突发自然灾害,sudden natural disasters
1)sudden natural disasters突发自然灾害
1.Facing with the abnormal situation, sudden natural disasters have put new demands for the responsibility of the government.突发自然灾害这一非常态情境对政府责任提出了新的要求,作为公共权力的行使者和“救灾”这一公共行为的首要主体,政府组织不但需要践履应对突发性自然灾害的各种法律责任和行政责任,更需要在履行法律责任和行政责任等的基础上承担起与突发自然灾害这一特殊情境相适应的道德责任。

1.Research on Sudden Natural Public Disaster Events between the United States and China;中美突发自然灾害事件应急管理比较研究
2.Aviation Medical Support to Sudden Natural Disasters突发自然灾害紧急救援航空卫勤保障的启示
3.The Mathematics Model of Sudden Natural Disaster s Rush Repair;突发性自然灾害紧急修复的数学模型
4.Study on the Function of Information Communication in Sudden Natural Calamity Accident;信息传播在突发性自然灾害事件中作用的研究
5.Floods occur more often than any other natural disaster.洪灾比其他的自然灾害更容易发生。
6.Serious sudden natural calamity and artificial calamity are main factors which cause the general emergency.突发的严重自然灾害和人为造成的灾害是导致一般紧急状态的主要因素。
7.Natural disasters may be the main reasons of the difference.造成差异的主要原因可能是某些突发的自然灾害。
8.The state has set up an emergency system and a social relief system to deal with abrupt natural disasters.国家建立了针对突发性自然灾害的应急体系和社会救助制度。
9.The Chinese government has set up a special social relief system to relieve the sufferings of victims of unexpected natural calamities.为做好灾民的救助工作,中国建立了针对突发性自然灾害的社会救助制度。
10.that these natural disasters were a call for humans,这些自然灾害对人类发出了号令,
11.The occurrence of flood and drought disaster (FDD) is not a simple natural accident.水旱灾害的发生并非单纯的自然事件。
12.Natural Calamities Influenced Social Development in Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty;清代台湾自然灾害对社会发展的影响
13.During the Jin Dynasties, natural disasters took place and caused the severe damage to the society.两晋时期,自然灾害频发,造成了严重的社会危害。
14.Study on Natural Disasters and Cortrolling and Reducing Disasters in Chongqing;重庆市自然灾害特征及防灾减灾研究
15.Natural Hazards and Mitigation Measures in USA美国的自然灾害和防灾减灾(英文)
16.Inter-American Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction美洲减少自然灾害会议
17.International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction国际减轻自然灾害日
18.extraordinary serious natural calamity非常严重的自然灾害

exceptional natural disasters突发性特大自然灾害
3)disaster training突发灾害
4)natural disasters自然灾害
1.Characteristics of natural disasters and relevant countermeasures in Hainan over 40 years(1949-1988);建国40年间(1949—1988)海南岛自然灾害发生特点及其抗救措施
2.Discussion on cognitive model of natural disasters;自然灾害的认知模式探析
3.Countermeasures to prevent and cure natural disasters in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River;长江中下游防治自然灾害的若干对策
5)natural disaster自然灾害
1.Climatic fluctuation and natural disasters in tropic China during recent hundred years;中国热带近百年气候波动与自然灾害
2.Research on essence of natural disaster's in the era of humanistic solicitude;人文关怀语境下的自然灾害本质探析
3.Safety production accidents and natural disasters in China in the year 2005;2005年中国安全生产事故与自然灾害状况
6)natural calamity自然灾害
1.Fuzzy recognition model and its application in assessment of natural calamity;自然灾害的模糊识别模型及其应用
2.Role of pharmacist in guaranteeing safety for the people in natural calamity and war;药师在自然灾害和战争中对保障公众安全所起的作用(Ⅰ)
3.West nationalities area is our country ecological environment extremely frail area,also is natural calamitymany areas.西部民族地区是我国生态环境十分脆弱的地区,又是自然灾害较多的地区,在诸多自然灾害中,旱灾和雪灾对西部民族地区影响最大,并呈现出一定的发生规律。
