语言个性,language character
1)language character语言个性
1.It is for the consideration of this that a detailed study of the language character of our modern Chinese (in connection with English) is provided here , thus translation practice teaching is expected to be opened and enlightened.语言有不同的个性 ,它对每种语言特色的形成关系很大 ,文中对汉英语言个性作了较充分的揭示 ,以期对翻译教学有所启
2.But while due care has been given to the latter, the same can hardly be said of the former, for laboring under the weight of the strange original, it is not unlikely that one forgets his duty to both, especially to the language character of the TL and so much so that the resultant translation is far from satisfactory.语言各有其不同的个性,是谓语言个性

1.On types of speech culture of language habit and its application;论语言个性的言语文明类型及其运用
2.Translation:Understanding and Transcending Linguistic Differences-An Introduction to Gao Jian s L. C. Theory;翻译:语言差异的认识与超越——高健的语言个性理论说略
3.The Basic Point of Creativeness Thought:Linguistic Individuality,Universalism and Their Relation;创新思维基点:语言个性与共性及其关系
4.Verbal Symbols and Non-verbal Symbols:Similarity and Disparity试论语言符号与非语言符号的共性与个性
5.Language is concrete, no less so than speaking.语言这个对象在具体性上比之言语毫无逊色。
6.The Properties of Foreign Language Teaching:Linguisticness, C ommunicativeness and Individualism;外语教学的特性:语言性、交际性和个体性
7.Languages of sex discrimination refer to these languages that belittle, insult or ignore women, which are reflected on all levels of English language.性别歧视语是指轻视、辱或忽视女性的语言,英语中的性别歧视语体现在语言的各个层面上。
8.His every phrase is salted with personality.他的一言一语都带有个性。
9.the personality of a great leader limned in words;用言语刻画的伟大领袖的个性;
10.A Legal Sociological Research On Fuzziness In Legislative Languages;立法语言模糊性:一个法社会学视角
11.Network Customization of Individuation Based on VRML;基于VRML语言的个性化网络定制
12.The artistic language style and the writer s creative personality;艺术语言风格和作家创作个性的关系
13.Several Problems on the Term of "Linearity" in Language Studies;语言研究中与术语“线性”有关的几个问题
14.Analysing the Diversity of Indivilual to Mother Tongue and Cognizance of Second Language;个体对母语和第二语言认知差异性分析
15.Arbitrariness of language symbols is a widespread and controversial concept in linguistic philosophy.语言符号的任意性是个颇有争议的语言哲学概念。
16.A Survey of Linguistic Study into Three Major Aspects in View of Linguistic Subjectivity and Subjectivisation;从语言的“主观性”和“主观化”透视语言研究的三个主要方面
17.A Contrastive Study of Female Language Features in Speech Act Between English and Chinese--A Case Study of Ellen's and Manzhen's Speeches女性语言特色英汉对比研究——对艾伦和曼桢言语的个案研究
18.The New Exploration of Activated and Personalized Language Arts Charm in Ancient Greek Plays古希腊戏剧动作化语言和个性化语言艺术魅力新探

personal language个性语言
1.Discovering personal character strenghtening personal language——Cultivating students creation ability;发掘个性特征,强化个性语言——学生创作能力的培养
3)individualized language个性化语言
1.The expression and inditement of individualized language in oil painting supplement each other.油画个性化语言表达与创作是相辅相成的,反映了画家对整幅画面的形、色、线的节奏韵律构成、画面空间的处理,乃至每块色彩,用笔和肌理的把握。
2."Artistic flavor" includes three elements: textual atmosphere, sound and rhythm, and individualized language.“韵味”包括三个要素 :整体氛围、声响节奏和个性化语言。
4)L-C. theory英语言个性
5)speech individuality语言个性化
1.The paper, taking "what to say" and"how to say it" as its starting point, discusses the speech individuality of characters in literary works in order to reveal its multi purpose functions in picturing distinctly and accurately the characters and theirs personalities, especially discusses the function of "how to say it" in vivifying the characters and in delineating their inner world.本文集中探讨了文学作品中人物语言个性化问题 ,从“说什么”和“怎么说”两方面展开论述 ,从而揭示人物语言的个性化既可使人物个性的意识风貌得到明晰、准确地展现 ,又显示其性格特征 ;特别是通过“怎么说”的方式 ,对人物性格进行生动地表现和深入地开掘。
6)L C of Chinese and English汉英语言个性

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。