语音格局,Sound Pattern
1)Sound Pattern语音格局

1.The Application of Sound Pattern Theory in the Study of Second Language Acquisition语音格局理论在第二语言习得研究上的应用
2.A Comparative Study of the Governing Function of Chinese and English Phonetic and Phonological Systems in Generating Onomatopoeias;语音及音系格局对英汉象声词生成模式的制约
3.The third chapter, the linguistic understanding of four syllable expressions in Dai language, is a discussion of the linguistic quality of four syllable expressions in Dai language.第三章傣语四音格的语言认识,这是对傣语四音格语言性质的探讨。
4.English verse composed in iambic pentameter.五音步诗行英语中的五音步抑扬格诗
5.A Phonetic Analysis of the Hakka and Gan Dialects;客赣方言舌齿音声母按等分立的格局
6.Comparative Analysis of Four-Syllabic Word in Lahu and Lisu Languages;拉祜语、傈僳语四音格词的比较研究
7.Performance Analysis on Voice Data EDCF Access of Wireless Lan无线局域网语音数据EDCF接入性能分析
8.Audience s Structure of Four Styles of Media in Internet s Days;网络语境中四类媒体的受众格局研究
9.Opinions on Ethnic Language Education in the Time of Multi-cultures;多元文化格局下的民族语文教育刍议
10.Note: The price includes all the costs for voice translating, dubbing, copying, as well as a copy of cassette.备注:价格包括:语音翻译,配音,复制一盒录像带等.
11.The Three-polar Pattern of Chinese Music Teaching Theory in the Background of Multiplity;多元化背景下我国音乐教育观的三足鼎立格局
12.a locution or pronunciation peculiar to the southern US.美国南方特有的发音或者语言风格。
13.One of the significant features is Sino-Tibetan languages of tetrasyllabic words in the vocabularies.四音格词是汉藏语的一个重要特征。
14.On the Input of the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet in CNMARC Format;CNM ARC格式中关于汉语拼音录入的问题
15.Phonological Devices and Aesthetic Effect of English Ads英语广告的音韵修辞格及其美学效应
16.Grimm's law【语】格林法则(日耳曼系语言的子音变化规则)
17.Comparative Research on Phonemes of Tibetan and the Tu Nationality in Gesar of Tu s Version;土族《格萨尔》中土族语与藏语音系之比较研究(一)
18.Lattice-based continuous Chinese speech indexing based on mutual information confidence measure基于互信息置信度的网格连续汉语语音检索

Chinese phonetic system汉语语音格局
1.They should be able to use it flexibly in the teaching practice and help the students build the framework of Chinese phonetic system.对外汉语教师还应从音理上更深入地理解《汉语拼音方案》,从而在教学中灵活变通,进一步简化声韵系统,以帮助学习者掌握汉语语音系统的基本框架,建立起汉语语音格局
3)Brief comment on study of sound pattern语音格局研究述略
4)The Vowel Pattern of the Lahu Language拉祜语的元音格局
5)vowel pattern元音格局
1.The vowel patterns of 40 Chinese dialects are analyzed in this paper.本文运用元音格局的研究方法研究了汉语方言40个点的元音格局,总结出以下类型特点:1。
2.This article explores the vowel patterns of 40 kinds of Chinese dialects in Formant chart with coordination of Bark.本文采用语音实验的方法,通过元音对图形考察了汉语方言40个点的元音格局。
3.The Lahu language is an independent language belonging to the Yi Branch of the Tibeto-Burman Group of the Sino-Tibetan Family and its vowel pattern is a systematic representation of its vowels.拉祜语属汉藏语系藏缅语族彝语支的一种独立语言,其中所具有的元音格局是拉祜语元音系统性的表现,语音格局的分析是把语音学方面和音系学方面联系在一起,元音格局包括的内容可以有元音的定位特征,内部变化的表现,整个的分布关系等等。
6)intonation pattern语调格局
