1.Study on highly efficient in vitro regeneration system for leading cultivar of strawberry- Fengxiang ;草莓主栽品种丰香高效离体再生体系的研究
2.Priliminary Report on Strawberry Seedling Breed Technique of Fengxiang and Rixin-1丰香与日新1号草莓种苗繁育技术研究初报
3.Using the leaves of Fengxiang and Zhangji as experimental materials, the factors affecting adventitious shoots regeneration were studied in order to establishment of a reliable, rapid and efficient in vitro regeneration system of leaf and carry out strawberry transformation successfully.以丰香和章姬叶片为试材,研究影响不定芽再生的诸多因素,以建立简单、快速、高效的叶片离体再生体系,为草莓的遗传转化研究与应用奠定基础。

1.Studies on Mechanism of a High-efficient Regeneration System and Genetic Transformation of Strawberry;丰香草莓高效再生的机理及遗传转化研究
2.Study on the Storage Properties and Fresh Keeping Technologies of Strawberry (FengXiang Variety) at Room Temperature;草莓(丰香)贮藏特性及常温保鲜技术研究
3.Common Plant Diseases and Insect Pests of the Fengxiang Strawberries and Their Prevention and Treatment;粤北地区引种丰香草莓常见病虫害及防治对策
4.Study on Techniques of Efficient Detoxification and Rapid Propagation for "Fengxiang" Strawberry“丰香”草莓高效脱毒及快速繁殖技术研究
5.There was rich food and delicious wine.食物很丰盛,酒很香甜。
6.Rich: Having generous, rich, pleasant flavors.丰富:富有多样,丰富,愉快的香味。
7.Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and lots of fruit.酒体浓郁,厚实的单宁和丰富的果香。
8.Green banana pulp contains large of starch and resistant starch.青香蕉含有丰富的淀粉和抗性淀粉。
9.Bouquet: Rich and inviting, exhibiting vanilla, pastry and honey flavors, with hazelnut and citrus lurking in the background.气味:丰富诱人,以榛实、柑橘为基调,带有香草和蜂蜜的香味。
10.Bouquet: Lush flavors of cherry and plum, with hints of cedar and violets in the nose.气味:丰富的樱桃和洋李的香味,还带有雪松和紫罗兰的香味。
11.Ripe yellow fruits with hints of honey on the nose. Smooth and delicate on the palate.商品描述:带有成熟的水果香及蜂蜜的嗅香,口感爽滑,丰满。
12.Full of ripe fruits and honey smell, it is a smooth and full-bodied wine.商品描述:带有成熟的水果香和蜂蜜的嗅香,口感爽滑,丰满。
13.It has a spicy, ripe blackberry aroma that shows hints of tobacco, nutmeg, and cedar.成熟的黑莓香中蕴涵着丰富的香料味道,如烟草,肉豆蔻和雪松。
14.Red Côte de Beaune are noticeable for their aroma and their warm bouquet.波恩山坡的红酒以它的丰富的果香和浓郁的酒香闻名。
15.Taste: The palate is dry and supple with hints of red currant and blueberry overtones.口感:口感干而丰满,有一抹红加仑和蓝莓的香味。
16.Delightful lemon and fresh fruit flavors, after a rich, subtle attack.丰饶微妙的口味伴着柠檬果香,十分怡人。
17.The Hong Kong Heng Feng Group has entered into the area, with30 million USD of the front-end investment.香港恒丰集团已进入新区,前期投资3000万美元。
18.Sir John R.H. Bond Chairman of the HSBC Group香港:“我的精神家园”——记汇丰集团主席庞约翰爵士

1.Growth characteristics of hybrid indica rice Fengyouxiangzhan under high yield culture;优质杂交籼稻丰优香占高产栽培生长特性研究
2.Population developing characteristics of hybrid rice with good quality,Fengyouxiangzhan;优质杂交籼稻丰优香占群体生长特性的研究
3.Effects of the Amount of Nitrogen and Density on Yield,Quality and N-absorbing Utilization Efficiency of Rice "Fengyouxiangzhan";氮肥与密度对丰优香占产量、品质及吸氮特性的影响
3)Toyonoka strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa Duch.)丰香草莓
1.The influence of different light quality under identical light intensity on plant growth, fruiting and fruit quality of Toyonoka strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa Duch.研究了相同光强下不同光质对丰香草莓生长发育的影响。
4)Hong Kong Li & Fung香港利丰
1.The Experience and Implications of Bank Insurance of HSBC;香港汇丰集团银行保险的经验及其启示
6)nɑnfeng xiɑngbo南丰香钹

南丰香钹  江西曲种。早期是由民间艺人借鉴当地朝山拜庙的香客所唱的"谒仙"形式发展而成,多在逢年过节或大户人家婚寿喜庆时,手持铜钹,挨门串户,演唱彩词。后逐渐演唱时调小曲和民间传说、戏文题材的曲词,吸收了傩舞的铜钹敲击技艺和地方戏曲的部分唱腔,发展为一种有说有唱的坐唱曲艺形式,伴奏仍以铜钹为主,增加了皮鼓、二胡、小扬琴、笛子。演唱时,由一人主唱,三、四人帮腔。音乐唱腔平稳舒缓,适于叙事。    南丰香钹盛行于清代中叶,至辛亥革命后已濒于失传,传统曲词也多佚失。1958年以后,南丰县文化部门组织人员深入调查,研究探索了香钹的继承和发展问题,陆续创作了一些新曲目,如《红梅向阳开》、《当年红军回康都》、《毛委员带兵康都来》等,使香钹艺术重新焕发了青春,受到农民群众的喜爱。