复脑文字,Compound brai
1)Compound brai复脑文字
2)complex script复杂文字
1.Mongolian belongs to complex scripts,and so far it can t be rendered correctly in the OS and office suite.蒙古文是一种复杂文字,目前操作系统和办公套件都还不支持蒙古文的显示。

1.Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages为复杂文字和从右到左的语言安装文件
2.With traditional font technologies, the information for handling complex scripts is not stored in the fonts.在传统的字体技术中,处理复杂文字的信息并没有贮存在字体中。
3.Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages (including Thai)为复杂文字和从右到左的语言安装文件(包括泰文)
4.Enables you to view pages containing complex text (Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, etc.).允许查看那些包含复杂文字(阿拉伯语、希伯来语、泰语等)的网页。
5.When the students learn more refined concepts, they think more subtly.学生学了这样的文字,思想也就跟着复杂起来。
6.Research on Overlay Text Extraction from Images with Complex Background复杂背景图像中的叠加文字提取技术研究
7.The Method of Performance Evaluation for Korean Character Recognition System Based on Complexity;基于复杂度朝鲜文字识别系统的性能评价方法
8.A Study on Complexity of Character-formation from the Lisu Ethnic Bamboo Writing;从傈僳族竹书之发生看文字发生的复杂性
9.The Find What text contains a Pattern Match expression which is too complex.“查找内容”文字包含了过于复杂的“模式匹配”表达式。
10.These scripts follow complex rules of layout involving consonants, vowels, special symbols, conjuncts and ligatures.这些文字的摆放规则涉及辅音、音、别符号、合词和连写,非常复杂。
11.Design and Implementation of Digital Cymometer Based on CPLD基于复杂可编程逻辑器件的数字频率计的设计与实现(英文)
12.Social-cultural Environment of Complexity Science--With a Comment on the Postmodernism and "Endism" of all Forms;复杂性科学的社会文化背景——兼评形形色色的“后”字牌和“终结论”思潮
14.Construction Technology of Concrete Decorative Panels Curtain Wall with Complex Ornamentation in Chinese Characters Museum中国文字博物馆复杂纹饰混凝土装饰板幕墙施工技术
15.IN THIS ARTICLE: People rejected the English language game Scrabble at first as too "highbrow "or "complicated".本文简介:人们起初以“高深复杂”为由拒绝接受拼字游戏这种英语文字游戏。
16.an involved sentence, explanation, style of writing, etc复杂的句子、 解释、 文体等.
17.How to Get Byte-length of A Mixed Chinese and ASCII Character String如何求中英文混杂字符串的字节长度
18.performing complex and lengthy numerical calculations.进行复杂冗长的数字计算。

complex script复杂文字
1.Mongolian belongs to complex scripts,and so far it can t be rendered correctly in the OS and office suite.蒙古文是一种复杂文字,目前操作系统和办公套件都还不支持蒙古文的显示。
3)character restoration文字修复
4)replicated literal重复文字
5)copy function of text文字复制
1.The disadvantages of copy function of text in UG are analyzed.分析了UG软件文字复制功能的不足,提出了利用二次开发改进UG文字复制功能的原理。
6)Character complexity文字复杂性

盐酸比硫醇,脑复新 ,吡硫醇,安舒脑药物名称:吡硫醇英文名:Pyritinol别名: 盐酸比硫醇,脑复新 ,吡硫醇,安舒脑外文名:Pyritinol, Embol,Neuroxin适应症: 用于脑震荡综合征、脑外伤后遗症、脑炎及脑膜炎后遗症等的头胀痛、头晕、失眠、记忆力减退、注意力不集中、情绪变化等症状的改善;亦用于脑动脉硬化症、老年痴呆精神病等。 用量用法:口服:每次100~200mg; 糖浆剂:10~20ml,1日3次。 注意事项: 少数病人服后会出现皮疹、恶心等,停药后可恢复。 规格: 片剂:每片100mg;200mg。 糖浆剂:每ml含10mg。 针剂 :0.1g. 类别:中枢兴奋药