谦称,self-abasing terms
1)self-abasing terms谦称

1.On the Pragmatic Failure and Equivalence of the Honorifics and Terms of Humility in the Chinese-English Translation;敬称、谦称在汉译英中的语用失误与语用等值
2.On the English Translation of Social Deixis about Terms of Humility in A Dream of Red Mansions从《红楼梦》中的谦称谈社交指示语的英译
3.The Modest and Respective Appellation of the Wei,Jin and Six Dynasties from the View of Shi Shuo Xin Yu;从《世说新语》看魏晋六朝的谦敬称谓
4.Modest words included modest appellation and modest adverb, and they were the reflection of etiquette culture.谦敬词语包括谦敬称谓和谦敬副词,合乎古代礼仪的规范,是礼仪文化的反映。
5.Gains and Losses of Chinese Humble and Respectful Addresses in Pragmatic Translation;汉语自谦和尊他称谓在语用翻译中的得与失
6.A Discussion on the Question Whether the First Personal Pronouns of the West Zhou Language Have the Function of Modesty and Respect;论西周汉语第一人称代词有无谦敬功能的问题
7.We will recognize every guest by his or her names‘ serve them with respect, dignity‘ humility.我们尊称每一位客人并以恭敬、严和谦虚的品德待客。
8.used as a Hindi courtesy title; equivalent to English `Mr'.北印度语的谦恭的称呼用语;相当于英语中的先生。
9.The Comparison between the Application of Modesty Maxim of Politeness Principle in Chinese and English Appellations;礼貌原则的谦逊准则在中英称谓语中应用的比较
10.A Study on the Function of Modesty and Respect of Secondary Personal Pronouns in the Unearthed Documents from Warring States to Western Han Dynasty战国至西汉出土文献第二人称代词谦敬功能研究
11.A modest scholar never professed to have exhausted his subject.一个谦虚的学者从不自称对自己研究的课题已经作了详尽无遗的研究。
12.She praised their courtesy, their passion for self-sacrifice, their perfect tact.她称赞他们的谦恭有礼,欣赏他们勇于自我牺牲的情感,以及他们无懈可击的机智。
13.Furthermore, Japan sent a so-called Economic Study Group, headed by Kenji Kodama, a Japanese financial magnate, ostensibly to help China "complete the organization of a modern state" These were schemes for aggression and were known as "Sato's diplomacy";日本财阀儿玉谦次等还组织了所谓“经济考察团”来华,诡称要协助中国建成现代国家。
14.The state or quality of being modest.谦逊谦虚的情态或品质
15.The modest receive benefit, while the conceited reap failure.谦受益, 满招损。
16.seemly conduct, modesty适度的举止、 谦虚
17.With science, modesty or immodesty is not the issue.科学没有什么谦虚不谦虚的问题。
18.You cannot be too modest.人越谦虚越好(无论怎样谦虚都不为过)。

address for courtesy/modesty尊称谦称
1.By analyzing some translation examples of Chinese kinship terms from three aspects:address for courtesy/modesty,address from the angle of another relative and fictive kinship address,the author tries to prove the importance of culture knowledge and translator s creativeness in the translation of cultural words.本文拟从文化的角度,首先对中英亲属称谓的特点及其各自形成的历史原因作简单的对比分析,接着就《红楼梦》英译本中亲属称谓的尊称谦称、从“他”称谓和拟亲属称谓三个方面的译文进行了探讨。
3)self-depreciatory terms敬谦称谓
1.Different self-depreciatory terms decide their usage extent and different referents.《歧路灯》中的敬谦称谓主要有两类:一是含表敬语素的称谓;二是含表谦语素的称谓。
4)courtesy appellation谦敬称谓
1.Chinese perspective law can be deduced from general situation,the characteristics,origin and develpment of courtesy appellation of the middle ancient tim.谦敬称谓词是汉语的常用词汇,也是汉语重要的指称手段。
5)honorific title表谦称谓
6)honorifics and self-abasing forms汉语谦敬称

谦称1.谦逊的称呼。 2.说客气话。