《太阳下的一粒葡萄干》,A Raisin in the Sun
1)A Raisin in the Sun《太阳下的一粒葡萄干》
1.Application of Speech Act Theory in Dramatic Analysis:Taking A Raisin in the Sun as an Example言语行为分析在戏剧文本中的运用——以《太阳下的一粒葡萄干》为例

1.An Interpretation of Speech Acts in a Raisin in the Sun;戏剧《太阳下的一粒葡萄干》的言语行为分析
2.Application of Speech Act Theory in Dramatic Analysis:Taking A Raisin in the Sun as an Example言语行为分析在戏剧文本中的运用——以《太阳下的一粒葡萄干》为例
3.Ruby went to Hollywood to do Raisin in the Sun, the film, whole family moved out.露比去好莱坞拍电影《太阳下的葡萄干》,我们全家人也都搬到那里。
4.A sweet grape dried either in the sun or by artificial means.葡萄干用阳光或人工加工干制的甜葡萄
5.Analysis of the "Home Dream" for the Three Female Characters in A Raisin in the Sun评《阳光下的干葡萄》中三位女性的“家园”梦想
6.Experiment for drying Thomson seedless grape with a multifunctional equipment composed of series-parallel solar energy collectors for drying fruits and vegetables混联式太阳能果蔬干燥设备干燥无核白葡萄的试验
7.A dry white table wine from central France.沃莱白葡萄酒法国中部的一种干白葡萄酒
8.Imagine our galaxy as a red grape in the orange jelly of the universe.设想一下我们的星系就像一粒红色的葡萄处在橙色的果冻(宇宙)中。
9.A small, seedless raisin of the Mediterranean region, used chiefly in baking.无核小葡萄干一种产于地中海地区的无核小葡萄干,主要用来晒干
10.A raisin, when added to a pudding or cake.葡萄干加到布丁或蛋糕里的葡萄干
11.any of several cultivated grapes used for wine and raisins.用于制葡萄酒和葡萄干的任何种植的葡萄。
12.The seedlings had shriveled up a bit in the hot sun.在炎热的太阳光下,幼苗已有一点干枯。
13.We wither like snakes under the dessert sun.=>在沙漠的太阳下,我们像蛇一样干枯。
14.A dry white wine made from grapes originating in the Loire River valley.麝香干白葡萄酒由产于卢瓦尔河流域的葡萄制成的一种干白葡萄酒
15.Any of various sweet white grapes used for making wine or raisins.麝香葡萄用来产葡萄酒或葡萄干的各种白色甜葡萄
16.sweet aromatic grape used for raisins and wine.做葡萄干和酿酒用的香甜葡萄。
17.dry red California table wine made from purple Pinot grapes.加里福尼亚人在进餐时喝的取自加洲紫葡萄的一种干红葡萄酒。
18.dry white Chablis-type table wine made from Chardonnay grapes.进餐时喝的产自夏敦埃葡萄的一种干红白葡萄酒。

A Raisn in the Sun《阳光下的干葡萄》
5)several grapes几粒葡萄
6)Debye Hückel equation干葡萄酒
