Di Nei Jing:a Mental Health Perspective论《黄帝内经》“心身统一”的心理卫生观
12.Discussing about the Wealth Ethics of the Rich Man from the Mental State of" Enemy Rich";从“仇富”心理论富人的财富伦理观
13.The Psychodynamic views and research;依恋理论中的心理动力学观点及研究
14.On Construction of the Managing Cultural Notion Centring on the Financial Management;构建以财务管理为中心的管理文化观
15.The Clinical Effects Observation of Parturient Mental Nursing in Ante Partum产妇分娩前心理护理的临床效果观察
16.Reconstruction of Psychological Teacher s Professional Roles under Positive Psychology Perspectives;积极心理学观照下的心理教师专业角色的重塑
17.Kant s Arguments on Psychology and James s Psychology Study;康德的心理学观点与詹姆斯心理学研究
18.The Impact of Psychology Consultant s Values on Psychology Consultation;浅谈心理咨询师的价值观对心理咨询的影响

audience psychology观众心理
1.These vivid different features of thinking make Chinese dramas very different from Western dramas in the forms of drama,the characteristics of performing,aesthetic space,audience psychology,beauty of artistic conception and so on.这种思维特点渗透在中西戏剧中,使中西戏剧这同一艺术形式在戏剧形式、表演特征、审美空间、观众心理以及意境美等方面有了各自鲜明的特点,从而表现出独特的魅力。
3)subjective psychology主观心理
4)inner psych内观心理
1.Starting with the theory of architectural psychology, the writer classifies the aesthetic psych into expressive psych and inner psych.从建筑心理学的理论出发 ,将建筑审美心理分为表现心理和内观心理两种建构。
5)psychology of audience观众心理
1.Hence, the writer of the paper argues that the study of dramas needs to be extended into the dimension of the psychology of audience.它们在差异和联系中互动,其联结点是观众心理学。
6)physical-mental perspective生理-心理观
1.The origin and essential characteristics of children s play can directly be illuminated from the physical-mental perspective.儿童游戏的生理-心理观能直接说明儿童游戏的发生及其本质特点。

不自观音,以观观者【不自观音,以观观者】  不自观音者,谓不随声尘所起知见也。以观观者,谓返照自性也。不起知见,则无所妄;返照自性,则一切真寂,无复苦恼。故令受苦众生,蒙此真观,即得解脱,是为无畏。经云:观其音声,即得解脱。是也。