意义感染,meaning infection
1)meaning infection意义感染
1.From the perspective of socia-linguistics,the concept of meaning infection is put forward,and he two major approaches of meaning infection in lexical affective meaning changes are analyzed.从社会语言学的角度,提出"意义感染"的概念,重点分析词义感情色彩变化中的意义感染现象发生的两大主要途径。
2.From the perspective of socia-linguistics,this paper firstly puts forward the concept of meaning infection, and concentrates on the two major paths of meaning infection in lexical affective meaning changes.从社会语言学的角度,首先提出"意义感染"的概念,继而重点分析词义感情色彩变化中的意义感染现象发生的两大主要途径。

1.Analysis on Meaning Infection in Lexical Affective Meaning Changes论词义感情色彩变化中的意义感染现象
2.having many values, meanings, or appeals.由许多的涵义、意义或者感染力。
3.The Clinical Application of Testing HBV DNA in Semen of HBV Infected Patients with PCR-ELISAPCR-ELISA法检测HBV感染者精液HBV DNA的意义
4.Follow-up study on serological detection of anti-SARS-CoV IgG/IgM antibody and its significanceSARS-CoV感染人群抗体的跟踪研究及意义
5.Examination and Clinical Significance of Infectious Diseases Indicators before Blood Transfusion输血前传染病感染指标的检查及其临床意义
6.Differential Expression of VEGF and COX-2 in HBV-related and non-HBV-related Hepatocellular Carcinoma;VEGF、COX-2在HBV感染型和非HBV感染型肝细胞癌中的表达差异及意义
7.Clinical Significance and Pathogenicity of HGV庚型肝炎病毒感染的致病性与临床意义
8.Changes and Clinical Significences of Toll-like Receptors in Neonates with Infections;Toll样受体在新生儿感染时的变化及临床意义
9.The Expression and the Relationships among TLR4, MBP, GFAP, and PDGFR-α in the Brain of the Premature Rats with Intrauterine Infection;宫内感染早产大鼠脑TLR4、GFAP、MBP、PDGFR-α表达及意义
10.Clinical Value of Procalcitonin in Neonates with Severe Bacterial Infectious Diseases;降钙素原在新生儿重症感染时的临床意义
11.A Study on Levels of Gelatioase in Patients with Central Nervous System Infection;中枢神经系统感染患者明胶酶水平测定及意义
12.Determination of Levels IL-2、IL-6 for Women with Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection in Genital Tract女性生殖道衣原体感染IL-2、IL-6的检测及意义
13.Pathogenic Bacteria of Abdominal Infection:A Clinical Analysis31例腹腔感染的病原菌分析及意义探讨
14.Significance of nosocomiology subject in higher medical education医院感染学课程在高等医学教育中的意义
15.Changes in C-reactive Protein Associated with Infection after Surgical Operation of Mandibular FracturesC反应蛋白用于监测骨折术后感染的意义
16.Significance of Confirmation Test of Serum for Syphilis Patients确证试验评价梅毒患者感染现状的意义
17.Significance of serum IαIP and IL-8 for early diagnosis in neonates with bacterial infectionsIαIP、IL-8在新生儿细菌感染早期诊断中的意义
18.Detection of Staphylococcus aureus L-form infection in ovarian carcinoma and its significance金葡菌L型感染在卵巢癌中检测的意义

semantic infection语义感染
3)Remote sensing遥感意义
4)affective meaning情感意义
1.This paper demonstrates non-equivalent words with conceptual meaning,connotative meaning and affective meaning respectively,and analyzes their cultural connotations.本文从词语的概念意义、比喻联想意义及情感意义三方面的不对等,分析其所反映的文化内涵,从而说明深入理解词语的文化内涵对外语教学的重大意义。
5)emotion meaning感情意义
6)poetic edification诗意的感染

意义1.谓事物所包含的思想和道理。 2.内容。 3.美名,声誉。 4.作用,价值。