言语意义,meaning of speech
1)meaning of speech言语意义
1.The meaning of speech is not ambiguous mass but has different hierarchies.就人们对其言语表达效果的期待以及表达策略来说,不外乎明示、暗示和寓示,因此可以把言语意义分为明示义、暗示义和寓示义三种。
2)Language Meaning语言意义

1.Semantics can be simply defined as the study of meaning in language.语义学可定义为对语言意义的研究。
2.Semantics is a subject studying the meaning of language.语义学是研究语言意义的一门学科。
3.Balance of Language Form and Language Meaning in TBLT;论任务型语言教学中语言形式和语言意义的平衡
4.(in language)meaning;effect(语言的)意义,作用
5.grasp the meaning of sth said or written弄清言语或文字的意义
6.inarticulate sounds非语言的 (无意义的) 声音
7.a specialist in the study of linguistic meaning.研究语言学意义的专家。
8.Practical Significance of Language Input Hypothesis for the Language Learning;语言输入假设对语言学习的实践意义
9.Meaning of Projection System Seen from the Aspect of Verbs;从英语动词的体义看语言的投射意义
10.On Cognitive Semantics and Its Implication for Language Teaching论认知语义学及其对语言教学的意义
11.language used in a figurative or nonliteral sense.用于比喻意义或者非字面意义的语言。
12."Conative Function"- Semantic Field and Speech Acts of "просьба/Requirement";“意动性”功能-语义场与“请求”类言语行为
13.The phonological forms and implicature of morphological changes in English and Chinese;英汉语言形态变化的语音形式及意义
14.Context and Its Function in Verbal Communication;语境的意义及其在言语交际中的作用
15.Analysis on the Tibetan Tea Culture from the Linguistic Viewpoint;藏语中“茶”的文化语言学意义辨析
16.Linguistic Aesthetical Awareness of Ancient Chinese Reflected in Shuowen-Jiezi from the Perspective of Original Linguistic Meaning;从《说文》语言本义看中国先民的语言审美意识
17.Significance of the Change of Direction of Philosophical Language to the Contemporary Language Study;哲学的语言转向对当代语言研究的意义
18.Perspectives on Meaning A Comparative Study of Systemic Functional Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics;系统功能语言学与认知语言学意义观之比较

Language Meaning语言意义
3)Semantic Meaning语言意义
1.Cognitive Features of Semantic Meaning in Translation;翻译中语言意义的认知特点
4)linguistic values语言意义
1.Numerals, one of the earliest and most commonly used parts of speech, have been gaining more and more linguistic values and cultural connotations in the development of language.不少数词在语言的发展过程中获得了十分丰富的语言意义和民俗文化意义。
5)the linguistic significance语言学意义
6)meaning of language语言的意义

有意义言语学习有意义言语学习meaningful verbal learning 有意义言语学习(meaningful verballearning)学生通过言语形式理解知识的意义,掌握系统知识的学习。是美国心理学家D.P.奥苏伯尔首先提出的概念。他根据学生课堂练习任务的复杂程度,把有意义言语学习分为代表学习、概念学习和命题学习三种。代表学习是学习单个符号或一组符号的意义,主要是词汇学习,是概念学习的基础。概念学习是掌握同类事物共同的关键特征,以概念形成和概念同化为基本形式,是命题学习的前提。命题学习是学习几个概念联合所构成的复合意义。有意义言语学习前提条件是:(l)学习材料是有逻辑意义的。(2)学习材料可以和学生认知结构中的有关知识相联系,即对学习者来说有潜在意义。(3)学习者具有有意义学习的心向,即积极主动地将新旧知识加以联系的倾向性。 (王丽荣撰成立夫审)