联想义,associative meaning
1)associative meaning联想义
1.The meanings of campus popular expressions are dynamic pragmatic meaning,with relative secrecy, strong colour meaning and rich associative meaning.校园流行语语义是动态的言语义,具有隐秘性,色彩义浓郁,联想义丰富。

1.Word Association Knowledge and Vocabulary Retention;词汇联想义知识与词汇记忆(英文)
2.Analysing the Relationship Between Ambiguity of Word Association Sense and National Culture论联想义的模糊性与民族文化之关系
3.On Words Semantic Relations and Word Association by L2 Learners;论词义关系和二语学习者的词汇联想
4.The Emergence of the Associative Meaning of Color Terms "White" and "Black" in Ancient Times;上古颜色词“黑”、“白”联想意义的产生
5.On the Significance of Intensifying the Teaching of Associative Meaning;强化英语词汇联想意义教学势在必行
6.The Associative Meanings and Translation of Words Expressing Colors;颜色词(黑白绿蓝)的联想意义及翻译
7.Associative Meaning in Social and Cultural Perspectives;社会文化和语言的联想意义(英文)
8.Research on the Network Meaning Activation in Action Association of Fitness Exercise;健美操动作联想的语义网络激活研究
9.Study of Cultural Differences between Chinese and English from Color Words Imaginery Meaning;从颜色词的联想意义看汉英文化差异
10.Chinese And English Cultural Dieferences As Seen From Words Associative Meaning;从词汇的联想意义看汉英文化的差异
11.Associative Meaning of the Words and Foreign Language Teaching;试析英汉词汇的联想意义与外语教学
12.The Definition of Comparative Literature and Symphony;视点——比较文学定义与交响乐的联想
13.Influence of Culture Factors to Colour Words;文化因素对英汉词汇联想意义的影响
14.Animal Vehicles and Their Associative Meanings in Chinese and English Idioms;汉英习语中的动物喻体及其联想意义
15.A Comparative Study on Cultural Association of Basic Color Terms in English and Chinese英汉颜色词联想意义的文化对比研究
16.The Differentiation of Associative Meanings of Animal Words between English and Chinese Languages and Translation英汉动物词汇的联想意义差异及翻译
17.Discussion on the Associated Meaning of Words Connotation and the Realization of Cross-culture Communication;论词义内涵的联想意义与跨文化交际的实现
18.On Associative Transference Of Vocabulary In Changes Of Meaning;论英语词义变化方式中词义的联想转移

associative meaning联想意义
1.Cultural context and the associative meaning of words;文化语境与词汇的联想意义
2.However,because of different geography,traditions,customs and patterns of thinking of various nations,similar or different associative meanings are attached to animals and thus some animal words bear unique cultural features.然而,由于各民族不同的地理环境、文化传统、社会习俗和思维方式,动物被赋予了或同或异的联想意义,因而其动物习语具有独特的民族文化色彩。
3.Closely related to people s life experience,the associative meanings of a language often directly or indirectly reflect a language group s culture values,produce communicative value and add specific feelings to the words.语言的联想意义是人们在使用语言时联想到的现实生活中的体验,它直接或间接地反映语言团体的文化观念,产生交际价值并给词汇附加特定的情感色彩。
3)semantic association语义联想
1.The present survey shows that definiteness of semantic association lies in the realization of sense relations such as synonymy,antonymy and hyponymy in the paradigmatic relations and homogeneity in the syntagmatic relations,while its indefiniteness includes intuitiveness in the paradigmatic relations and heterogeneity in the syntagmatic relations.该调查研究得出语义联想中确定性表现为纵聚合关系中词的同义、反义和上下义关系和横组合关系中的同质性;不确定性蕴涵纵聚合关系中的直观性和横组合关系中的异质性。
2.How to guide the students conducting correct semantic association is one of the important skills in listening comprehension.指出语义联想是听力理解过程中一项重要技能,如何指导学生进行正确的语义联想是提高英语听力理解的重要途径之一。
3.The correct interpretation by the addressee of the semantic information from the speaker is governed by certain principles, namely the Reception Principles based on semantic association, which can be expressed in three maxims: Maxim of Proximity, Maxim of Cooperation and Maxim of Feedback.接受原则建立在语义联想的基础之上,它包括趋同原则、配合原则和反馈原则。
4)word-meaning association词义联想
5)meaning association意义联想

二义──阿赖耶二义【二义──阿赖耶二义】  ﹝出宗镜录﹞  梵语阿赖耶,华言藏。谓第八识能含藏诸法种故。  [一、能摄一切法],摄谓摄持,即含藏之义。盖此识摄持一切善恶之法,犹如库藏,含藏宝贝而不遗失也。  [二、能生一切法],生即发生也。谓此识既含藏善恶种子,则一切善恶诸法,从此出生,犹如大地,能发生草木万物也。