外交委婉语,Diplomatic Euphemism
1)Diplomatic Euphemism外交委婉语
1.An Analysis of Diplomatic Euphemisms from the Perspectives of Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle;从“合作”及“礼貌”原则看外交委婉语
2.Despite the large number of studies done on euphemism, we find that diplomatic euphemism, as a sub-stream, still has further room to explore.尽管对于委婉语的研究已有许多,但是单就外交委婉语这一分支而言,其研究的空间似乎尚未完全开发。
3.However, in the existing literature, it is found that there爱热only few empirical researches on diplomatic euphemism—euphemism used in the diplomatic discourse.然而,在现有的文献中,对使用在新闻发布会语境中的外交委婉语的研究比较匮乏。

1.A Pragmatic Analysis of English Diplomatic Euphemisms in Press Conference Discourses新闻发布会中外交委婉语的语用研究
2.An Analysis of Diplomatic Euphemisms from the Perspectives of Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle;从“合作”及“礼貌”原则看外交委婉语
3.Euphemism in English and Its Application in Foreign Affairs;浅谈英语中的委婉语及其在对外交往中的运用
4.Communicating Function and Feature of Euphemismof Foreign Vocabulary;外语词汇做委婉表达的交际功能和特点
5.Chinese Euphemisms and Teaching Chinese as a Forgein Language汉语委婉语及委婉表达与对外汉语教学
6.The Constructing Methods and the Communicating Function of the Euphemism;英语委婉语的构建方式及其交际功能
7.Application of English Euphemism s Concealment in Communication;英语委婉语掩饰功能在交际中的运用
8.The Communicative Functions and the Applied Fields of English Euphemisms;英语委婉语的交际功能及其应用领域
9.The Social Function of Euphemism in Ancient and Modern Spoken Language Communication;委婉语在古今言语交际中的社会功能
10.A Brief Analysis on Cultural Connotations of English Euphemism in Social Communication英语委婉语在社会交际中的文化内涵
11.The Euphemistic Functions of Fuzzy Language in the Actions of Propaganda and Communication;模糊语言在宣传、交际中的委婉功能
12.Message Encode, Decode and Feedback in the Communication of A Euphemistic Speech;委婉言语交际的信息编码、解码与反馈
13.A Pragmatic Study on English Euphemism and Its Implication to English Teaching;英语委婉语的语用探讨及其对外语教学的启示
14.The Pragmatic Functions of English Euphemism and its Expressions in Communication;英语委婉语在交际中的语用功能及表达方式
15.On the cross points of English and Chinese culture from the view of the communicative function of euphemism;从委婉语的交际功能看英汉文化交叉点
16.The Confliction and Melting of the Cooperative Principle and Euphemism in Language Communication;语言交际中合作原则与委婉语的冲突与融合
17.On the Interpretation of Euphemism in Cross-cultural Communication from Pragmatics;从语用角度解读跨文化交际中的委婉语
18.Fuzzy Strategies and the Communicative Function of Euphemisms;略谈委婉语的模糊策略及其语用交际功能

diplomatic euphemisms外交委婉语
1.This article concisely and systematically analyze the diplomatic euphemisms from the view of pragmatics.为此,外交家们常常运用外交委婉语来回答敏感性问题以及缓和交际气氛。
2.Analyzed diplomatic euphemisms from the pragmatic perspective, one can find the grounds of their existence.外交委婉语是外交人员不可或缺的交际艺术。
3)communication of a euphenisticspeech委婉言语交际
1.Linguistic and rhetorical characteristics of euphemism;浅析委婉语的语言特征和修辞特征
1.Pragmatic Functions of Euphemisms in English;英语中委婉语的语用功能分析
2.Cultural differences reflected in Chinese and English euphemisms;文化差异在英汉委婉语中的体现
