规约隐喻,conventional metaphor
1)conventional metaphor规约隐喻
1.This dissertation applies relevant cognitive theories to compare and contrast the analysis of conventional metaphor and novel metaphor, aiming at exploring the mechanism of meaning construction process of figurative language.本文拟借鉴认知语言学相关理论,通过分析规约隐喻和新奇隐喻,旨在探析比喻语言意义构建的运行机制。
2.Grounded on Goalty\'s five clines on metaphoricity,compared with conventional metaphor,this article attempts to define novel metaphor from the cognitive perspectives of similarity and conventionality,and the pragmatic perspective of its communicative effects.借助Goalty对隐喻性参数变化的研究,从认知和语用的角度,对新奇隐喻本体、喻体之间的相似性,新奇隐喻本身的规约化程度,新奇隐喻所创造的语用效果进行解读,通过与规约隐喻的对比和联系,从而界定名词性新奇隐喻。
2)conventional metaphor常规隐喻
1.From conceptual blending theory to the meaning construction process of conventional metaphors:a corpus study based on People s Daily;从概念整合理论看常规隐喻的意义构建过程——基于《人民日报》的语料研究
2.Since a considerably large part of conventional metaphors as the second language have no parallel expressions in the first language,the paper is intended to explore the psychological manifestations exhibited in the process of understanding and using them,and make a comparison with the novel metaphor in terms of cognition mechanism.第二外语常规隐喻中有相当一部分与第一语言间并无对应表达法。
3.A statistical analysis is conducted on English and Chinese visual metaphoric expressions to test the hypothesis of cognitive universals underlying conventional metaphors based on bodily experience.对英语和汉语中视觉词的常规隐喻用法进行统计分析表明,两种语言中均广泛存在着从实体的视觉源范畴向非视觉的思维、感情、态度等范畴的映射,而且这些隐喻表达由于人们反复长期使用已成为常规用法固化在语言中,一般人已感觉不到其隐喻性了。

1.Psychological Reaction towards the Conventional Metaphor as The Second Language;对第二语言常规隐喻的心理反应研究
2.From conceptual blending theory to the meaning construction process of conventional metaphors:a corpus study based on People s Daily;从概念整合理论看常规隐喻的意义构建过程——基于《人民日报》的语料研究
3.On the Translation of Conventional and Novel Metaphors from Cognitive and Pragma-cognitive Perspectives;从认知及语用认知角度看常规及诗性隐喻的翻译
4.In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love.诗歌中常用玫瑰花来隐喻爱情。
5.A Cognitive-pragmatic Approach to Novel Metaphor in Daily Speech;日常交际中新奇隐喻的认知语用研究
6.Translation of Metaphors in Everyday Speech;英语日常用语中隐喻的特点及其汉译
7.Metaphor quality of the colour words in unormally collocated endocintric constructoon;色彩词在定中式超常搭配中的隐喻性
8.It is always better to design idiomatically, using metaphors only when a truly appropriate and powerful one falls in our lap.习惯用法的设计总是更好,只有在非常合适,并且发现了非常强大的隐喻时,才使用隐喻。
9.an grand and imposing entrance (often extended metaphorically).一个非常豪华和壮丽的入口(多用于隐喻义)。
10.English metaphors are common and systematic in everyday speech.英语隐喻普遍、系统地存在于日常用语中。
11.Contrastive Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in Common Sensory Perception Verbs between Chinese and English;英汉常用知觉动词概念隐喻对比及分析
12.Cognitive Space and Metaphor in Western Literature and Daily Words;简论西方文学及日常话语中的隐喻与虚拟空间
13.On the Cognitive Functions of Conceptual Metaphor in Everyday Discourse and Reasoning;概念隐喻在日常话语与推理中的认知功能(英文)
14.Universality of Metaphorization in Everyday English and its Relevance to Cognition;日常英语中隐喻的普遍性及其与认知的关系
15.Metaphorical Mechanisms for the Construction of Anomalous Classifier Structures in Chinese and English汉英表量结构中异常搭配的隐喻构建机制
16.On the Functions of the Metaphorical Implicatures in the Stipulations of the Explicit Meanings;论隐喻含意策略在外显意义规避中的作用
17.Loafers and Admonishers--View Metaphors in Image Era;游手好闲者与规训者——图像时代的观看隐喻
18.The Caretaker:A Metaphor of Power Struggles in a Disciplinary Society《看管人》:规训社会中权力与战争游戏的隐喻

conventional metaphor常规隐喻
1.From conceptual blending theory to the meaning construction process of conventional metaphors:a corpus study based on People s Daily;从概念整合理论看常规隐喻的意义构建过程——基于《人民日报》的语料研究
2.Since a considerably large part of conventional metaphors as the second language have no parallel expressions in the first language,the paper is intended to explore the psychological manifestations exhibited in the process of understanding and using them,and make a comparison with the novel metaphor in terms of cognition mechanism.第二外语常规隐喻中有相当一部分与第一语言间并无对应表达法。
3.A statistical analysis is conducted on English and Chinese visual metaphoric expressions to test the hypothesis of cognitive universals underlying conventional metaphors based on bodily experience.对英语和汉语中视觉词的常规隐喻用法进行统计分析表明,两种语言中均广泛存在着从实体的视觉源范畴向非视觉的思维、感情、态度等范畴的映射,而且这些隐喻表达由于人们反复长期使用已成为常规用法固化在语言中,一般人已感觉不到其隐喻性了。
3)career of metaphor喻体规约性
1.According to the career of metaphor model, as a vehicle became conventionalized, the comprehension of metaphors would switch from alignment-first processing to abstracti.关于本体和喻体在隐喻理解过程中的作用主要有以下几种理论模型:先提取模型,认为隐语句理解始于喻体,是将本体纳入喻体所确定的抽象类别中的过程;先校正模型,认为隐喻的理解始于本体和喻体表征之间的校正,即发现本体喻体间的相似点,包括特征以及相关结构的匹配,然后将喻体结构投射于本体;第三种理论,隐喻的轨迹理论认为,随着喻体规约性程度不断增高,隐喻的理解由先校正的理解过程过程转向先提取的理解过程。
4)conventional metaphorical expressions俗约型隐喻表达式
1.How to Find Their Beliefs through Metaphor Analysis in Community Health Service Research;社区卫生服务研究中的隐喻问题
2.Education Calls Back Metaphor——Effect of Metaphor on Education Development;教育呼唤隐喻的回归——析隐喻对教育发展的促进作用
3.Using the Cognitivity of Metaphor to Shape the Psychological Characteristics of Products;利用隐喻的认知性塑造产品的心理形态特征
1.Talk about metaphors understanding based on A Dream of Red Mansions;以《红楼梦》为例谈隐喻的理解
2.A Multiple-Perspective Analysis of Three English Versions of The Analects Ⅳ——The Translation of Metaphors in The AnalectsⅡ教育哲学典籍《论语》英译研究之四——再论《论语》英译中隐喻的翻译(英文)
