认知努力,processing effort
1)processing effort认知努力
2)Identity work认同努力
3)Trying to Renew Knowledge努力更新知识
4)cognitive ability认知能力
1.We then examined multidimensional constructs based on the facts that studies on situational judgment tests showed that situational judgment tests were correlated with cognitive ability, personality, and job experience.同时,从情景判断测验的结果与认知能力、个性和工作经验等关系的角度出发,分析了情景判断测验的构思效度,认为情景判断测验测量的是多维构思。
2.In the past few years, authors have found some brain-damaged patients with semantic category-specific deficit who show a relatively lower cognitive ability in some specific semantic categories than in other ones.期间,人们发现有些脑损伤患者具有语义范畴特异性损伤现象,即表现出对个别语义范畴的认知能力相对较弱。
3.It improves remarkably the apperceive ability of the subject;VR technology makes the sensibility and logos integrated,and makes the logic thought and visual thought combined,which will effectively boost the cognitive ability of the subject.它极大地提高了主体的感知能力,虚拟技术使得认识活动感性和理性相结合,逻辑思维和形象思维并用,有力地推动人的认知能力的提高。

1.Cognitive Abilities Test认知能力测验 认知能力测验
2.Dissociation of Mathematics Cognitive Abilities and Language Cognitive Abilities;数学认知能力与语言认知能力的分离现象
3.Effective Way of Improving Students Cognitive Ability in English Learning--Fostering of the Students Meta-cognitive Ability;英语学习提高认知能力的有效方式——元认知培训
4.Research On Relations Between Cognitive Style And Spatial-cogonitive Ability: A Review;认知方式与空间认知能力的关系研究评述
5.Cognition and Recognition: Hamlet’s Power of Knowledge;认识与再认识:论哈姆雷特的认知能力(英文)
6.A Study on the Relationship between Metacognition and Self-access Listening;元认知能力和听力自主学习关系研究
7.A degenerative process that has already started to impair your cognitive functions.退化过程已经开始削弱你的认知能力
8.You can also find connections between birth weight and cognitive abilities.出生体重与认知能力之间也有关系。
9.Cognitive ability is one of the essential qualities for students.认知能力是学生必备的素质之一。
10.Ross Test of Higher Cognitive Processes罗斯高层次认知能力测验
11.Intelligence (buddhi) is the reflection in the mind of the power to know (chit).智慧(般若)是头脑中认知能力(识)的反映。
12.Cultivating Senior 3 Students Meta-cognitive Abilities in Reviewing Chinese Course;高三语文复习中学生元认知能力培养
13.The Research on the Training for the First Cognition in Mathematics Teaching in Middle School;高中数学教学中元认知能力培养研究
14.The Research of the Trian of High School Students Meta-cognigation Ability;高中物理学习中元认知能力培养探究
15.Teacher s Effective Questioning and Their Metocognitive Abilities;教师的有效课堂提问及其元认知能力
16.Research on Using VLEs to Foster Students Advanced Cognition;基于VLEs培养高级认知能力的研究
17.Cognitive Competence on English Vocabulary on Web Condition;论Web环境对英语词汇认知能力的影响
18.Extent of perception, knowledge, experience, or ability.范围认知、知识、经验或能力方面的范围

Identity work认同努力
3)Trying to Renew Knowledge努力更新知识
4)cognitive ability认知能力
1.We then examined multidimensional constructs based on the facts that studies on situational judgment tests showed that situational judgment tests were correlated with cognitive ability, personality, and job experience.同时,从情景判断测验的结果与认知能力、个性和工作经验等关系的角度出发,分析了情景判断测验的构思效度,认为情景判断测验测量的是多维构思。
2.In the past few years, authors have found some brain-damaged patients with semantic category-specific deficit who show a relatively lower cognitive ability in some specific semantic categories than in other ones.期间,人们发现有些脑损伤患者具有语义范畴特异性损伤现象,即表现出对个别语义范畴的认知能力相对较弱。
3.It improves remarkably the apperceive ability of the subject;VR technology makes the sensibility and logos integrated,and makes the logic thought and visual thought combined,which will effectively boost the cognitive ability of the subject.它极大地提高了主体的感知能力,虚拟技术使得认识活动感性和理性相结合,逻辑思维和形象思维并用,有力地推动人的认知能力的提高。
5)cognitive capacity认知能力
1.Changes of cognitive capacity after open heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass and affecting factors in 30 children with congenital heart disease;30例先天性心脏病患儿围术期认知能力变化及其影响因素分析
2.A battery of basic cognitive capacity tests and its software was designed and constructed on the bases of our researches for many years.在多年研究工作的基础上编制了这套“基本认知能力测验”。
3.At the same times,internet can lead to teenagers\' low cognitive capacity,cold interpersonal relation,depression,anxiety and so on.网络的推广与普及给青少年的身心带来了巨大的影响,它在拓宽青少年认知结构空间、促进其情绪宣泄和培养青少年多元价值观的同时,也容易导致青少年认知能力迷失、人际关系淡漠、生活意志丧失、抑郁、焦虑、敌对等一系列的心理问题。
6)cognitive ability认知力

捕捞总努力量渔获量  投入捕捞努力量所取得的渔获量。    捕捞努力量与渔获量的关系,相当于经济学上的投入与产出的关系。投入的捕捞努力量,即在捕捞中所做的功,由投入生产的渔船数、吨位、马力数、作业人数、天数、技术与工艺状况、投网次数等折算求得。产出的渔获量是各种有用的渔获物的数量,如大小黄鱼、比目鱼、带鱼、对虾、鲳鱼等的吨数;按上市鱼的规格剔除不合要求的渔获物后的数量为上市量。捕捞总努力量渔获量需通过调查整理各种渔业的捕捞记录才能得到,这些捕捞记录的表格均需包括构成捕捞努力量和分类渔获量的所有内容。捕捞记录资料经过整理汇总后,可用于分析捕捞渔业结构、渔业资源变动情况等。    总渔获量用捕捞努力量来除,所得的平均值为单位捕捞努力量渔获量,用符号表示为CPUE(catch per unit effort) 。用单位捕捞努力量渔获量作为衡量渔业生产经济效果的指标时,可将投入的捕捞努力量与渔获量换算为货币单位,然后进行计算即可得到所需的数据。作为衡量渔业资源的量度指标时,通常采用的公式为:F=q f。式中 F为捕捞死亡率(捕捞死亡量与资源数量的比率);q为可捕系数(资源数量与可能捕获量的比率);f为单位捕捞努力量渔获量。