社会称谓语,social appellation
1)social appellation社会称谓语
1.This paper collects 166 kinds of social appellation about women since China s re form and opening up,analyzing the definition,classification,and the characterist ics of new female social appellation.搜集166个自改革开放以来中国出现过的有关女性的社会称谓语,分别对它们的概念、类别、特点进行考察。
2.As the development of our society,there is a phenomena of the absence of the social appellation,especially in female s.随着社会的发展,汉语社会称谓语在日常交际中出现缺位现象,而由于诸多原因造成的女性社会称谓语缺位问题更显突出。

1.Studies of the Pragmatic Differences between English and Chinese Address Terms and their Translation;小议英汉社会称谓语语用对比与翻译
2.Inquiry into Chinese Social Appellations from Social - cultural Pragmaticand Fuzzy Linguistic Perspectives;从文化、语用学、模糊语言理论看汉语社会称谓语
3.A Comparison of Some Social Appellatives between Malaysian Chinese and Putonghua;马来西亚华语与普通话社会称谓语比较
4.The Modern Female Characteristics Summed up from The New Female Social Appellation;从新兴女性社会称谓语看现代女性时代特征
5.Changes and Development of Chinese Social Address after the Foundation of PRC;新中国成立以来社会称谓语的变化与发展
6.A Study on the Absence Phenomenon of Social Address Forms and Supplementary Forms社会称谓语的缺位现象及其补位形式研究
7.The Choice of Address Forms and the Reflection of Social Identities;称谓语的选用与社会身份关系之表达
8.Analysis of Differences between Daily-used English and Chinese Address Terms and Culture英汉社交称谓语的差异及其社会文化因素探析
9.The Research of Commonly-used Social Address Terms According to the Associative Group Analysis Method;基于“联想组合分析法”的社会通用称谓语研究
10.Talking About the Relations Between Language and Society from the Change of Address to Spouses;从配偶称谓变化谈语言与社会生活的关系
11.On the Relationship between Daily-used Chinese and English Address Terms and Culture;浅析汉英日常称谓语差异及其社会文化因素
12.On the Characteristics of Chinese Relative Appellationand Their Social and Historical Background;论汉语亲属称谓的特征及其社会历史文化背景
13.Comparative Study of Social Interpersonal and Personal Demonstrative Appellations in Chinese and Japanese;社会人际关系称谓及人称指代称谓的汉日对比
14.Semantic Research on Chinese Widely-used Social Addressings;汉语“通用”社交称谓语的语义研究
15.A Contrastive Analysis of Address Forms in Thunderstorm and Major Barbara-Towards a Socio-Pragmatic Perspective;《雷雨》和《芭巴拉少校》中英汉称谓语的社会语用对比分析
16.Discussion on the relationship between language and social factor from the changing Address terms both in English and Chinese;从中英文称谓语及其变化看语言与社会因素之间的关系
17.Appellation as a mirrior-image of social and cultural psychology--A comparative study of the Chinese and English appellations称谓:社会文化心理的镜象——英汉称谓系统的对比
18.The Pragmatic Functions of Terms of Address in Social Context:A Comparative Study between English and Chinese;比较社交语境下英汉称谓语的语用功能

social address社会称谓语
1.This paper studies the changes and development of Chinese social address after the foundation of PRC and the extensive use of Chinese social address.社会称谓语是一种特殊的语言符号。
2.Different culture background results in different kinship address and social addresses in China and English speaking countries.不同的文化背景导致了中西亲属称呼语和社会称谓语的不
3)Chinese social appellations汉语社会称谓语
1.Chinese social appellations, taking on various forms, embody the traditional Chinese culture and reflect the Cooperative Principle (CP), the Polite Principle(PP) in the pragmatic studies and fuzzy linguistic theory.本文从社会文化、语用学、模糊语言理论的角度讨论汉语社会称谓语的理据。
4)commonly-used social address terms社会通用称谓语
1.Though there are a lot of essays or books on the commonly-used social address terms,it is quite difficult for the traditional research methods to give a prediction of the.社会通用称谓语具有高度的时代性和变化性,能反映社会文化的时代特点。
5)social address社会称谓
1.From the perspective of the cross\|cultural communication, this paper makes a comparison between the different types of social address in both languages and their similarities and differences.社会称谓是人际称谓系统的重要组成部分。
6)social appellation社会称谓
1.The research of Chinese appellation in ancient times which involves in relatives and social appellations is an important component of the dynastic study of Chinese words.它涉及汉代以前的亲属称谓和社会称谓。
2.The appellation words are divided into relative appellation and social appellation,which have two forms: direct appellation and indirect appellation according to the address objects.《水浒传》中有大量的称谓语,他们构成了该书的称谓系统,具有称谓系统的一些基本规律:称谓词按关系可分为亲属称谓和社会称谓两大类,无论是亲属称谓还是社会称谓,按照指称对象是交谈另一方还是以外的第三者又都有面称和背称两种形式。

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决