教学功效,teaching function and effect
1)teaching function and effect教学功效

1.Focus on creating teaching situations to promote efficiency of situation teaching;关注教学情境创设提升情境教学功效
2.Successful Classroom Teaching Originates From Teachers Effective Teaching Acts;成功的课堂教学来自于教师的有效教学行为
3.Applying Emotionality to Improve the Effect of Teaching College Japanese;利用情感功能提高大学日语教学效果
4.Put into Use Success Education ,Improving Chinese Teaching Efficiency in Vocational School;实施成功教育,提高职教语文课堂教学效益
5.Developmental Effect of Assessment Statement in Classroom Teaching;课堂教学中“评价语”发展性功效探微
6.Practice Lessons Ahead of Time and Their Functions高校教学中实践“课堂前置”功效浅议
7.A Brief Discussion on the Efficiency of Inquiry Experiment in Physics Teaching简论探究性实验在物理教学中的功效
9.On the Effective Development of Students’Right Brains in Middle School in Chemistry Teaching;试论化学教学中学生右脑功能的有效开发
10.On Foreign Language Teaching and Its Social Effects in the New Legal Education of the Later Qing Dynasty;清末新式法律教育中的外语教学及其社会功效
11.Different Teaching View and Its Virtue in the Specialty Developing of P.E.Teachers;不同教学观及其在体育教师专业发展中的功效
12.On the Establishment,the Running Property and the Effect of Guizhou's Charitable School Education in Qing Dynasty论清代贵州义学教育的创建、办学性质及功效
13.Improve Teaching Efficiency by Strengthening the Function of Guiding强化导学的功能 提高教学有效性——以小学语文课堂教学为例
14.Results Satisfactory results were achieved.结果:在实践中达到了事半功倍的教学效果。
15.Increasing Classroom Teaching Efficiency in General German Language Course via Rational Application of Computer Multimedia;试析计算机多媒体辅助外语教学的功效
16.On the Effect of Sports Games upon College Students Ideological Moral Character Education;论体育赛事对学生进行思想品德教育的功效
17.The Influence of Traditional Culture in College Students Ideology and Politics Education;传统文化在大学生思想政治教育领域内的功效
18.Successful Sport-The Effective Way Of University And College Sport Reform;成功体育——高校体育教学改革的有效途径

teaching function教学功能
1.Exploring the teaching function of easily accessible materials in physics experiments;利用身边物品做物理实验的教学功能探析
2.Based on the current situation of CATV network, analyses the reason that the less use of it in teaching,puts forward some measures and methods about developing and utilizing the teaching function of campus CATV network.根据学校有线电视网络的现状 ,分析了有线电视网络在教学应用不足的原因 ,提出了开发利用校园有线电视网络教学功能的一些措施和办
3.The paper explores and analyses how to bring the teaching function of campus network into play from the knowledge about numeric campus?teaching system based on campus network and training teachers.为了发挥校园网教学功能 ,必须提高对“数字化校园”的认识 ,构建合理的校园网络教学系统和加强师资培训。
3)teaching functions教学功能
1.A discussion on the teaching functions of "solving -problem" in the new mathematic teaching materials for prunary school;小学数学新教材中“解决问题”的教学功能
2.To expand the teaching functions of the integrity principle of natural geographic environment and to motivate the efficient construction of knowledge and competence of the college students is the focus and orientation of teaching and research in the field college geography.拓展自然地理环境整体性原理的教学功能,促进大学生知识和技能的有效建构,是高师地理教育的重点和方向。
3.This paper,starting with foreign language teaching theories,analyzes this phenomenon and explores its teaching functions,based on actual teaching practice.本文从外语教学理论入手,分析英语课堂教师使用的英汉语码转换现象,并根据英语教学的实际情况探讨其教学功能。
4)Successful Teaching成功教学
1.A Study of Successful Teaching Method in Physical Education;试探体育教学的成功教学
2.Ten teaching links that a successful teaching must be mastered;试论成功教学的基本环节
3.In successful teaching,teachers should have positive expectations on their students.成功教学意在激发学生的潜能,追求学生自身基础上的最大发展,通过教学的改善,使学生不断获得多方面的成功。
5)teaching effect教学效果
1.A new system of microscale inorganic chemical experiments and its teaching effect;无机化学实验微型化的新尝试及其教学效果
2.How to improve the nursing teaching effect;如何提高护理学基础教学效果
3.On how to improve surgery teaching effect;浅谈提高外科学教学效果的技巧
6)effective teaching有效教学
1.The Effective Teaching Research on Fundamental Course of Computer Culture;计算机文化基础课的有效教学研究
2.A teaching case on maths in senior Ⅲ reviewing “effective teaching”;例说高三数学复习的“有效教学”
3.The Summary of the Study of Effective Teaching s Implication and Features in China;国内有效教学的涵义和特征研究综述

蛋白功效比值蛋白功效比值protein efficiency ratio,PER 评价蛋白质营养价值的一种生物学指标。以受试蛋白质喂饲婴儿或幼小动物,7~10日后,计算每克食物蛋白质增加体重的克数,即PER。全蛋蛋白质的PER最大,为4.4;牛心为3.1;牛脑为2.97。