1.Objective:To analyze the factor which affect the stable content of capsule in the large-scale manufacture,as a result to control quality of the problems which causes unstable con- tent,and summarize the main factor and controlling method which affect the stable content of cap- sule.目的:分析硬胶囊生产过程中影响装量稳定性的各种因素,从而更加有效地控制产品质量。

1.Development of Bottled Beer Filling Volume On-line Detection System瓶装啤酒灌装量在线检测系统的研制
2.skid-mounted meter prover橇装式流量校准装置
3.cargo-fuel ratio载货量与燃料装载量比
4.unbalance component measuring device不平衡分量测量装置
5.unbalance vector measuring device不平衡矢量测量装置
6.The quantity that a car can hold.车量荷载一车装载的量
7.Using cylinder of ration fixed, the volume quantitativr double of fixed reach accutately.采用定量缸两次定量灌装,罐装容量准确。
8.an instrument that shows the extent or amount or quantity or degree of something.测量长度数量或质量或程度的装置。
9.The Phasor Measurement Unit in Wide Area Measurement System广域测量系统中的同步相量测量装置
10.reciprocating force-pump for liquids, not fitted with nor designed to be fitted with a measuring device往复式液体压力泵,未装或未设计装有测量装置
11.Study on the common defect of the quality of electrical installment in the decoration construction谈装饰装修施工中电气安装质量通病的预控
12.Inspection installation for antenna of radio console and measuring its insulation resistance.组装报务台天线安装检查和绝缘测量。
13.The production is greatly increased due to a new assembly line installed.由于安装了新装配线, 生产量大大提高。
14.The quantity that a container or apparatus can hold.集装箱或容器的装载容量.
15.A device or the resistance of a device to which power is delivered.载体承受力量的装置或装置的抗力
16.aircraft loading table飞机装载表 -记载飞机装载品种和数量
17.Shipped Quality and Quantity as Final以装船的品质数量为准
18.measurement of fit clearance of propeller螺旋桨轴安装间隙测量

3)package quality包装质量
1.The effect factors of liquor product appearance and package quality are introduced.介绍了影响白酒成品外观及包装质量的因素,根据生产实践提出了控制包装成品酒质量的措施。
4)packing quality包装质量
1.Analysis and improvement of packing quality about OPP on small packing;烟包OPP包装质量的分析与改进
2.Liquor packing quality becomes more and more important,which could influence directly product quality,liquor sales,and the benefits and the prestige of the enterprises.白酒的包装质量越来越重要,直接影响到产品的质量和销售及生产企业的荣誉和效益,越来越被消费者和企业重视。
3.Whether packing quality of beer is good plays an important part in its quality and outlook Fine management of packing quality is very important to the business The passage has done research into the instructions for packing quality of bottled beer And it has also studied the methods of quality management of packing proces啤酒包装质量的好坏对其内在质量和外观形象起重要作用 ,搞好啤酒包装质量的管理与控制对于啤酒生产企业具有十分重要的意义。
5)installed capacity装机容量
1.Selection of installed capacity of Xinglong Hydropower Station;兴隆水利枢纽电站装机容量选择
2.Demonstration on installed capacity of Nuozhadu Hydropower Project;糯扎渡水电站装机容量论证
3.Selection of installed capacity for Laxiwa Hydropower Plant;拉西瓦水电站装机容量的选择
6)measuring device测量装置
1.Design on the automatic measuring device of human body dimensions oriented to clothes customization面向服装定制的人体尺寸自动测量装置设计
2.Aiming to the measuring device application to CNC roller grinder, this paper introduces several different kinds of measuring devices, analyses their structures, and points out their different application fields.测量装置在数控轧辊磨床上的应用日益普及,针对应用于数控轧辊磨床上的测量装置,对几种不同形式的测量装置进行结构介绍,分析了各结构的特点,指出了各结构适用的场合。
3.A kind of parts dimension measuring device controlled by microcomputer is developed.研制了一种微机控制的零件尺寸测量装置 ,介绍了该装置的总体设计方案、控制系统的硬、软件设计和测量精度分

最低装量检查法【通用名称】最低装量检查法【其他名称】最低装量检查法 附录Ⅻ C. 最低装量检查法 本法适用于固体、半固体和液体制剂。除制剂通则中规定检查重(装)量差异与装量 的剂型及放射性药品外,标示装量不大于500g(ml)者,按下述方法检查,应符合表中规定。 ──────────┬───────────┬────────────── │ 固体、半固体、液体 │ 黏 稠 液 体 (容量法) 标 示 装 量 ├────┬──────┼──────┬─────── │平均装量│每个容器装量│ 平均装量 │每个容器装量 ──────────┼────┼──────┼──────┼─────── 20g(ml)以下 │不少于标│不少于标示装│不少于标示装│不少于标示装 │ 示装量 │ 量的93% │ 量的90% │ 量的85% ──────────┼────┼──────┼──────┼─────── 20g(ml)至50g(ml) │不少于标│不少于标示装│不少于标示装│不少于标示装 │ 示装量 │ 量的95% │ 量的95% │ 量的90% ──────────┼────┼──────┼──────┼─────── 50g(ml)至500g(ml) │不少于标│不少于标示装│不少于标示装│不少于标示装 │ 示装量 │ 量的97% │ 量的95% │ 量的93% ──────────┴────┴──────┴──────┴─────── 检查法 重量法(适用于标示装量以重量计者)。除另有规定外,取供试品5个(50g 以上者3个),除去外盖和标签,容器外壁用适宜的方法清洁并干燥,分别精密称定重量, 除去内容物,容器用适宜的溶剂洗净并干燥,再分别精密称定空容器的重量,求出每个 容器内容物的装量与平均装量,均应符合规定。如有1个容器装量不符合规定,则另取5 个(或3个)复试,应全部符合规定。 容量法(适用于标示装量以容量计者)。除另有规定外,取供试品5个(50ml以上者 3个),开启时注意避免损失,将内容物分别用干燥并预经标化的注射器(包括注射针头) 抽尽,50ml以上者可倾入预经标化的干燥量筒中,黏稠液体倾出后,将容器倒置15分钟, 尽量倾净。读出每个容器内容物的装量,并求其平均装量,均应符合规定。如有1个容器 装量不符合规定,则另取5个(或3个)复试,应全部符合规定。