1.Study on the Reason and Countermeasure to the Poor Fruit Set of Zuili (Prunus Salicina Lindl.);槜李不良结实性的原因及其对策研究

1.Study on the Reason and Countermeasure to the Poor Fruit Set of Zuili (Prunus Salicina Lindl.);槜李不良结实性的原因及其对策研究
2.RAPD analysis and comparison of main agronomic characters of Zuili(Prunus salicina Lindl.) from different provenances不同种源槜李的RAPD分析及主要农艺性状比较
3.check one's luggage寄存行李,打行李票
4.I checked my baggage in the baggage section.我在行李房托运行李。
5.This is Li Na, and this is Li Hui.这是李娜,这位是李辉。
6.The bellboy helps the guest to take the baggage, and check the baggage number.行李员帮助客人拿行李,并向客人核对行李件数。
7.Please prune plum trees promptly. The plum pickers plucked the plump plums.请迅速修剪李子树。摘李子的人摘下饱满了李子。
8.Please put your luggage here. The luggage man will take care of it.请大家把行李放在这里,行李员人管行李的。
9.On Rectitude Personality of Li Taibai;火中青莲李太白——《李诗秘要》前言与李白生平述略
10.CN Lie algebras, CS Lie algebras and Symmetry self - dual Lie algebras;CN李代数、CS李代数与对称自对偶李代数
11.Ap- ples, pears, peaches, plums.苹果,梨,桃子,李子。
12.Evening. I am Li Dan.晚上好。我是李丹。
13.Good evening. I'm Li Ying.晚上好,我是李英。
14.Afternoon. I am Li Dan.下午好。我是李丹。
15.Li Ming pushes the @on@ button.李明按下了“on”按钮。
16.lemon, damson cheese柠檬、 洋李果酱.
17.King Lear is a tragedy.《李尔王》是出悲剧。
18.Sure,@ Li Ming says.“当然了,”李明说。

1.Storage of plum at differently controlled atmosphere conditions.;不同CA条件下李的贮藏研究
2.Report of Distant Hybridization about Armeniaca,Apricot and Plum in Green House;设施内杏梅、李及杏远缘杂交试验
3.Effects of water stress on water content,relative membrance permeability and the activity of antioxidant enzymes of plum leaves;水分胁迫对桃形李叶片含水量、质膜透性和抗氧化酶活性的影响
3)Prunus salicina Lindl李
1.,Prunus salicina Lindl.),李(Prunus salicina Lindl。
4)Prunus salicina李
1.Genetic relationships between Prunus salicina ‘Hongjing’ and other important plum cultivars红晶李与其他李品种之间亲缘关系的研究
2.A molecular marker technique based on restriction enzyme and simple sequence repeat(SSR), which showed high polymorphism,was used to find the difference between two varieties of Prunus salicina.利用具有高多态信息含量,基于限制性内切酶和简单重复序列的分子标记技术筛选两个中国李品种间的差异,电泳后从聚丙烯酰胺凝胶上回收差异片段,测序后设计一条引物与微卫星引物配对使用,即可将其转化为微卫星特异标记(当然也是SCAR标记)。
3.‘Baicui Jimali’(Prunus salicina ‘Baicui Jimali’) is a new and good quality plum cultivar selected from‘Sanhuali’.‘白脆鸡麻李’是从‘三华李’(Prunussalicina‘Sanhuali’)中选育出来的优良李新品种。
1.Identification of Monilinia laxa from imported Chilean plum.;进口智利李子上核果褐腐病菌鉴定
2.The high benefit cultivation model of pear orchard intercropped with plums;梨园间作李子高效栽培模式
6)Prunus humilis欧李
1.Studies on processing technology no-sulfur and low-sugar preserved Prunus humilis;欧李无硫低糖果脯的加工工艺研究
2.Cloning and Evolutionary Analysis of Self-incompatibility S-gene in Prunus humilis Bunge;欧李自交不亲和S基因的克隆及序列分析
3.Variation of Different Forms of Calcium Contents and Their Correlation During the Growth Stage of Prunus humilis Tissues;野生欧李生长期组织器官中不同形态钙含量的变化及其相关性

L(+)-鼠李糖一水合物 鼠李糖,一水CAS:10030-85-0分子式:C6H14O6分子质量:182.17熔点:91-93℃中文名称:L(+)-鼠李糖一水合物 鼠李糖,一水英文名称:L(+)-Rhamnose monohydrate; Rhamnose,monohydrate iso-Ducitol用途:用作生化试剂。