1.Effects of Different Planting Time on Growth and Development of Gladiolus Stolon and Cormel;唐菖蒲种球种植期对匍匐茎和子球生长发育的影响
2.Analysis of several index of physiological and biochemical characters for quality evaluation on cormels of Gladiolus;唐菖蒲子球质量评价的生理生化指标探讨

1.balls used in playing pool.弹子球运动中使用的球。
2.tapering rod used to strike a cue ball in pool or billiards.弹子球或台球中用来撞击母球的尖细的杆子。
3.a billiard table(台球)球桌, 弹子台
4.a mallet used to strike the ball in croquet.槌球游戏中击球的棒子。
5.Hat Trick of Own Goals乌龙球“帽子戏法”
6.When a ball goes out of the playground, there are boys to chuck it in球滚出球场时,有孩子会将球扔进来。
7.A stationary ball in lawn bowling; a jack.做靶子的球草地保龄球中的静止不动的球;作靶子的目标球
8.A:A fan ran across the football field in his birthday suit and interrupted the game.一个球迷光着身子冲过足球场,迫使球赛中断。
9.The Analyzing Technology and Effect of Smash with Our Country Male Sitting Volleyball;我国男子坐式排球扣球技术、扣球效果分析
10.Technical analysis of jumping serve of female beach volleyball players using simultaneously muscle electricizing and photographing;女子沙滩排球跳发球空中击球技术的分析
11.The Characteristic Analysis in the Goals and Goals Against of the Fifth Women's World Cup第五届女子世界杯足球赛进球和失球特征分析
12.The child pricked the balloon and it burst.那孩子在气球上刺了个洞, 气球就爆了.
13.a stick used by hockey players to move the puck.曲棍球队员用来移动冰球的杆子。
14.Whenever people talk about football, it seems there is only man's football.人们一说足球,就好像只有男子足球了。
15.Men's basketball was open to all professionals,男子篮球开始开放给职业球员参加,
16.Right-handed batters usually hit to left field.右撇子击球手把球打到左外野。
17.a ball bowled by a left-handed bowler to a right-handed batsman that spins from off to leg.左撇子投手投向右手击球员的曲线球。
18.All the children play tennis and many play netball too.孩子都打网球,很多人也打无网篮球。

male football team男子足球球
3)spherical particle球形粒子
1.The imperfect interface condition which is equivalent to the effect of a thin interphase for a spherical particle is derived in terms of interface displacement and traction jumps, as is the linear spring interface condition which is equivalent to the effect of a thin interphase.通过界面位移和应力的间断量建立了与球形粒子薄界面相等效的不完善界面条件和线弹簧界面条件。
2.In this paper, based on the reciprocity theorem, the light scattering from a spherical particle above a slightly rough dielectric surface is studied.基于互易定理研究了光波入射时微粗糙面与其上方球形粒子复合模型的光散射。
3.The phenomena of light scatting by polystyrene spherical particle is observed.在理论方面,结合广义米理论,通过数值模拟,研究了不同捕获条件下,单层和多层球形粒子受到的捕获力情况。
4)spherical roller球面滚子
1.Research on M1080 centerless grinder machining spherical roller;用M1080无心磨床加工球面滚子探讨
2.Application of three points measurement for spherical roller球面滚子三点测量的应用
3.There are many advantages such as compact microstructure,nice metal streamline,higher material usage rate and production efficiency for the spherical rollers manufactured by plastic formation method.采用塑性成形工艺加工的球面滚子内部组织致密、金属流线好,材料利用率高,且生产效率高。
5)atomic sphere原子球
6)Pleionebulbocodioides Rolfe冰球子
1.OBJECTIVE: To establish a HPCE method for determining the content of colchicines in Colchicine Tablets, Cremastraappendicutat Makino and Pleionebulbocodioides Rolfe, and to identify Cremastraappendicutat Makino and Pleionebulbocodioides Rolfe Pleione.目的:建立以高效毛细管电泳法测定秋水仙碱片、毛慈姑、冰球子中秋水仙碱含量的方法,并对冰球子、毛慈姑进行鉴别。

普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白药物名称:丙种球蛋白英文名:γ-Globulin别名: 免疫血清球蛋白;普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白外文名:γ-Globulin 适应症: 含有健康人群血清所具有的各种抗体,因而有增强机体抵抗力以预防感染的作用。主要用于免疫缺陷病以及传染性肝炎、麻疹、水痘、腮腺炎、带状皰疹等病毒感染和细菌感染的防治,也可用于哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、湿疹等内源性过敏性疾病。 用量用法: 肌注:每次2~5ml,3周1次,用于内源性过敏性疾病,每次10ml(含量10%者),3周内注射2次。胎盘球蛋白每次6~9ml。 注意事项: 1.按球蛋白来源可分为两种,一为健康人静脉血来源的丙种球蛋白制剂,按蛋白质含量有10%、16%、16.5%等数种(国内制品浓度在10%以上),其中丙种球蛋白占95%以上。另一种为胎盘血来源的丙种球蛋白(人胎盘血丙种球蛋白),即胎盘球蛋白,含蛋白质5%,其中丙种球蛋白占90%以上。胎盘球蛋白因丙种球蛋白含量以及纯度均较低,其用量应相应增大。 2.除专供静注用的制剂外,一般制剂不可静注。 3.注射大量时,可见局部疼痛和暂时性体温升高。 注:参见:“丙种球蛋白注射液”. 类别:免疫增强剂(免疫反应调节剂)