功能义,functional meaning
1)functional meaning功能义
1.The paper discusses comprehensively the passive, disposal and causative functional meanings of Na(拿)and their relations from the angles of ancient Chinese, Putonghua and regional dialect.本文从历史、普通话、方言三个角度全面考察了“拿”字功能义,着重分析了“拿”字表示被动、处置、使役三种功能义的关系,分析梳理了“拿”字功能义的语法化过程。
1.A Tentative Discussion about the Application of Functionalism in the Furniture design;浅谈功能主义思想在家具设计中的应用
2.The Ideas of Functionalism in the Contemporary Interior Design Style;当代居室室内设计风格中的功能主义思想主线
3."Promise" vs."Steamed Bread": An Explanation from Mass Communication Functionalism;《无极》vs.《馒头》:大众传播功能主义学的解读

1.On the Relationship of Functionalism and New-functionalism;浅析新功能主义与传统功能主义的关系
2.Neo-Neo Functionalism: Review on the Theory of Functionalism;新-新功能主义:对功能主义理论的重新审视
3.Humanism and Functionalism in Sociological View;社会学视界中的人本主义和功能主义
4.Where Functionalism Goes Astray:Putnam s Anti-functionalism and Its Difference from Rorty s Position;功能主义错在哪里——论普特南的反功能主义及其与罗蒂的分歧
5.A Comparison Between Functionalism and Neo-functiona lism in Globalization Theory;国际一体化理论中的功能主义与新功能主义的比较分析
6.On Constructing Socialism Harmonious Society in the Vision of Functionalism;功能主义视阈下社会主义和谐社会的构建
7.Functionalism and Thoughts on Developing Marxist Theory of Consciousness;功能主义与发展马克思主义意识论的若干思考
8.The Development and Trend of Grammar:Formalism and Functionalism;语法学的发展与趋向:形式主义与功能主义
9.Form plus Function:Towards a Tentative Unified Theory of Linguistics“形式主义”+“功能主义”:语言学“统一”理论初探
10.The Structural Functionalism Examination on Chinese Characterization of Scientific Socialism's科学社会主义中国化的结构功能主义审视
11.Analysis of Financial Function of Higher Vocational Education Based Structural Functionalism;基于结构功能主义的高职教育经济功能分析
12.Joseph S. Nye, Jr. and Modification of Neo-Functionalism小约瑟夫·奈与新功能主义理论的“修正”
13.Contrastive Study on Intonation of English and Chinese Languages from the Perspective of Functionalism;功能主义视角下的英汉语调对比研究
14.Translating "Texts with Chinese Characteristics": A Functionalist Approach;“中国特色”文本的功能主义翻译模式
15.The Reception and Study of Functionalist Skopos Theory in China;功能主义目的论在中国的接受与研究
16.On "Functionalism" in Creation Thoughts of Pre Qin Time;刍议先秦工艺造物思想中的“功能主义
17.European Integration Theory :Analysis on Early Functionalism and Neo-Functionalism;欧洲一体化理论:新旧功能主义评析
18.Understanding Organization of Colleges and Universities Through the View of Structure-functionalist;结构功能主义视角下的高等学校组织

1.A Tentative Discussion about the Application of Functionalism in the Furniture design;浅谈功能主义思想在家具设计中的应用
2.The Ideas of Functionalism in the Contemporary Interior Design Style;当代居室室内设计风格中的功能主义思想主线
3."Promise" vs."Steamed Bread": An Explanation from Mass Communication Functionalism;《无极》vs.《馒头》:大众传播功能主义学的解读
1.Their morphological characteristics and physiological functions are discussed in detail.阐述了人体屏障的形态学基础及功能意义。
2.Form and meaning (function) are the basic elements of a language.按照顺应论的观点,翻译是一种动态的选择过程,即文本与译者之间的顺应和交流过程,当语言的形式和意义两者之间存在矛盾时,应选择与译语语境和语言结构相适应的表达形式,使译文达到与原文功能意义上的对等。
1.As the core of modernism,functionism has walked a long way with the development of modern industry design for nearly 100 years.作为现代主义核心的功能主义在现代工业设计近百年的发展过程中 ,经历了发生、发展、演变和反思的漫长历程。
2.Besides it has also borrowed some concepts of sociology-Functionism,Conflictionism,Exchang-Actionism-to analyse the relationship further.从体育的起源着手谈体育与社会的关系,并借用社会学原理从功能主义的视角、冲突论的视角、互动论的视角更近一步的论证体育与社会的关系。
3.This essay consists of three parts: The first part deals with the origin and development of functionism; The second part is devoted to the discussion of the common characteristics shared by different functionist schools; The last part discusses the differences existing among them.近年来 ,语言研究的功能主义方法已成为一种时尚 ,本文的第一部分追溯了功能主义形成的历史 ,成为一种思潮的原因 ,并且认为功能主义的思想最初来源于Courtenay 。
5)function semantics功能语义
1.Automatic generate of 3D dimension model based on the function semantics;基于功能语义的三维尺寸模型自动生成
2.The motion constraint of mechanical product in terms of the definition of function unit was abstractly expressed,and a new scheme of evolutionary modeling for mechanism motion based on function semantics was proposed.现有的基于几何约束关系的CAD系统不能很好地解决面向方案设计的机构运动模型表示这一问题,为此提出了一种新的基于功能语义的运动进化建模方法。
3.A new representation method of mechanism motion model for conceptual design based on “the trinity” of function semantics is put forward, and the motion transform constraint and motion connection constraint carried by function semantics are described.基于功能符号“三位一体”性提出了面向概念设计的机构运动模型表示方法;给出了功能语义蕴涵的运动变换约束和运动关系约束;通过功能符号形式化描述建立分层次的机构概念运动模型,实现对计算机辅助概念运动设计的支持。
6)functional semantics功能语义
1.Disassembling a part into the features of basic entity(FBE),the dimensional models were gained by analyzing the change of the functional semantics of dimension during FBE s combination.将零件进行特征基元体分解,通过分析基元体在组合成为零件时尺寸功能语义的变化来生成尺寸模型。
2.The method makes possible the automatic inspection of the consistency between the geometry descriptions and functional semantics of the features in the complete design history during the process of parts design.利用这种方法来辅助零件的设计,能够自动在零件设计过程中检测整个设计历史中特征的形状与功能语义的一致性。
3.In this dissertation, on the basis of the analysis of the dimension effect of engineering drawings, a dimension model based on functional semantics is advanced.本文在分析工程图纸尺寸作用的基础上,建立了基于功能语义的尺寸模型,介绍了尺寸模型的初始生成方法,提出了尺寸模型的调整策略,从而满足尺寸的完整性和合理性要求。

人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]