1.The spindling reason and control method of sugar beet seed plant;甜菜种株徒长原因及调控措施
2.Studies on the Controlling Technology of Spindling of Branches and Leaves of Greenhouse Grape;温室葡萄枝叶徒长的调控技术研究
3.There are diferences among the effects of the three auxins on tomato spindling,treatment with 30 mg/L MET decreased plant growth by 13 % and increased yield by 7.秋大棚栽培条件下,研究3种生长素多效唑、缩节胺和农大2号各3种浓度处理对番茄徒长的控制效果,主要包括2个指标,株高和产量(667m2)。

1.The land is too rank to grow corn.土地过肥不宜种谷类〔徒长枝叶,结实稀少〕。
2.A long tiring journey on foot.长而累人的徒步旅行
3.They were sentenced to long terms in prison.他们被判长期徒刑。
4.It is futile to develop perverted knowledge that increases envy and the other five poisons.若长养知识,却徒增嫉妒与五毒,也是徒劳。
5.A member or an adherent of a Presbyterian Church.长老会教徒,长老会教义支持者
6.The bandits take away the bank manager and keep him hostage歹徒抓走银行行长并将他扣为人质
7.The governor commuted the prisoner's sentence of death to one of life imprisonment.州长将这囚犯的死刑减为无期徒刑。
8.There needs a long apprenticeship to understand the mystery of the world's trade.要知世事奥秘多,须要长期作学徒。
9.The gang live abroad, beyond reach of the British police.这帮匪徒住在国外, 英国警方鞭长莫及.
10.a bank robber wearing a stocking mask戴着长筒袜面罩抢劫银行的匪徒.
11.Presbyterians and other Dissenters长老会教友及其他新教徒.
12.Several of our client have receive long prison sentence.我们客户中有好几个被判处长期徒刑。
13.The train robbers coshed the guard.抢劫列车的匪徒用短棍袭击列车长.
14.The bandits take away the bank manager and keep him hostage.歹徒抓走银行行长并将他扣为人质。
15.a Protestant layperson who assists the minister in various functions.以各种各样的职责帮助教区长的耶稣教徒的平信徒.
16.The mayor's enemies spread a rumor that he was in cahoots with gangsters.市长的仇人散布谣言说,市长与歹徒暗自勾结。
17.Presbyterian– The set up of the Presbyterian Church is very complex and difficult to define.长老会教徒——长老会的构成极为复杂,难以明晰。
18.All efforts to reconcile him with his elder brother proved vain.所有力图使他和兄长和解的努力都成为徒劳。

1.The Study on the Overgrowth Mechanism and Controlling Measures of the Cucumber Seedlings;黄瓜穴盘苗徒长机理及控制技术的研究
3)over growth of hyphae菌丝徒长
1.Research on the Updating Investigation of Abies Ernestii Watershoots黄果冷杉徒长枝更新调查研究
5)a chronic alcoholic长期酗酒的酒徒
