规约含义,conventional implicature
1)conventional implicature规约含义
1.This article explores the nature and general characteristics of conventional implicature,a very controversial and tricky notion of meaning left behind by Grice.规约含义是格赖斯遗留下来的一个十分棘手的关于自然语言意义的哲学问题。
2.By analyzing the shades of distinctions between the conventional implicature and the generalized implicature, the author tries to focus on and explain the concept of conventionality of stereotypical relation in a cognitive way.以古典格莱斯含义理论及新格莱斯含义理论对含义的界定和分类为基础,讨论了规约含义和一般含义的异同,批评了含义推导研究中将二者等同的现象。
3.These three kinds of metonymies have corresponding relations with particularized conversational implicature,conventional implicature and general conversational implicature respectively.同时,借代的含义和任何语用含义一样,也有一个语义演变和规约化过程,本文把借代的含义演变看作一个连续体,连续体两端分别是创造性借代和规约性借代,中间部分是一般性借代,它们分别与特殊含义、规约含义和一般含义相对应。

1.The Conventional Implicature of be Going to Construction: A Grammaticalisational Analysis;Be going to结构规约含义的语法化分析
2.Create procedures and rules implied by various constraints.创建各种约束所隐含的过程及规则。
3.The Implication of the new legislation will need to be look at新法规的含义需研究一下
4.The implications of the new legislation will need to be looked at.新法规的含义需研究一下.
5.The implication of the new legislation will need to is look at.新法规的含义需研究一下。
6.Principled Reasoning in Conversational Implicature: A Formalist Program;会话含义中规则性推理的形式化研究
7.Three Implications of "Language Planning" and "Chinese Language Modernization";“语言规划”和“语文现代化”的三个含义
8.On the Rules and Meanings of the English Suffix " - ish";英语后缀"ish"构词的规律及含义
9.None of us will get behind the treaty我们当中没有人会规避本条约的义务。
10.The Anti-Opportunism Rule and it s Restraints on Accounting;反机会主义规则及其对会计的制约性
11.Reflections on Existentialist Philosophy;“存在”如何规约:对存在主义哲学的反思
12.The Important Functions & Significance for Anti-corruption;反腐败要义:限制、规范、约束权力
13.The Research of Association Rules Mining Method That Contain Time and Space;含有时空约束的关联规则挖掘方法研究
14.Research on Revenue Sharing Contract Mechanism of Supply Chain with Risk Averse Agent;含风险规避者的供应链收益共享契约机制研究
15.A Approach to Bi-level Linear Programming with Fuzzy Number Coefficients in Constraint Functions;约束中含有模糊数的双层线性规划的一种解法
16.Retailer-Dominated Vertical Restraints:Literature Comments and Policy Implications;零售商主导的纵向约束:理论评述与政策含义
17.A clear understanding of the meaning of the effectuation is the premise of the study on the effectuation system of administrative contract.对行政契约生效含义的阐明是研究行政契约生效制度的前提。
18.He was beginning to be able to interpret the erratic gestures of her left arm.他开始能够弄清楚她不规则地挥动左臂的含义。

conventional meaning规约含义
1.Furthermore its conventional meaning is showing importance by objecting to the normal."亲自"是一个具有社会指示功能的词语,亲自的规约含义是违反常规以示重视。
2.Then, it points out how conventional meaning derives from literal meaning, and that attention should be given to the role of literal meaning in the classification of implicature.本文首先简单介绍《熟语》一书的主要内容及其理论基础,然后着重指出隐喻和转喻在熟语形成中的不同作用,并由此探讨规约含义是如何从直义演变而来的,指出应重视直义在含义分类中的作用,最后提出对该书的几点建议。
3)non-conventional implicature非规约含义
4)On the Implication of Stipulation of Agreements略论规约含义
5)implied contract含义契约
6)general reduction广义规约

二进制同步通信规约二进制同步通信规约synchronous mode con-trol protocol for data communication  的码组无差错,并已被接收,但接收端对接收下一个码组尚未准备好; RVI—反向中断,其作用是要求发送站结束正在进行中的传输. TTD—文电临时延误(STX ENQ),该控制字符是供某个还未准备好发送,但又希望保留线路的发送站使用的字符; DLE—数据链路转义字符,透明传输时用双字符表示,例如DLE soH表示在透明模式传输中用作标题开始的控制字符序列。 数据文电格式图中示出数据文电格式的帧结构。 ┌──┬─────┬─────┐ │SYN │S、N │控侧宇符 │ └──┴─────┴─────┘ ┌───┬────┬──────┬────┐ │SYN │S、,N │引导字特 │控制字符│ └───┴────┴──────┴────┘ ┌──┬───┬───┬───┬──┐ │S丫N│SYN │SOH │权翻 │ETB │ └──┴───┴───┴───┴──┘ ┌──┬───┬───┬───┬──────┬────┬──┐ │SYN │S、’N│SOH │标胭 │sTx}*、 │ETB/ETX │BCC │ └──┴───┴───┴───┴──────┴────┴──┘ ┌──┬───┬───┬───┬──────┬──┐ │SYN │SYN │STX │!}二文│ETB/ETX │BCC │ └──┴───┴───┴───┴──────┴──┘ ┌───┬───┬──┬────┬────┬────┬────┬──┐│S、刊 │S、润 │DLE │STX │透明正文│DLE │ETB/ETX │BCC │└───┴───┴──┴────┴────┴────┴────┴──┘ BISYNC规约规定的文电格式(a)控制/应答格式;(b)正文/标题格式;(。)透明格式er)旧zh一tongbu tongx旧gulyue二进制同步通伯规约(synehronous medeeontrol Protocol for data eommunieation)在数据通信系统中两个站之间进行二进制编码数据的同步传抽所使用的控制字符集和控制字符序列的规则和格式,也称为BISYNC(BSC)规约.该规约是面向字符的半双工数据桩路控制通信挽约,由美国IBM公司规定(IBM7o)。