类层级结构,type hierarchy structure
1)type hierarchy structure类层级结构
2)the Type Hierarchy Structure Relation类层级结构关系
1.Starting from the Type Hierarchy Structure Relation and the Stereotypical Relation put forward by Xu Shenghuan,the paper unveils the cognitive mechnism of personification.过去人们对于拟人的研究多限于词语层面和英汉语对比层面,本文从徐盛桓所提出的类层级结构关系和常规关系出发来揭示人类如何拟物为人的思维认知机制。
3)hierarchical structure层级结构
1.Decomposing a complex decision into a hierarchical structure,the decision process becomes a more manageable one.文章基于层级,将一个复杂的决策分解,构建进入方式的层级结构模型,而且,在此基础上提出一些可运用的方式组合,如无关的方式组合、分割的方式组合和补充的方式组合。
2.On the basis , the hierarchical structure for the enterprise s development strategies is discussed in details.在此基础上 ,提出企业发展战略的层级结构。

1.Administrative Divisions and Their Functions Below County Level in Ming Dynasty;明代县以下区划的层级结构及其功能
2.Prosodic features of rhetoric structure of Mandarin Chinese text汉语语篇语义层级结构边界韵律表现
3.A tree is a hierarchy of folders and files.一棵树就是一个目录和文件的层级结构
4.Study on the Stratification Structure and Social Security Mode of the Aged;老年群体的层级结构与养老保障模式研究
5.Patterns of spatial interaction and hierarchical structure of Chinese cities based on intercity air passenger flows;基于航空客流的中国城市层级结构分析
6.Study on Foreign Entry Mode of Enterprises Based on Hierarchical Structure;基于层级结构的企业国外进入方式研究
7.linear hierarchy of multiple storage levels多存储器级的线性层次结构
8.They organize their companies in many-layered hierarchies of order givers and order takers.公司组织结构层次多,等级森严。
9.The degree of subordination of an item in an hierarchic arrangement.分层结构中,一个项的从属级别。
10.Studies on Canopy and Ecological Factors of Super Wheat;超级小麦冠层结构与生态因子的研究
11.Study on Properties and Structures of the Nanoscale MoS_2-based Coatings纳米级MoS_2基涂层性能及结构的研究
12.System level simulation of multi-processor SoC architecture based on hierarchical bus层次总线型多核SoC结构系统级模拟
13.Exciton Energy Levels of (nc-Si/SiO_2)/SiO_2 Multi-Layer Quantum Dots Structure(nc-Si/SiO_2)/SiO_2多层量子点结构的激子能级
14.These data hierarchies are grouped into levels that roll together to form the values for the next highest level in the hierarchy.这些数据层次结构划分为不同的级别,级别中的值汇总在一起,构成层次结构中上一级别的值。
15.These data hierarchies are grouped into levels that combine to form the values for the next highest level in the hierarchy.这些数据层次结构划分为不同的级别,级别中的值组合在一起,构成层次结构中上一级别的值。
16.Design of Meshy Hierarchy Organization Model of Universities in China;构建创新型大学的网络化层级组织结构设计
17.An Analysis on the Hypothesis of “ Two Classes and One Stratum”;对社会主义社会阶级阶层结构是“两个阶级一个阶层”论的剖析
18.Sociological Analysis on Social Structural Transition in the Soviet Union Perspective from Class and Stratum苏联社会结构转型的社会学分析:阶级分层与阶层分层

the Type Hierarchy Structure Relation类层级结构关系
1.Starting from the Type Hierarchy Structure Relation and the Stereotypical Relation put forward by Xu Shenghuan,the paper unveils the cognitive mechnism of personification.过去人们对于拟人的研究多限于词语层面和英汉语对比层面,本文从徐盛桓所提出的类层级结构关系和常规关系出发来揭示人类如何拟物为人的思维认知机制。
3)hierarchical structure层级结构
1.Decomposing a complex decision into a hierarchical structure,the decision process becomes a more manageable one.文章基于层级,将一个复杂的决策分解,构建进入方式的层级结构模型,而且,在此基础上提出一些可运用的方式组合,如无关的方式组合、分割的方式组合和补充的方式组合。
2.On the basis , the hierarchical structure for the enterprise s development strategies is discussed in details.在此基础上 ,提出企业发展战略的层级结构。
4)Level structure层级结构
1.Facing the new economy situation, the traditional level structures is facing great challenges.传统的层级结构在新经济条件下遇到强大挑战,解决这一难题的有效办法是组织进行扁平化管理,扁平化管理一方面由于管理层次减少而管理幅度增加能促进企业快速决策,但同时也可能带来部门经理的越权行为。
1.According to the theory of hierarchy of complexity and the Vertical organization in brain cell, a kind of large scale ANN system model can be build for information processing.复杂性理论的层级结构提供了以简单基本系统组建大规模系统的基本方法。
2.Hence the hierarchy of interpreting problems, in which t理论分析的同时,作者以具体的口译实例来说明功能主义的层级结构应对口译问题的合理性和可行性,以期为日后口译教学及译员培训的完善呈献微薄之力。
6)hierarchic structuring层级结构化
