言语事件,speech event
1)speech event言语事件
1.SPEAKING,components of speech events proposed by Hymes,specifies a set of factors which could affect a speech event during the process of language production and interpretation.美国社会学家DellHymes提出了言语事件构成要素理论(SPEAKING),阐明了言语生成和理解这一动态过程中对言语事件产生影响的一系列因素,提供了一套较为完整的语境参数分析言语事件
2.Based on the framework for the analysis of speech events in sociolinguistics, the present paper probes into language appropriaty and argues that only when users of language take the main contextual factors into their consideration can they ensure their language appropriaty and minimize their failure in communication, esp.文章以社会语言学中的言语事件分析框架为依据,探讨了何谓语言得体以及怎样做到语言得体。

1.Argumentation in Chinese Conflict Talk:A Discourse Analytical Perspective汉语冲突言语事件中的论证话语分析
2.Speech acts research trend--Speech events research approaches;言语行为研究走向——兼论言语事件研究方法
3.Language Dispute in Reputation Infringement Suits: An Approach from Components of a Speech Event;名誉侵权诉讼中的语言争议:言语事件构成要素的分析视角
4.Defamation and insult are legally defined speech events.污辱、诽谤是由法律所规定的两种侵害名誉权的言语事件
5.discrete event system simulation language离散事件系统仿真语言
6.They said something that words were powerless to utter.他们诉说着一件语言无力表达的事。
7.continuous discrete event system simulation language连续离散事件系统仿真语言
8.The Cognitive Mechanism and Linguistic Forms of Events' Indicative Space事件指示空间的认知机制及语言形式
9.It's known that a knowledge of many languages is not a piece of cake.众所周知,通晓多门语言不是件容易的事.
10.It is not always easy to put one's ideas into words.思想用言语表达出来并不总是一件容易的事。
11.It is difficult to communicate with a person who doesn’t know your language.与不懂你语言的人进行交谈是件很费劲的事。
12.A Review on Lexical Access Theory of Language Production and ERP Researches言语产生的词汇通达理论与事件相关电位研究
13.Linguistic Arts of Solving Group Incidents;处理群体性事件应注意的语言方法艺术
14.Language Function and Event-related Potential Study in Patients with Cerebral Infarction脑梗死患者语言功能及事件相关电位研究
15.Research And Application Of Complex Event Description Language for RFID System面向RFID的复杂事件描述语言研究及应用
16.Slang has always bubbled to the surface during crisis points.每当一些重大事件发生的时候,语言中总是会产生一些新的俚语。
17.had been aware of English body language, this unfortunate incident could have been avoided.曾经留意过英语肢体语言的话,上述的不幸事件就可以避免。
18.The Information Hegemony and Linguistic Breakthrough;信息霸权与语言突围——奥运火炬传递事件对外语文化教学的启示

speech events言语事件
1.After that it is claimed that speech acts research should be conducted within speech events.本文通过对言语行为理论的综述,揭示了言语行为理论的局限性,进而指出言语行为研究应转向言语事件研究,即以言语事件为单位,在言语事件中研究言语行为,并就如何在言语事件中研究言语行为,介绍了四种研究方法。
3)lingustic event语言事件
4)case languages事件语言
5)SASE event languageSASE事件语言
6)event driven language (EDL)事件驱动语言

产后言语含糊产后言语含糊 产后言语含糊   病证名。出周丹忱《胎产指南》。舌为心之苗。因产时或产后失血过多,心血亏虚,心气不能上达,故舌萎卷缩,言语含糊。治宜滋阴养心。方用生脉散合四物汤。