目的互动,goal interaction
1)goal interaction目的互动
2)interactional purpose互动目的
3)Goal-Interaction Principle目的-互动原则
1.The Connotation of Writing Ability and Other Related Issues under the Goal-Interaction Principle;目的-互动原则下写作能力内涵及相关问题

1.The Connotation of Writing Ability and Other Related Issues under the Goal-Interaction Principle;目的-互动原则下写作能力内涵及相关问题
2.On the Construction Principle of the Interactive Teaching Models对外汉语“互动式”教学模式的建构原则
3.Intention Principle,Cooperation Principle and Polite Principle;谎言与目的原则、合作原则及礼貌原则
4.The Principles and Counter Measures Study of Teacher-student Interaction in Classroom;思想品德课堂师生互动的原则和对策研究
5.The Basic Principles of Interactive system for the Evaluation of participatory laboratories;建立参与式实验室评估互动机制的基本原则
6.The Basic Principles of Interactive Internet News in Ideological and Political Education网络互动新闻思想政治教育载体化的基本原则
7.Principles of Visual Interface Design交互界面设计的原则
8.On the Complementarities of the Principles of Most-Favored-Nation Treatment and Reciprocity;论最惠国待遇原则与互惠原则的互补性
9.Process, patterns, and principles are necessary, but not sufficient, for a successful interaction design project.对于交互设计项目的成功,过程、模式和原则是必要的,但不是充分的。
10.We insist on the principle of equality and mutual Benefit, as well as exchanging needed goods.我们坚持平等互利、互通有无的原则。
11.It is our principle to stick to equality, mutual benefit and make up what the other needs.坚持“平等互利、互通有无”是我们的原则。
12.We insist on the principle of equality and mutual benefit as well as exchange needed goods.我们坚持“平等互利、互通有无”的原则。
13.principle of separation of functions, coordination andmutual check of judicial organs分工负责、互相配合、互相制约的原则
14.a principle stating the action required to attain a desired goal.陈述需要的行动以便得到预期的目的的原则。
15.Meanwhile, complying with“ beneficial mutually, develop jointly”, we will service and beneficial for you in confidence.同时我们更将遵照“互惠互利,共同发展“的原则,自信地服务创利于您,以实现双赢的目的。
16.The CP Need to Be A Principle and the Goal-Intention Principle;“合作不必是原则”与“目的——意图原则”
17.A Complementary Study of the CP and the RP in Utterance Interpretation;合作原则与关联原则对话语解释的互补性探讨
18.The Fairness Rul e and Mutual Benefit Rule of Infor-mation Disclosure in Sal es;销售时信息披露的公平原则与互利原则

interactional purpose互动目的
3)Goal-Interaction Principle目的-互动原则
1.The Connotation of Writing Ability and Other Related Issues under the Goal-Interaction Principle;目的-互动原则下写作能力内涵及相关问题
4)the interactive columns互动栏目
1.Under the pressure of digitalization,managing the interactive columns in the traditional periodicals has been one of the most concern and a crucial difficulty to periodical industry.在"数字化"浪潮的冲击下,传统期刊互动栏目已成为时下期刊人最为关注的问题,也是难点问题。
5)tourist-destination interaction pattern旅游者-目的地互动模式
6)the interaction of trarget language culture and mother language culture目的语文化与母语文化的互动

DEQ 目的港码头交货 (……指定目的港)  %26#8220;目的港码头交货%26#8221;是指卖方在指定的目的港码头将货物交给买方处置,不办理进口清关手续,即完成交货。卖方应承担将货物运至指定的目的港并卸至码头的一切风险和费用。  DEQ术语要求买方办理进口清关手续并在进口时支付一切办理海关手续的费用、关税、税款和其他费用。   这和以前版本相反,以前版本要求卖方办理进口清关手续。  如果当事方希望卖方负担全部或部分进口时交纳的费用,则应在销售合同中明确写明。  只有当货物经由海运、内河运输或多式联运且在目的港码头卸货时,才能使用该术语。但是,如果当事方希望卖方负担将货物从码头运至港口以内或以外的其他点(仓库、终点站、运输站等)的义务时,则应使用DDU或DDP术语。