诠释学研究,study of hermeneutics
1)study of hermeneutics诠释学研究
1.The year 2003 after the death of Gadamer witnessed great advances in the study of Hermeneutics in China which can be characterized by the fact that researchers became more and more rational in their choice of subjects for study and that the study of hermeneutics was carried out in a more balanced way.伽达默尔去世之后的2003年,国内学界的诠释学研究逐步进入一个理性、平实而有条不紊的新阶段。
2)paradigm of annotation research诠释学研究范式
3)Interpretation Research诠释性研究
4)hermeneutic phenomenological method诠释现象学研究法
1.Methods Based on the Dewey s reflective thinking theory,by using Van Manen s hermeneutic phenomenological method,reflection diaries of 20 baccalaureate nursing students were analyzed.方法以杜威的反省思维理论为基础,使用VanManen的诠释现象学研究法,对20名护生的临床反思日记进行分析。
1.The Northern Song neo-Confucianism under the vision of hermeneutics of the Yi-ology;易学诠释学模式下的北宋理学
2.Researches on Several Basic Questions of the Theories of Hermeneutics;关于诠释学理论中若干基本问题的探究
3.On the interpretations of Yi jing from the angle of hermeneutics;从诠释学的角度看《易经》的解读

1.Onto-hermeneutics:interpretation from ontology and interpretation of ontology;本体诠释学体系的建立:本体诠释与诠释本体
2.The Dialogue between Hermeneutics and Theology:Contributions of Gadamer s Hermeneutics;诠释学与神学的对话:伽达默尔诠释学的贡献
3.On Readerization of Translation Interpretation from Hermeneutical Perspective;论哲学诠释学视角下的翻译诠释的读者化
4.Zhu Xi s Epistemological Hermeneutics and Lu Jiuyuan s Practical Hermeneutics;朱熹的知识论诠释学和陆九渊的实践论诠释学
5.On the Self-Demonstration of Eco Hermeneutics and Hermeneutic Entropy in Foucault’s Pendulum;论《傅科摆》的艾柯诠释学回证与诠释熵情
6.A comparative study of hermeneutic cycle by Qian Zhongshu and hermeneutics in the west;钱锺书“诠释循环”与西方诠释学的关系辨析
7.Understanding and Interpretation;"理解"与"诠释"——论西方诠释学发展的内在逻辑
8.Transformation of the center of western hermeneutics and its sound tendency;西方诠释学诠释重心的转换及其合理走向
9.The Interpretation of Legal Context Theory Seen from the Perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics;哲学诠释学视野下的法学语境论解释
10.Hermeneutics in the Cultural Fusion of Chinese and Western Learning:On the Establishment of Chinese Hermeneutics of Confucian Classics中西学术文化交汇中的诠释学——论中国经学诠释学的建构
11.Historically Effected Consciousness of Philosophical Hermeneutics and Hermeneutic Consciousness of Literary History哲学诠释学的效果历史意识与文学史的诠释学意识
12.Fusion of Philosophical Hermeneutics and Linguistics: Hermeneutics in Target Language;哲学诠释学与语言学的交点融合——语言诠释的方法
13.What Is “the Basic Character of Philosophial Hermeneutics” --And comment on Hermeneutics experience;“哲学诠释学的基本特征”到底是什么——兼诠释学经验范畴述评
14.Understanding Psychology;“理解”的心理学——诠释学对心理学的启示
15.Flower of Understanding Is Blossoming: Walk into World of Hermeneutics;理解之花常开:走进诠释学世界——《理解之思———诠释学初论》读后
16.Heidegger and the Turn of Ontology of Hermeneutics--On the Hermeneutical Questions in Being and Time;海德格尔与诠释学的存在论转向——《存在与时间》中的诠释学问题
17."Feng-Song-Han-Yong"and the theory of "Xie-Yun";“讽诵涵泳”与“叶韵理论”——论朱熹《诗经》诠释学美学诠释方式之二
18.The theoretical development and the application of rhetorical criticism-through the study of the Sermon on the Mount as an illustration;圣经修辞诠释学的理论发展与应用——以登山宝训为诠释范例

paradigm of annotation research诠释学研究范式
3)Interpretation Research诠释性研究
4)hermeneutic phenomenological method诠释现象学研究法
1.Methods Based on the Dewey s reflective thinking theory,by using Van Manen s hermeneutic phenomenological method,reflection diaries of 20 baccalaureate nursing students were analyzed.方法以杜威的反省思维理论为基础,使用VanManen的诠释现象学研究法,对20名护生的临床反思日记进行分析。
1.The Northern Song neo-Confucianism under the vision of hermeneutics of the Yi-ology;易学诠释学模式下的北宋理学
2.Researches on Several Basic Questions of the Theories of Hermeneutics;关于诠释学理论中若干基本问题的探究
3.On the interpretations of Yi jing from the angle of hermeneutics;从诠释学的角度看《易经》的解读
6)Integration of TCM and Modern Medicine医学诠释
