一般含义,generalized implicature
1)generalized implicature一般含义
1.By analyzing the shades of distinctions between the conventional implicature and the generalized implicature, the author tries to focus on and explain the concept of conventionality of stereotypical relation in a cognitive way.以古典格莱斯含义理论及新格莱斯含义理论对含义的界定和分类为基础,讨论了规约含义和一般含义的异同,批评了含义推导研究中将二者等同的现象。
2.The theory of conversational implicature has developed from the "classical Gricean theory" represented by Grice s "Cooperative Principle"(which studies the particularized implicature) into the "neo-Gricean theory" represented by Levinson s Three Principles(which studies the generalized implicature).会话含义理论已从格氏的以合作原则为代表的"古典理论"(研究会话含义理论的"特殊含义")发展成为列氏的以会话三原则为代表的"新理论"(研究会话含义理论的"一般含义"),对语用推理形成新的推动力。

1.MBO s Common and Special Meanings--Affixation Comment on MBO Model Based on Over Property Right Theory;管理层收购(MBO):一般含义和特殊含义——兼评超产权论的管理层收购模型
2.The two-sided nature of generalized conversational implicature and issues over inferential models of implicatures;一般会话含义的“两面性”与含义推导模式问题
3.Inadequacies in Levinson’s GCI Theory;列文森一般性会话含义理论中的缺陷
4.A Review of Presumptive Meanings:The Theory of Generalized Conversational Implicature;《假定意义:一般会话含意理论》评介
5.I didn't grasp the meaning of that enigmatic comment until much later.直到后来我才领会那个谜一般评论的含义。
6.Conveyance of Generalized Conversational Implicature and Particularized Conversational Implicature in E-C Proverb Translation;英谚汉译中一般与特殊会话含义的传递
7."Their word means a lot ... and people believe in that badge and what it represents.他们的言行意义非同一般……人们信任他们的警徽和警徽代表的含义。”
8.The sense of this work used in the article is diverse from the generous meaning.这篇文章中所用的这个词的含义跟它的一般意义迥然不同。
9.I think the present indefinite tense is the easiest tense of all. Do you know what it means?我想一般现在时是所有时态中最容易的,你知道它的含义吗?
10.Inclusive or generally-opposed to specific and special.说明所属(即包含)的内容,或者一般性地讲,是“指定”和“特定”的反义词。
11.Perhaps the lastest implication is "unusual" or "whimsical".也许,它的最新含义是“不同于一般的”或“异想天开的”。
12.When people discuss reform of the political structure, they always talk about democratization, but they are not clear about what that means.一般讲政治体制改革都讲民主化,但民主化的含义不十分清楚。
13.Generally, the more any of these adverb is stress, the more negative the sentence sound一般说来, 这类副词读得越重, 句子听起来否定含义就越强
14.Generally, the more any of these adverb is stress, the more negative the sentence sound.一般说来,这类副词读得越重,句子听起来否定含义就越强。
15.General Financial Equilibrium and Sensitivity Analysis for Generalized Parametric Implicit Quasivariational Inequalities;一般金融均衡与广义含参隐拟变分不等式的灵敏性分析
16.An Analysis on Cognitive Motivation to Classify the Conversational Implicature into Generalized and Particularized Subtypes;从认知角度解析将会话含义分为一般和特殊的理据
17.productive labor in its general sense一般意义的生产劳动
18."Class of algae, certain members of which are commonly known as stoneworts."藻类之一纲,包含一般通称轮藻的藻类。

generalized conversational implicature一般会话含义
1.As a typical species of generalized conversational implicature,scalar implicature falls well into the realm of Default Logic susceptible to systematic formalization.级差含义是一类典型的一般会话含义,在推理的逻辑本质上属于缺省逻辑并具有系统形式化的可能。
2.Grice referred to a branch of conversational implicature - the generalized conversational implicature and the particularized conversational implicature in "Logic and Conversation" published in 1975.格赖斯在1975年发表的著作“逻辑与会话”一文中提到会话含义的一类——一般会话含义和特殊会话含义。
3)the GCI theory一般性会话含义理论
4)general definition一般定义
1.In the essay,the general definition of enterprise culture is stated on the basis of systematical theory,and then characteristics of enterprise culture is analyzed.本文从系统科学的视角给出企业文化的一般定义,进而对企业文化的系统特征作以分析,提出了在构建企业文化中应该注意的几个基本关系。
5)Ordinary visual angle一般意义
6)general obligation一般义务

城市规划区的含义是什么? 《城市规划法》规定城市规划区是指城市市区、近郊区以及城市行政区域内城市建设和发展需要实行统一控制的区域。城市规划区的具体范围,由城市人民政府在编制规划中划定。这就明确规定城市规划区是由市区、近郊区和规划控制区三部分组成: (1)市区,是指非农业人口占该地区总人口的比重达到比较大的集中