英汉语码转换,Chinese-English Code-switching
1)Chinese-English Code-switching英汉语码转换
1.Conversational Functions of Chinese-English Code-switching on EFLCampus;EFL环境下校园英汉语码转换的会话功能
2.This paper tries to analyze the function of Chinese-English code-switching on campus and points out that it is adaptive to linguistic reality、social conventions and mental motivation.尝试对大学校园交际中英汉语码转换的功能作出分析,指出英汉语码转换是对语言现实、社会规约以及心理动机的顺应。

1.Impact of Sino-Anglo Code-switching upon the Syntax of Modern Chinese;英汉语码转换对现代汉语句法的影响
2.Exploring Teachers’English-Chinese Code-switching in the English Language Classroom;探析英语课堂教师英汉语码转换现象
3.Using English/Chinese Code-switching as a Strategy for the English Intensive-reading Teaching;谈英语精读的教学策略:英汉语码转换
4.A Pragmatic Approach to Chinese and English Code-switching in Advertising Discourse;广告语篇中英汉语码转换的语用研究
5.A Study of Chinese-English Code-switching in Advertising Discourse;中国广告语篇中的英汉语码转换研究
6.Pragmatic Study of Code-switching in English Classroom教师课堂英汉语码转换语用理据研究
7.Teachers Chinese/English Codeswitching in Classroom: An Adaptation Approach;教师课堂英汉语码转换的顺应性研究
8.An Analysis of College English Teachers Chinese and English Code-switching in Class;大学英语教师课堂英汉语码转换的研究分析
9.A Study of College English Teachers Code-switching between English and Chinese in the Classroom;关于大学英语教师课堂中英汉语码转换的研究
10.The Analysis and Application of the Teacher s English-Chinese Code-switching in English Classroom;英汉语码转换在英语课堂上的应用分析
11.The Empirical Study of Teacher's Codeswitching in College English Classroom大学英语课堂教师英汉语码转换的实证研究
12.A Study of Chinese-English Code-switching in Fashion Discourse;中国时尚语篇中的英汉语码转换现象初探
13.Code-Switching in Chinese/English Bilingual Speakers --a case study among 30 Chinese/English bilinguals;英汉双语者的语码转换现象(英文)
14.The Analysis of the Causes and Pragmatic Functions of Chinese / English Codeswitching;汉英语码转换的成因及语用功能分析
15.Code-Switch of Odd-Even Number Decision in Chinese-English Bilinguals:An ERP Study汉英双语者奇偶数语码转换的ERP研究
16.Chinese-English Code Switching in Xinmin Weekly《新民周刊》中的汉英语码转换初探
17.Cognitive Mechanism of Chinese/English Codeswitching: Motivation and Constraints;汉英语码转换的认知机制:动机与限制
18.On English-Chinese Codeswitching in College Students Everyday Conversation;论大学生日常会话中的汉英语码转换

English-Chinese code-switching英汉语码转换
1.With the analysis of the English-Chinese code-switching materials obtained from his classes, the author analyzes the functions and causes of the English-Chinese code-switching from the perspectives of informational English-Chinese code-switching and emotional English-Chinese code-switching.从信息型英汉语码转换和情感型英汉语码转换两个角度进行分析研究,得出英语课堂上英汉语码转换的功能,成因和原则。
2.In college English teaching process,the amount of English-Chinese code-switching is always the problem that every Chinese teacher is faced with.在大学英语教学过程中,英汉语码转换的多少始终是每一个中国教师面临的问题,语码转换多少的标准及效果的好坏在不同层次的学生中表现不一,其原因也是多个方面的。
3)Chinese-English code-switching汉英语码转换
1.The present study investigates the linguistic features and distribution patterns of Chinese-English code-switching in Chinese sports news reports, based on Myers-Scotton’s Matrix Language Frame Model.本文旨在以Myers-Scotton的基础语框架模式为理论依据,调查研究中文体育报道中汉英语码转换的语言特征及分布规律。
2.The present research is under the theoretical framework of Verschueren’s Linguistic Adaptation Theory, aiming at exploring the motivations for Chinese-English code-switching in advertising discourse in famous Chinese magazines and newspapers.近年来,我国的广告语篇中大量的应用汉英语码转换。
3.The present thesis uses a word grammar approach which is founded by Richard Hudson to analyze Chinese-English code-switching,the aim of this study is to show that WG is preferential over other linguistic theories for the study of bilingual speech.Hudson创立的词项语法框架下对汉英语码转换进行了分析,试图证明与其他理论相比,词项语法对于语码转换这一语法现象具有更强的解释力。
4)Chinese/English codeswitching汉英语码转换
1.The present thesis attempts to (i) present an adequate description of the morphosyntactic features of Chinese/English codeswitching; (ii) provide an adequate explana.本文有两个目标:(1)对汉英语码转换的词汇句法特征提供充分的描述;(2)在优选论框架内对这些词汇句法特征进行解释。
5)written Chinese-English code-switching汉一英书面语码转换
1.With the counter examples from the corpus of the novel Working Girls,we put forward our argument that those constraints do not suit our data because of their inability to explain the phenomenon of written Chinese-English code-switching.本文对已存在的一些较有影响的语法结构规限或原则理论加以考证讨论,利用小说语料提出反证,说明这些规限和原则都不适用于汉一英书面语码转换。
6)Teacher's English/Chinese codeswitching教师英/汉语码转换
