障碍意识,barrier consciousness
1)barrier consciousness障碍意识
1.By exploring the causes of these barrier consciousness, the author draws a conclusion that in order to improve the effectiveness of body language using fundamentally, it is necessary to master the basic theory of this language, to figure ou通过探索这些障碍意识的产生原因,笔者得出结论:要从根本上提高态势语言的运用成效,需要掌握态势语言的基本理论、揣摩魅力型领导的优雅举止、多了解世界各国的文化差异、树立服务型行政心理、创新行政文化等。
2)disturbance of consciousness意识障碍
1.Analysis of disturbance of consciousness from Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (33 cases)肾综合征出血热并发意识障碍33例分析
2.On day 3 after the IV acyclovir treatment,she developed disturbance of consciousness,disorientation,and somnolence.住院期间因带状疱疹给予阿昔洛韦500mg静脉滴注,2次/d,治疗第3天患者出现意识障碍,定向力差、嗜睡,血电解质、血肌酐、血红蛋白、体温较前无明显变化,神经系统查体无阳性发现。
3.Objective To compare changes in life quality of aged patients with disturbance of consciousness before and after oral hygiene intervention.目的 比较意识障碍休干口腔卫生干预前后休干生活质量。

1.Sleepwalking is one of the disturbances of consciousness that fall in the scope of psychopaths.梦游症是精神病中意识障碍的一种。
2.Analysis on the causes of regurgitation of gastric tube retention in disorder of conscious patients意识障碍患者胃管置管反流原因分析
3.The effect of Xingnaojing injection on treatment of the unconsciousness of stroke醒脑静治疗脑卒中意识障碍疗效观察
4.Forty-two Cases on Curing Conscious Hinder Disease of Blood Vessel of Brain;中西医结合治疗脑血管病意识障碍42例
5.The Clinical、Electrophysiological Evaluation and Prognosis Study of Consciousness Disorder Patients意识障碍患者的临床和电生理评价及预后研究
6.Analysis of disturbance of consciousness from Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (33 cases)肾综合征出血热并发意识障碍33例分析
7.Predicting awakening of unconscious patients with EEG nonlinear analysis脑电非线性分析用于意识障碍苏醒预测
8.The effect of Xing nao jing injection on treatment of the unconsciousness of stroke醒脑静治疗脑卒中患者意识障碍的临床观察
9.Fowler Position for Inserting Gastric Tube for Patients with Impaired Consciousness意识障碍患者半坐卧位置胃管效果探讨
10.The rehabilitation nursing of 18 conscious disturbance-patients after Gravis craniocerebral injury18例重症颅脑损伤后意识障碍病人的康复护理
11.Directive Effects of Pulse Examination on Syndrome Differentiation and Nursing the Unconscious Patients脉诊在辨证施护意识障碍者中的指导作用
12.A Research into the Developmental Characteristics of Self-concept of Hearing Impaired Children and the Corresponding Educational Strategies;听觉障碍儿童自我意识发展特点研究
13.A analysis of Self-Concept of children with disruptive behaviour disorder破坏性行为障碍儿童的自我意识分析
14.Behavior Problems and Self-Consciousness in ADHD Children Comorbid with Anxiety Disorder伴焦虑障碍注意缺陷多动障碍儿童的行为问题和自我意识特点
15.But we should also admit that there really are obstacles, a number of which, though not all, are created wittingly.而且还得承认,确实是障碍重重,这个障碍有些是有意识的,有些是无意识的,两种情况都有。
16.On the Systematical Obstacles and some Countermeasures for the Development of Chinese Environmental Awareness;中国环境意识发展的组织性障碍与对策
17.Evaluation of Chinese Research in Respect to the Awareness of Schools;以学派意识看外语研究——学派问题上的心理障碍
18.Development and Enlightenment of Researches on Hearing-impaired Children s Self-consciousness;听觉障碍儿童自我意识研究进展及教育启示

disturbance of consciousness意识障碍
1.Analysis of disturbance of consciousness from Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (33 cases)肾综合征出血热并发意识障碍33例分析
2.On day 3 after the IV acyclovir treatment,she developed disturbance of consciousness,disorientation,and somnolence.住院期间因带状疱疹给予阿昔洛韦500mg静脉滴注,2次/d,治疗第3天患者出现意识障碍,定向力差、嗜睡,血电解质、血肌酐、血红蛋白、体温较前无明显变化,神经系统查体无阳性发现。
3.Objective To compare changes in life quality of aged patients with disturbance of consciousness before and after oral hygiene intervention.目的 比较意识障碍休干口腔卫生干预前后休干生活质量。
3)conscious disturbance意识障碍
1.Nursing of long distance transferring security of patients with conscious disturbance;意识障碍患者长途转运的安全护理
2.Clinical observation of changed Wandai decoction on improving conscious disturbance after contusion and laceration of brain加减完带汤对改善脑挫裂伤后意识障碍的临床观察
3.Investigation and analysis of conscious disturbance induced by clozapine氯氮平引起意识障碍的调查分析
4)Consciousness disorder意识障碍
1.The clinical investigation of rehabilitation program in patients with severe consciousness disorder;严重意识障碍患者康复治疗方案的临床研究
2.Their consciousness disorder is great,accompanied with residual amnesia.且意识障碍程度重 ,均有后继性遗忘 ,作案动机顿起 ,都有促发因素且与作案的指向性密切相关 ,其患有原发病显著高于生理性激情作案者。
5)Disorders of consciousness意识障碍
1.A clininical analysis disorders of consciousness with alcohol poisoning by using naloxone hydrochloride;盐酸纳络酮治疗急性乙醇中毒意识障碍的临床观察
1.Application of EEG nonlinear analysis in monitoring unconsciousness;脑电非线性分析在意识障碍监测中的应用
2.Analysis on effectiveness of naloxone treatment against unconsciousness;纳络酮治疗意识障碍的疗效分析
3.A study on unconsciousness with approximate entropy and cross approximate entropy;近似熵和互近似熵脑电非线性分析在意识障碍评价中的应用

障碍障碍obstruction  阻挡机体的正常功能活动。