1.Cold resistance of sweet cherry Zaodaguo grafted with 3 stocks of wild cherry,Daqingye,Gisela No.采用自然鉴定法和电导法对山樱桃、大青叶、吉塞拉5号嫁接的甜樱桃品种早大果的抗寒性进行了鉴定、比较。
2)Early fruiting早果

1.The Spreading Branch Technique for Early Fruit-bearing of Apple Saplings of Mato 1藤牧一号苹果幼树早果丰产拉枝技术
2.Techniques of early bearing,high yielding and ecological culture for pear with prematurity and high quality in the north of Zhejiang浙北早熟优质梨早果高产和生态栽培技术
3.If I had gone to bed early last night, I would have got up early this morning .果真昨晚我早睡觉,今天早上我就早起了。
4."If I have gone to bed early last night, I will have got up early this morning. "果真昨晚我早睡觉,今天早上我就早起了
5.Early wed, early dead.早婚早死(如果结婚比人早,死神跟前先报到)。
6.If you get up earlier, you will have have time for breakfast如果你起床早一点,你会有时间吃早餐
7.If you get up earlier, you will have have time for breakfast.如果你起床早一点,你会有时间吃早餐。
8.She had a glass of orange for breakfast .她早餐喝了一杯果汁。
9.If you don't, it'll keep on saying, @Good morning...good morning...如果没这样做,它就会“早安,早安……”一直叫个不停。
10.He got up early, so that he caught the first bus .他早早就起床了,结果赶了首班公共汽车。
11.Effect of early intervention on the health of 60 immature neonates with low body weight60例早产低出生体重儿的早期干预效果分析
12.An Analysis on the Result of Screening,Early Detection and Treatment for Colorectal Cancer from 2007 to 2008 in Haining City,Zhejiang Province海宁市2007~2008年大肠癌早诊早治筛查结果分析
13.Never work before breakfast; if you have to work before breakfast, get your breakfast.千万别在早饭前工作,如果必须在早饭前工作,就吃早饭吧。
14.It is not economical to go to bed early to save the candles if the result is twins.如果结果相类,早上床以节约灯盏并非节俭,。
15.Effects of Fruit Senescence and Low Winter Temperature on the Section-drying in Valencia Orange;果实早衰及冬季低温对夏橙果实枯水的影响
16.It looked like rain this morning,but it has turned out to be a fine day.今天早上看起来要下雨,结果是个好天。
17.If there's one meal that is ignored nowadays, it is breakfast.如果有一顿饭被忽视的话,那就是早餐。
18.If you get bingo on the way, tell me in plenty of time.如果路上车快没油了,要尽早告诉我。

Early fruiting早果
3)Early blooming and fruiting早花早果
4)early maturity and high yield早果早丰
5)early fruit and high-yield早果丰产
6)early physiological fruit drop早期落果
