农业洪灾保险,Agricultural Flood Insurance
1)Agricultural Flood Insurance农业洪灾保险
2)agricultural insurance for disasters农业灾害保险
3)agriculture catastrophe insurance农业巨灾保险
1.Because of frequently occurring of agriculture catastrophe and great property loss, personnel casualty, huge sum of insurance loss of insurance company around the world, agriculture catastrophe insurance is a global problem.农业巨灾保险是一个全球性的问题,是保险业正在拓展的一个新领域,也是保险理论研究的一个新课题,这是基于巨灾在全球的频繁发生以及由此而造成的巨大的财产损失、人员丧亡和保险公司巨额保险损失。

1.Risk-based Decentralized Agricultural Catastrophe Insurance Strategy of China基于风险分散的农业巨灾保险策略研究
2.On the Agricultural Catastrophe Insurance Supply and Demand Sides Game Behavior and Countermeasures农业巨灾保险供求双方行为博弈及对策
3.Analysis and optimization of behaviors of agricultural catastrophe entities based on limited rationality基于有限理性的农业巨灾保险主体行为分析及优化
4.Shared Mechanism Against Huge Loss In Guangxi's Agricultural Insurance广西农业保险巨灾损失分摊机制探讨
5.Aatastrophe and agricultural insurance system with reinsurance at the core;以再保险为核心的巨灾和农业保险体系研究
6.Modeling Catastrophic Risk of Precipitation and Premium Rating in Jilin Province;农业巨灾风险分析与保险费率厘定研究
7.The Analysis on Catastrophic Risk,Premium Subsidy and the Disequilibrium of Agricultural Insurance Markets in China巨灾风险、保费补贴与我国农业保险市场失衡分析
8.Catastrophe Bond: Agriculture Catastrophic Risk Transfer Solution Offered by the Capital Market;农业巨灾风险的资本市场解决方案——巨灾债券
9.The comparative study of agricultural insurance and disaster relief--A research on 494 rural families in Jilin province农业保险和巨灾救济的比较研究——来自吉林省494户农民的调查证据
10.Study on the Innovation of Mechanisms in Agricultural Catastrophe Risk Management我国农业巨灾风险管理机制创新研究
11.Research on the Quantity of Agricultural Catastrophe Insurance Funds in China我国农业巨灾风险基金数量问题研究
12.Agricultural Natural Disasters and Political Agricultural Insurance;我国农业自然灾害与农业政策性保险
13.Constructing and perfecting China agriculutre disaster transition system;建立健全我国农业巨灾风险转移分担机制
14.The claim payment capacity of Chinese property and casualty insurance industry for catastrophe risks中国财产保险业巨灾损失赔付能力实证研究
15.Insurers protect themselves against the catastrophe through reinsurance.保险人通过再保险使自身免遭巨灾。
16.Research on Building the Catastrophe Insurance Reinsurance System in China;我国巨灾保险再保险体系构建的研究
17.On Loss Caused by Agriculture Disaster and Agriculture Policy Insurance of China;论我国的农业灾害损失与农业政策保险
18.Securitization of Catastrophe Risk and the Development of CAT Bonds in China;巨灾保险证券化与巨灾债券在我国的应用

agricultural insurance for disasters农业灾害保险
3)agriculture catastrophe insurance农业巨灾保险
1.Because of frequently occurring of agriculture catastrophe and great property loss, personnel casualty, huge sum of insurance loss of insurance company around the world, agriculture catastrophe insurance is a global problem.农业巨灾保险是一个全球性的问题,是保险业正在拓展的一个新领域,也是保险理论研究的一个新课题,这是基于巨灾在全球的频繁发生以及由此而造成的巨大的财产损失、人员丧亡和保险公司巨额保险损失。
4)catastrophe and agriculture reinsurance巨灾和农业再保险
5)Agricultural insurance catastrophe bonds农业巨灾保险债券
6)Agricultural insurance农业保险
1.An analysis on the system of financial support for agricultural insurance in China;对我国农业保险补贴制度的思考
2.Sustainable development of agricultural insurance in Shanghai responding to WTO;应对WTO,实现上海农业保险业持续发展
3.Analysis on China s Agricultural Insurance Based on Positive Externality;基于正外部性的我国农业保险问题透析
