重大水旱灾害,significant disaster of flood and drought
1)significant disaster of flood and drought重大水旱灾害

1.Study on the Influence of Severe Floods and Droughts to Prices of Grain;重大水旱灾害对粮食价格的影响研究
2.The next were pestilence, windstorm, frost hail, hailstorm and earthquake.其中危害较大的仍是水、旱、蝗灾,其次是瘟疫,风灾、霜雹、地震。
3.Assessment on Agricultrual Hazard of Flood-drought and Research on Reducing Flood-drough by Ecological Measures--A Case Study of Loss from Flood-drought in Hengyang;农业水旱灾害风险评估及生态减灾研究——以衡阳市水旱灾情为例
4.The relationship analysis between El Nino and great drought and Water logging disaster of Yanji and the Gray forecast;厄尔尼诺与延吉市重大旱涝灾害的相关分析及灰色预测
5.The occurrence of flood and drought disaster (FDD) is not a simple natural accident.水旱灾害的发生并非单纯的自然事件。
6.A Brief Discussion on the Government Measures Against Floods and Droughts in Henan During the Republic of China;民国时期河南水旱灾害及其政府应对
7.Flood and Drought in Shucheng in the Ming and Qing Dynasty;明清时期舒城地区水旱灾害及其成因
8.A Study on The Flood and Drought and in Hubei from 1896 to 1897;1896-1897年湖北水旱灾害及赈务研究
9.Guizhou Flood and Drought Disaster and Village Society (1912~1926)贵州水旱灾害与乡村社会(1912~1926)
10.Study on the Mechanism of Flood & Drought Disaster in the Low Mountains and Hill District in Southeast Hubei;鄂东南低山丘陵区水旱灾害成灾机理的研究
11.The Character of Waterlogging and Drought and Their Relieve Social Contermeasures in Hengyang Basin;衡阳盆地水旱灾害特征及减灾社会化措施
12.Occurrence of Agricultural Floods and Droughts and Forecasting of Serious Disasters in Hengyang City衡阳市农业旱涝灾害发生规律及大灾预测
13.Last year our country was hit by natural calamities over wide areas; About 120 million mou of farmland and 40 million people were affected by flood or drought to a greater or lesser degree.我们国家去年有广大的灾荒,约有一亿二千万亩耕地和四千万人民受到轻重不同的水灾和旱灾。
14.Studies on the Origin of Flooding-drought Disasters and Establishment of Water Circulation Safety System in Hunan Province;湖南水旱灾害成因及水循环安全体系建设研究
15.The Flood-Drought Calamity And Construction About Water Of Jin-Ji-Lu-Yu Anti-Japanese Imperism Base Area晋冀鲁豫抗日根据地的水旱灾害与水利建设
16.The floods created havoc.洪水造成了巨大的灾害.
17.Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Agricultural Drought and Flood in Hengyang;衡阳市农业水旱灾害风险评价与风险管理研究
18.Flood and Drought: Facts and Countermeasures in North China in the 20th Century;20世纪华北地区的水旱灾害及防救措施研究

floods and droughts水旱灾害
1.The preliminary study on the floods and droughts in Zhejiang during the reign of Chongzhen;明末浙江水旱灾害分布规律与成因分析
2.The constant floods and droughts in the Yangtze and Huaihe river area during the Ming and Qing dynasties had resulted from the combined action of many elements.明清时期江淮地区水旱灾害的频繁发生是多种复杂因素共同作用的结果。
3.This article use the Marxist materialist conception of history and probe into the relationship between floods and droughts and agro-farming in Jianghuai of China in Ming and Qing dynasties, with the visual angle of social economic history of calamity.本文以灾害社会经济史的视角,对明清时期江淮地区的水旱灾害与农业耕作关系作了深入地探讨。
3)flood and drought disaster水旱灾害
1.This paper analyzes the characteristic and cause of drought and flood disaster in Shaanxi Province, forecasts the future tendency of the flood and drought disaster, gives the general understanding and comprehensive prevention countermeasure for the disaster, and provides essential gist for both flood and drought prevention and damage control plan of Shaanxi Province .分析了陕西省水旱灾害的基本成因及特点,预测了陕西未来一段时期水旱灾害的发展趋势,提出对水旱灾害的认识及综合防治的对策建议,为陕西的防汛抗旱及减灾规划工作提供了依据。
2.are analyzed Basic characteristic of hydrologic situation and rule of flood and drought disaster occurring in Shanxi province are generally reflected.介绍了山西省的自然地理概况 ,分析了降雨、蒸发、径流、暴雨、洪水、洪峰、枯水、水质、水资源量等重要参数的水文特征 ,概括了山西水文情势的基本特点和水旱灾害发生的规律等。
3.During the year of 1912-1926,frequent flood and drought disasters occurred in Guizhou.1912~1926年间,贵州水旱灾害频仍,几乎无年不灾、无灾不烈,且很多时候是多灾并发。
4)flood and drought disasters水旱灾害
1.Immpacts of flood and drought disasters on society economy and countermeasures in Liaoning Province;水旱灾害对辽宁省社会经济的影响及减灾对策
5)flood and drought水旱灾害
1.The preliminary study on flood and drought in Shanxi Province and their impacts on foodstuff production;山西省水旱灾害及其对粮食生产的影响
2.In the great development,it is necessary and urgent to protect and to improve ecological environment,and to reduce the losses caused by flood and drought disasters.中国西部地区是水旱灾害频发的地区 ,长期以来经济发展滞后 ,人口不断增长 ,给生态环境造成了极大的压力 。
6)Flood and Drought Calamities水旱灾害
1.The Flood and Drought Calamities and Crops Plant of Huizhou Area in Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清徽州的水旱灾害与粮食种植

重大1.谓物体大而沉重。 2.大而重要。 3.指高而重要的官位。 4.指诗文风格凝重,气象阔大。