社会用语,public language
1)public language社会用语
1.The paper attempted to understand the features of the public language in Zhoushan City by conducting a survey in the governmental organizations and public service industries with the purpose of standardizing public language,purifying the social atmosphere and establishing good social moral style.社会用语作为公共场合的一种语言信息现象,与人们的日常生活密切相关,是社会文明程度的标志之一。
2.With the globalization of the world,international cultural communication has become prevalent,and the standardization of English version of public language is vital to communication,and to economic and cultural development.但是近几年来日常生活中使用频率最高的社会用语译语的不规范日渐增多,这种现象已经对我国整体文化素质带来了不良影响。

1.A Pragmatic Analysis of the English Translations of Social Language;社会用语英译中的语用失误:调查与分析
2.On Standardizing English Version of Public Language;规范社会用语译文,提高整体文化素质
3.Casual way in expression--a new feature of social terms;随意化——近年来社会用语的一大特点
5.The impact of social factors and application of Sociolinguistics in use of languages;社会因素对语言的影响及社会语言学的应用
6.Inquiry into Chinese Social Appellations from Social - cultural Pragmaticand Fuzzy Linguistic Perspectives;从文化、语用学、模糊语言理论看汉语社会称谓语
7.A Brief Study on the Pragmatics Translation of the Social Deixis;浅析社会指示语的语用翻译(英文)
8.Studies of the Pragmatic Differences between English and Chinese Address Terms and their Translation;小议英汉社会称谓语语用对比与翻译
9.Functions of Social Context and Uses of Utterances in Social Culture;社交语境的功能与语言在社会文化中的使用
10.A Social-Pragmatic Approach to Hedges in English News;新闻英语中模糊限制语的社会语用学研究
11.A Sociolinguistic Exploration on the Types and Performance of Chinese Responses to Thanks;汉语回谢语类型与使用的社会语言学考察
12.An Analysis of the Social Pragmatic Functions of English Verbal Humor in Business Communication;商务交际中英语言语幽默的社会语用功能分析
13.Reflections on the Development of Interlanguage Pragmatics from a Sociolinguistic Perspective;对中介语语用能力发展的社会语言学思考
14.FLT in relation to sociolinguistics;用社会语言学更新外语教学的语言观念
15.Of or appropriate to the upper class, especially in language usage.上流社会的上流社会的或适合于上流社会的,尤其是在语言用法上
16.Compound Social Attribute & Prgmatic Effect on the Usage of Abbreviation;社会性与语用效果的结合:试论缩略语的使用
17.Pragmatic Research on Socio-pragmatic Transfer and Speech Act of Refusal in Interlanguage;社会语用迁移与中介语拒绝言语行为的语用研究
18.Case Analysis for Features of Pragmatics Language and Social Pragmatics of Chinese-English Logo中英文对照标识语的语用语言特色和社会语用特色例析

social pragmatics社会语用
1.Thus social pragmatics manifests demotic cultural qualities、 moral attainments and spiritual features of a society.而社会语用则反映了一个社会的民众文化素质及其道德修养和精神风貌。
2.From the aspects of social pragmatics, this article analyses the existed semantic bias and prejudice in sex, race, class, area, profession, etc.本文从社会语用的角度出发,对性别、种族、阶级、地域、职业等几个方面存在的语义偏见、语言歧视进行了分析;阐述了它们与文化的内在联系;并指出了解语义偏见与文化取象之间关系的意义。
3)societal pragmatics社会语用学
1.Starting from the perspective of societal pragmatics and based on lots of examples,this paper has done research into economy principle in English and Chinese advertising language from such aspects as brevity,rhetoric and celebrity effect.社会语用学研究语言在社会当中的使用情况。
2.Societal Pragmatics, which studies the social settings of language use, regards language as a social phenomenon.社会语用学把语言看作一种社会现象,注重研究人们语言使用的社会环境。
4)socio-pragmatic failure社会语用失误
1.In this paper,causes and examples of socio-pragmatic failure are collected and analyzed.社会语用失误是跨文化交际语用失误的两种主要表现形式之一。
2.This paper probes into pragma-lingustic failures andsocio-pragmatic failures by analyzing several examples of mistranslation and comes up with some tranlation strategies for pragmatic equivalence purposes so as to accomplish the slogans\' intended goals.以语用学的语用失误理论为指导,通过剖析一些标语口号的英译实例,探究标语口号英译中出现的语用语言失误和社会语用失误现象,并提出避免两类语用失误相应的翻译策略,旨在提高译文的宣传效果,实现跨文化交际的目的。
5)sociopragmatic transfer社会语用迁移
6)social cultural pragmatic社会文化语用
1.There are two reasons for the semantic extension military terms:First,from the point of the external linguistic system,it is mainly similar to the pragmatic content and related to some social cultural pragmatic conditions such as the rhetoric figures,the psychological factors in speech communication and so on.军事用语语义泛化的原因主要有两点:一是从语言系统外部来看:主要与语用环境的相似、言语修辞活动、言语交际中的心理因素等社会文化语用条件有关联;二是从语言系统内部来看,主要与语言的经济性原则密切相关。

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决