重要贡献,important contribution
1)important contribution重要贡献
1.The compatriots in Taiwan have made important contributions to the victory of the Anti-Japan War in mainland.台湾同胞为全国抗战胜利做出了重要贡献,主要表现在八个方面:广泛开展宣传教育活动;积极开展对敌工作;进行医疗和制药工作;制造战时急需物品,帮助恢复和发展生产;开展武装斗争;团结国际反法西斯力量一起抗日;发起台湾光复运动和参加收复台湾的准备工作;被强征到日军中的台籍士兵纷纷起义投诚,参加抗日。

1.She was congratulated for her valuable contribution to the education .她因对教育的重要贡献而受到祝贺。
2.This study makes a significant contribution to the theory of cancer metastasis.这项研究对肿瘤转移理论有重要贡献
3.W·H·Bragg's Important Contribution to Science of Sciencew·H·布拉格对科学学的重要贡献
4.The dotted lines indicate which AO's contribute significantly to each MO.虚线表示出哪些AO对各MO有重要贡献
5.On Simaqian s Contribution to the Research on Quyuan(2);二论司马迁屈原创作研究的重要贡献
6.DENG Xiaoping s Important Contribution to Chinese Political Modernization;邓小平对中国政治现代化的重要贡献
7.LU Xun s Important Contributions to Children s Literature;鲁迅在儿童文学建设方面的重要贡献
8.Liu Shaoqi s Significant Contribution to Mao Zedong Thought;试述刘少奇对毛泽东思想的重要贡献
9.Augustine's Important Contribution to Christian Biblical Interpretation奥古斯丁对基督教释经学的重要贡献
10.The Important Contributions of the Compatriots in Taiwan to the Victory of Anti-Japan War in Mother Country台湾同胞在祖国抗日战争中的重要贡献
11.Range Women s Contribution to the American West in the Pioneering Period;美国西部牧区妇女在拓荒时期的重要贡献
12.On the major contributions by Zhu De in the central committee;浅论朱德在中央工作委员会时期的重要贡献
13.On the Theory Characteristics of Deng Xiaoping Theory and Its Important Contribution;论邓小平理论的理论特性及其重要贡献
14.Important Contribution by China Democratic League in the Second Kuomintang-Communist Cooperation;论民盟在维护第二次国共合作中的重要贡献
15.QU Qiu-bai s Great contribution to the Chinese Communist Party s Construction;略论瞿秋白对中国共产党建设的重要贡献
16.Great Contributions of Zhou Enlai to Socialism with Chinese Characteristics;周恩来对中国特色社会主义的重要贡献
17.On Chen Yun s Significant Contribution to Deng Xiaoping Theory and Its Enlightenment;陈云对邓小平理论的重要贡献及其启示
18.Nevertheless, Jorgensen's contributions should not be slighted然而,乔金森的贡献不能说不重要

great contribution重要贡献
1.He scored a first way of the philosophy popularization and made a great contribution to the road of exploring the reality and Chinese characteristics of philosophy in China.艾思奇的《大众哲学》坚持理论与实践相结合 ,哲学与人民相结合的正确方向 ,在我国率先开辟了哲学通俗化、大众化的道路 ,并对哲学中国化、现实化进行了初步探索 ,做出了重要贡献
3)factor contribution要素贡献
1.An Empirical Study of the Institution Rule,Factor Contribution and Determinants of China s Economic Growth;制度主导、要素贡献和我国经济增长动力的分类检验
2.Factor Ownership"and "Factor Contribution"-On the Essence of the "Distribution basedon the Factor"Issue and Measurement Standard;“要素所有权”与“要素贡献”——论“按要素分配”问题的实质与衡量标准
3.A Study on the Agricultural Factor Contribution in the Process of Industrialization;工业化进程中的农业要素贡献研究
4)main contribution主要贡献
1.The main contribution of academician WU Xian-zhong in the field of integrating Chinese and Western medicine research was here introduced.在中西医结合研究领域,吴咸中院士主要贡献包括:一是通过长期实践,逐步形成和不断完善了中西医结合治疗急腹症的新体系。
5)main contributions主要贡献
1.The main contributions of originative poetics are the following:1.原创诗学的主要贡献在三个方面 :1、确认诗歌是诗人内心世界的外化。
1.The ultimate goal of sustainable agriculture is to realize harmonious development of agricultural multifunction, however the governmental policy decision-sector and the society does not yet give rise to highly attention to multi-contribution of sustainable agriculture.因此对可持续农业的多重贡献价值进行了初步的货币化评估,并在此基础上提出我国农业可持续发展的政策建议。

《美国人对世界文明的五大贡献》美国作家查尔斯•威廉•埃利奥特 的作品,本书收录了19世纪末20世纪初美国各届知名人士的十三篇散文,其中有著名教育家查尔斯•威廉•埃得奥特所写的《美国人对世界文明的五大贡献》,有著名作家约翰•巴勒斯所写的《蜜蜂赞歌》,有汉密顿•马堡的《鳕鱼岬上的忒奥克里托斯》以及亨利•詹姆斯的《法国戏剧》等等。内容涉及历史、政治、自然风光、心理、文学以及思想等方面,论述深刻,描绘细致,寓严谨的知识于通俗的叙述中,为读者展开了一幅19世纪末20世纪初美国社会生动画卷。