遗传学教学,genetics teaching
1)genetics teaching遗传学教学
1.The permeation and use of corresponding principle in genetics teaching;对应原理在遗传学教学中的渗透与应用
2.Using cartoon in genetics teaching can help students comprehend the theory, implement the alternation between teacher and students, enhance the teaching quality.遗传学教学的某些环节中使用动画有助于学生理解遗传学原理、实现教与学的互动、提高教学效果。
3.This paper not only presents three main ideas:representative figure,background and ideological system that should be stressed during genetics teaching,but also try to seek some new ideas and methods of genetics teaching.文章突出以代表人物、时代背景、思想体系三条主线进行遗传学教学 ,探索了遗传学教学的新思路、新方法。

1.Reform Attempts to Teaching of Genetics Course in Teacher-training Speciality;生物教育专业遗传学教学改革新尝试
2.Survey and analysis of genetics teaching innovation for adult education成人教育遗传学教学改革的调查分析
3.Exploration into PBL Teaching Pattern in Medical Genetics Teaching;医学遗传学教学中合理运用PBL教学模式的探索
4.Design Development and Application of Genetics CAI Teaching Courseware in Education;遗传学教学CAI课件的设计开发与应用
5.On Schema and Genetics Teaching of High Professional Education;浅析图式在高职遗传学教学中的应用
6.The application of PBL and CBS in genetics teachingPBL与CBS相结合在遗传学教学中的应用
7.Application of EXCEL and SPSS Software in Genetics TeachingEXCEL和SPSS软件在遗传学教学中的应用
8.Building the Interactive Foundation Platform with the Teaching, Learning and Research to Promote the Teaching Reform of Genetics基于教学研平台建设 促进遗传学教学改革
9.On Strengthen Cultivating Students Thinking Qualities in Genetics Teaching;医学遗传学教学中加强学生思维品质的培养
10.Case of Illness Discusses Method in the Medicine Genetics Teaching Application;病例讨论法在医学遗传学教学中的应用
11.Exploration of scientific thought in medical genetics teaching科研思维培养在医学遗传学教学中的探索
12.On developing students′ reading ability in teaching of Genetics浅谈遗传学教学中学生阅读能力的培养
13.Teaching Practice and Thinking of Medical Genetics in College of Traditional Chinese Medicine中医院校《医学遗传学》教学实践和思考
14.Research on Teaching of Molecular Comprehensive Experiment in Genetics;遗传学分子综合实验教学探索与思考
15.Multimedia Technology in Teaching Genetics to Large Classes;多媒体技术在遗传学大班教学中应用
16.Teaching Practice and Reforming on Domestic Animal s Heredity and Breeding;《家畜遗传育种学》教学实践与改革
17.The Attempt of Genetic Breeding Teaching Reform;《遗传育种学》教学改革尝试中的再认识
18.Exploration and practice of inquiring teaching for the experiments of genetics遗传学探究性实验教学的思考及实践

teaching of genetics遗传学教学
1.This paper presents the teaching methods for arousing students learning interest during the teaching of genetics,these methods are embodied as follows,such as frequently combining teaching with economy and other subjects,with human himself and their daily life,with current events and history,and with modern teaching media,vivid and lively languages,carefully designed problems etc.提出了在遗传学教学中唤起学生学习兴趣的教学方法,这些方法多与其他学科和经济相联系,多与人类自身和日常生活相联系,多与时事和历史相联系,并采用了现代化教学媒介、形象鲜活的语言以及精心设计提问等教法。
3)Medicine Genetics医学遗传学教学
1.Case of Illness Discusses Method in the Medicine Genetics Teaching Application;病例讨论法在医学遗传学教学中的应用
4)genetics textbook遗传学教材
1.Development research of the genetics textbook in Chinese universities国内高校遗传学教材发展研究
5)genetics teaching of high professional education高职遗传学教学
1.In genetics teaching of high professional education, schema is the basic knowledge frame of the students processing textbook information and has a direct influence upon the students learning quality.在高职遗传学教学中,图式是学生加工教材信息的基本知识框架,它对学生的学习质量有直接的影响。
6)genetics experimental teaching遗传学实验教学
1.To meet the teaching reform of the genetics experimental teaching and face the great challenge encountered in reforming,multiple tactics should be integrated to enhance the teaching effect.为适应遗传学实验教学改革和应对所面临的巨大挑战,需要多种整合来提高教学效果。

《温病学教学参考资料》《温病学教学参考资料》 《温病学教学参考资料》   温病著作。南京中医学院编著。分上、下两篇,上篇总述温病学说、温病与温疫、新感与伏邪以及辨证和治法;下篇列述春温、风温、暑温等多种温病的病因、症状、诊断和治法。全书收集资料较广泛,归纳亦较系统,适用于教学参考。1959年由江苏人民出版社出版。