1.The results showed: 15 clones had significant differences on the precocity and high yield controlled by genotype X environment interaction,whose genetic character of mai.结果表明:无性系早实性和丰产性受环境与遗传的作用存在着明显的差异;无性系主要性状遗传特性表现突出,尤其单株果穗数遗传力高达75。
2)precocious trait早实特性
3)early bearing早期结实性
1.55 and it was also the main factor affecting the early bearing of the chinese chestnut.结果表明,高接当年新梢加长生长总量的权重值为055,是衡量板栗早期结实性强弱的主要生长因素。
4)early substantive test早期实质性测试
1.Lzao is a new early ripening, precocious and thin shell walnut cultivar.‘绿早’是早实早熟薄皮核桃新品种,极早熟,7月底至8月初成熟;仁饱满、香脆,单仁鲜质量14。
2.A New Precocious and Thin Shell Walnut Variety Lüling ;‘绿岭’是早实薄皮核桃新品种,从‘香玲’核桃中选出。

1.The paper proves that the project is feasible and should be implemented as early as possible.论证结果表明,项目可行,应及早实施。
2.Molecular Genetic Position for Walnut(Juglans Regia L.) Precocious Gene;核桃(Juglans regia L.)早实基因定位的研究
3.make effective from an earlier date.从早些时候开始被实施。
4.His dream will come true sooner or later.他的理想迟早会实现。
5.That theory comes of practice has long been proved .理论来自实践早已证明。
6.Sirrah, by my fay, it waxes late.(Shakespeare).小子,老实说,天不早了。
7."I might have known it," murmured he -- "I did know it!“我早就该明白了,”他抽油地说。 “我其实早就知道了!
8.Method of Establishment Animal Model of Early Pregnancy Monkeys猕猴早早期妊娠实验动物模型的建立方法
9.antedate a letter by three days把信上日期比实际填早三天
10.In fact, sensation and emotion had left him.事实上,他早已失去了兴致和热情。
11.an antedated cheque填有比实际日期早的支票.
12.He swore falsely that he had seen me that morning.他不真实地发誓那天早晨他看到过我。
13.In fact, historical documents long ago testified to the existence of such songs.事实上,某些历史文献早有记载,
14.Compare these examples of his early and late styles.将他这些早期风格和实例比较一下。
15.I demonstrated conclusively this morning.今天早上我已经确实证明了。
16.Actually, my wife and I were through long ago.实际上我和妻子的感情早就破裂了。
17.Honest men marry soon, wise men not at all.老实的人早成婚,聪明的人不结婚。
18.The idea of sea-floor spreading actually preceded the theory of plate tectonics.海床扩展说实际上早于板块结构理论。

precocious trait早实特性
3)early bearing早期结实性
1.55 and it was also the main factor affecting the early bearing of the chinese chestnut.结果表明,高接当年新梢加长生长总量的权重值为055,是衡量板栗早期结实性强弱的主要生长因素。
4)early substantive test早期实质性测试
1.Lzao is a new early ripening, precocious and thin shell walnut cultivar.‘绿早’是早实早熟薄皮核桃新品种,极早熟,7月底至8月初成熟;仁饱满、香脆,单仁鲜质量14。
2.A New Precocious and Thin Shell Walnut Variety Lüling ;‘绿岭’是早实薄皮核桃新品种,从‘香玲’核桃中选出。
6)Early fruit早实
1.In the experiment, comprehensive techniques were used, by means of selecting fine graft seedlings, rational closely planting, disposing male trees, proper pruning and manuring, preventing and controling of diseases and pests, promoting blossom, early fruit, and so on.其综合技术措施是选用良种嫁接苗、适当密植、配置雄株、整形修剪、合理施肥、防治病虫害及促花早实等。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-