寒暄,phatic communion
1)phatic communion寒暄
1.Based on later Wittgenstein’s philosophical idea of language game,this paper attempts to explore the features of phatic communion as a language game.本文用后期维特根斯坦哲学观点中的语言游戏说探讨寒暄的游戏性质:游戏的目的性、多样性、规则性和动态性,并将这些游戏特征放在顺应论的框架下,观察寒暄语的表意过程。

1.The first compliments were passed between them.他们互相作了寒暄
2.However, she did not stand still for any further greeting.所以她当时可就没站住进一步寒暄
3.After some pleasant talk, we got down to business.寒暄笑谈之后,我们开始做正事。
4.After an exchange of pleasantry, the leader start their negotiation领导人互相寒暄一番, 然後开始谈判
5.After an exchange of pleasantries, the leaders started their negotiations.领导人互相寒暄一番, 然后开始谈判.
6.There's so much to talk about besides small talk.除了寒暄之外,要谈的东西很多。
7.These Chinese conventional greetings, however, need careful studies.在中国,说起寒暄,还真有些说道呢。
8.He stopped to pass the time of day with Roland.他停下来与罗兰寒暄(了一会)
9.Even cousinly amenities were subject to suspicion.表兄妹间的寒暄也会令人多心。
10.After an exchange of pleasantry,the leader start their negotiation.领导人互相寒暄一番,然后开始谈判。
11.Talking about Phatic Utterances in Pragmatics;有用的废话——从语用角度谈“寒暄语”
12.The correct answer to the query is "nothing".对这种寒暄应该回答说“没有什么需要了”。
13.After replying to the old man's greeting he showed no inclination to continue in talk.他和老头儿寒暄完了就不愿意再说话了。
14.Ater a few preliminaries he told me in precise and formal detail the story set out below.在略为寒暄之后,他严谨详细地告诉我下面的事。
15.It was after the business meeting and things were going socially with a hum.当时刚散了会,大家正在活跃地交谈和寒暄
16.You will miss smiles, brief conversations with people as you shop or dine away from home.你买东西或在外面吃饭,不会有人跟你说笑寒暄
17.Winterbourne judged it becoming to address a few words to her mother温德朋想在礼貌上应该同她母亲寒暄两句。
18.We exchanged a few commonplaces about our work and the weather.我们相互寒暄了几句有关工作和天气的套话。

1.Illustration on the Connotation and Implementation of Japanese Greetings;日语寒暄语的深刻内涵与灵活运用举隅
2.When Japanese exchange greetings with each other, they always select different greetings according to different listeners and different situations.日本人在日常生活中频繁使用的寒暄语和日本人的社会、历史、文化等有着不可分割的联系。
3.Japanese greetings express more of a politeness than an intimacy.日本人的寒暄语与其说重视相互之间的亲昵 ,不如说更重视礼貌。
3)phatic communion寒暄语
1.Discourse analysis, as a branch of linguisitics, is a young subject, while phatic communion is a major part of discourse.话语分析是新兴的语言学分支,而寒暄语又是话语的重要组成部分。
2.the impact of the cultural differences between English and Chinese on phatic communion translation is very delicate.中西方文化差异对寒暄语翻译的影响十分微妙,对它意识不到或稍不留心,就会产生误解甚至冲突。
3.Through the analysis of the two typical phrases expressing phatic communion, i.寒暄语具有充当社会关系的润滑剂、保持社会接触和填补言语空白等功能。
4)phatic function寒暄功能
5)phatic utterances寒暄语
1.The different society cultural backgrounds affect the use of phatic utterances.寒暄语作为一种普遍的语言现象,其内涵和特点清晰明确,具有缩短交际者之间社会距离和维持、改善人际关系的社会功能。
2.Such features as the purpose,variety,regularity and dynamics of phatic communion are investigated against the framework of adaptation theory with a view of understanding the meaningful functioning of phatic utterances.本文用后期维特根斯坦哲学观点中的语言游戏说探讨寒暄的游戏性质:游戏的目的性、多样性、规则性和动态性,并将这些游戏特征放在顺应论的框架下,观察寒暄语的表意过程。
6)pass the time of day向某人问候;寒暄

寒暄寒暄 寒暄   古病名。指肺有痰热,每感寒即发咳嗽(即所谓“寒包火”、“寒包热”)的病证。《医学入门·咳嗽》:“又有遇寒则咳者,谓之寒暄。乃寒包热也。解表则除,枳梗汤加麻黄、防风、杏仁、陈皮、紫苏、木通、黄芩。”参见寒包热咳嗽,风寒感冒等条。